Crown Court (1972)
Crown Court (1972)
Crown Court is an afternoon television courtroom drama produced by Granada Television for the ITV network that ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984.

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1978x01 Black and Blue (1)

03 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x02 Black and Blue (2)

04 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x03 Black and Blue (3)

05 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x04 Meeting Place (1)

10 January, 1978 12:00 am
Introverted middle-aged bachelor Leslie Simon and outgoing teenager Barry Gems seem worlds apart but an encounter between them in a parks public toilet late on a Saturday night left Mr. Simon badly injured. The Prosecution assert that Gems deliberately assaulted him.

1978x05 Meeting Place (2)

11 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x06 Meeting Place (3)

12 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x07 Echoes (1)

17 January, 1978 12:00 am
David Miller is accused of committing grievous bodily harm against Ronnie Dewhurst, a man with whom he has long had a tense relationship and whose former girlfriend he has married. Dewhurst says he was assaulted in a pub

1978x08 Echoes (2)

18 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x09 Echoes (3)

19 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x10 White Lies (1)

24 January, 1978 12:00 am
Dispatch worker Raj Singh is accused of stealing merchandise from the Electrotoy factory where he worked and of wounding his supervisor Ronald Makepeace. The Prosecution argue that the goods were found in the boot of Singh's car by Mr. Makepeace whom he then assaulted in a fit of anger. However Singh denies both charges. He retorts that the items were planted in his car, the culmination of a campaign of racially-motivated harassment throughout his employment.

1978x11 White Lies (2)

25 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x12 White Lies (3)

26 January, 1978 12:00 am

1978x13 The Song Not The Singer (1)

31 January, 1978 12:00 am
Dr. Ruth Wilkins attended a concert by singers John Barnard and Julie Gilmour. However she was not a fan and after hearing them perform one of their songs they are charged with blasphemy. Dr. Wilkins is a committed Christian and moral campaigner and argues the song causes outrage to Christians. The Defence maintain that the song is quite acceptable and a legitimate statement of protest against the cruelties of war.

1978x14 The Song Not The Singer (2)

01 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x15 The Song Not The Singer (3)

02 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x16 Michael (1)

07 February, 1978 12:00 am
Robine Fisher stands accused of infanticide - specifically of smothering to death her baby son Michael - while suffering from post-natal depression. The Prosecution case is that she was an inadequate mother who eventually lost control. Injuries on his body suggested he had been deliberately suffocated. The Defence claim though that she cared deeply for Michael and that he died of cot death syndrome. Her desperate efforts to revive him inadvertently caused the injuries.

1978x17 Michael (2)

08 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x18 Michael (3)

09 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x19 Association (1)

14 February, 1978 12:00 am
Novelist Derek Easton is accused of harbouring escaped psychopath John Bright and aiding and abetting him to commit rapes by supplying drugs used to subdue the victims. He had met Bright while on a voluntary stay in a psychiatric hospital and the Prosecution claim the two became strong friends. Easton denies the charges. He says he did not know Bright was a serious sexual offender, did not know he was on the run and did not assist him with the rape offenses.

1978x20 Association (2)

15 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x21 Association (3)

16 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x22 Still Life With Feathers (1)

21 February, 1978 12:00 am
Nadia Phillips faces charges of malicious wounding and criminal damage. The prosecution case is that she assaulted her former fiancé Bob Turner and damaged artworks created by his new partner Alice Lovell.

1978x23 Still Life With Feathers (2)

22 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x24 Still Life With Feathers (3)

23 February, 1978 12:00 am

1978x25 Cat in Hell (1)

28 February, 1978 12:00 am
George Mitchell, a prisoner on a release programme, was found by a police officer in possession of a cashmere coat containing items of jewellery. The coat and jewellery all belonged to members of the wealthy Cunningham family with whom he had been staying while Mrs. Cunningham offered him rehabilitation support. Mitchell admits to stealing the coat but argues that he is innocent of the other alleged thefts. He insists the items were planted and he is the victim of a frame by a member of the Cunningham family.

1978x26 Cat in Hell (2)

01 March, 1978 12:00 am

1978x27 Cat in Hell (3)

02 March, 1978 12:00 am

1978x28 To Catch A Thief (1)

07 March, 1978 12:00 am
George Grainger has a long list of convictions for handling stolen property. How can he explain away a garage full of stolen whisky?

1978x29 To Catch A Thief (2)

08 March, 1978 12:00 am

1978x30 To Catch A Thief (3)

09 March, 1978 12:00 am

1978x31 The Change (1)

14 March, 1978 12:00 am
Marianne Miller has admitted to forging her birth certificate but denies obtaining property by deception from Harry Miller and a former partner Victor Czaky. However this is no typical fraud case because Marianne was born as Stephen Lewis and after a sex change operation "married" Harry Miller. This "marriage" was later annulled as she was born male. Both men claim they had no idea she was born male and would never have embarked on the relationships had they known her true sex.

1978x32 The Change (2)

15 March, 1978 12:00 am

1978x33 The Change (3)

16 March, 1978 12:00 am
On the final day of the trial, Marianne's father takes the stand, as does an eminent endocrinologist, who testifies that, in his medical opinion, Marianne Miller is a woman.

1978x34 The Jawbone of An Ass (1)

21 March, 1978 12:00 am
Frank Robey and his brother-in-law David Charlton have had a tense relationship for some time. Matters though took a rather serious turn at the end of a New Year's party resulting in David Charlton's jaw being broken. The Prosecution argue that Robey struck Charlton with a frozen leg of pork he had taken to the party, angry at it being rejected as a present. However the Defence claim that Robey is innocent. They don't deny that he was unhappy with his brother-in-law but insist the injuries occurred accidentally in a fall.

1978x37 Two Thousand Witnesses (1)

28 March, 1978 12:00 am
A concert by rock band "Tears" ends when teenage fan Michelle Hinds is blinded when her face hits the footlights while being ejected from the stage by roadie James Fagan. Fagan is charged with GBH but claims the incident was an accident.

1978x40 Code (1)

04 April, 1978 12:00 am
Borstal inmate Steven Fisk is accused of stealing items from a shop while he was on an unsupervised visit to the town centre. It is accepted that Fisk took the goods and then handed them in to police. The prosecution contend that Fisk stole the items with the intention of selling them and using the proceeds to cement his position as a "daddy" or dominant figure within the borstal.

1978x41 Code (2)

05 April, 1978 12:00 am

1978x42 Code (3)

06 April, 1978 12:00 am

1978x43 Common Sense (1)

11 April, 1978 12:00 am
Two schoolboys visited a funfair looking for a fifty pence piece that one of them had dropped. While there they met a man who offered them the same amount each if they would perform indecent acts with him. The boys reported the matter to the police and they identified Reginald Barton as the offender. The Defence do not deny an offence took place and Barton admits to a long criminal record for sexual offences against boys. However he insists he is innocent on this occasion and is the victim of mistaken identity.

1978x44 Common Sense (2)

12 April, 1978 12:00 am

1978x45 Common Sense (3)

13 April, 1978 12:00 am

1978x46 In The Heat of The Moment (1)

05 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x47 In The Heat of The Moment (2)

06 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x48 In The Heat of The Moment (3)

07 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x49 Does Your Mother Know You're Out? (1)

12 September, 1978 12:00 am
Divorcee Nora Docherty is charged with exercising control over a prostitute - her own daughter.

1978x52 The Crown of Life (1)

19 September, 1978 12:00 am
John Hibberd, an old man, was left paralyzed and unable to speak after two strokes and was cared for by his wife Violet. She now stands accused of deliberately harming him - firstly by scalding his arm with boiling water and then by putting caustic soda in his bath water. Both Prosecution and Defence agree that the Hibberds had a very unhappy marriage but Violet denies deliberately inflicting the injuries - she insists both occurred by accident.

1978x53 The Crown of Life (2)

20 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x54 The Crown of Life (3)

21 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x55 Past Times (1)

26 September, 1978 12:00 am
In 1964 Yannis Christodoulou, a Greek-Cypriot immigrant, appeared before magistrates charged with wounding Ahmed Hilmi, a Turkish-Cypriot. Christodoulou left for Cyprus before trial at a higher court. Fourteen years later he returned to the UK thinking the case had expired but it has in act been referred to the Crown Court. The Prosecution argue Christodoulou was taunting Hilmi over events in Cyprus but the Defence say he was only acting in reasonable self-defence, thinking Hilmi and a friend were going to attack him.

1978x56 Past Times (2)

27 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x57 Past Times (3)

28 September, 1978 12:00 am

1978x58 Queen Bee (1)

03 October, 1978 12:00 am
Eighteen year old Terry Selwyn died after taking an overdose of his medication while staying at a hostel for mentally ill youngsters. Anna Damon, the former warden, now faces the charge of involuntary manslaughter in connection with his death. The Prosecution allege that she was guilty of criminal neglect in allowing him access to the pills. She asserts her innocence, arguing that she was not on duty at the time and that the hostel was badly managed by its director Gudrun Ewbank.

1978x59 Queen Bee (2)

04 October, 1978 12:00 am

1978x60 Queen Bee (3)

05 October, 1978 12:00 am

1978x61 The Green House Girls (1)

10 October, 1978 12:00 am
Stella Martin-James is accused of stealing money from Mary Carr and Patsy Donovan. However this is not a conventional case of theft as the girls are staying at Green House probation hostel and Miss Martin-James is their warden.

1978x62 The Green House Girls (2)

11 October, 1978 12:00 am

1978x63 The Green House Girls (3)

12 October, 1978 12:00 am

1978x64 Through The Bottom of A Glass, Darkly (1)

17 October, 1978 12:00 am
The Fulchester Free Press published an article accusing journalist Dennis Broadley of being dishonest and a drunk after he wrote a critical article about dancer Linda McDonald. Ben Hare and Julia Andretti of the FFP are now being sued for libel by Broadley who says his comments about McDonald were accurate and involved no deception but they say he tricked her and is notorious for his problems with alcohol.

1978x67 Still Waters (1)

24 October, 1978 12:00 am
Amy Sellars stands accused of the attempted murder of her daughter-in-law Valerie. The Prosecution case is that Amy disliked Valerie who she felt was not right for her son and attempted to kill her by drowning. They allege she organised a rowing trip despite boating conditions being poor and then pushed Valerie - who could not swim - into the water. The Defence reject the charge and retort that Valerie Sellars fell into the water accidentally.

1978x68 Still Waters (2)

25 October, 1978 12:00 am

1978x69 Still Waters (3)

26 October, 1978 12:00 am

1978x70 A Man With Everything (1)

31 October, 1978 12:00 am
Kenneth Eden, a wealthy man, did voluntary work with his wife helping youngsters at a local children's home. However he now finds himself accused of stealing a necklace from and indecently assaulting teenager Barbara Brown. The Prosecution say he was found in possession of Barbara's necklace and molested her when she visited his house. He denies both accusations, arguing Barbara left behind the necklace and the assault claim has been invented by Barbara and her care workers.

1978x71 A Man With Everything (2)

01 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x72 A Man With Everything (3)

02 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x73 Scalped (1)

07 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x74 Scalped (2)

08 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x75 Scalped (3)

09 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x76 Soft Target (1)

14 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x77 Soft Target (2)

15 November, 1978 12:00 am

1978x78 Soft Target (3)

16 November, 1978 12:00 am

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