Monogatari (2009)
Monogatari (2009)
Although there are still traces of the brief period he became a vampire, third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi is human again. He happens upon others with their own supernatural problems and finds that he can empathize. Koyomi becomes involved in their lives, seeking to help them and occasionally asking for advice from Meme Oshino, the homeless man who helped him become human again.

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0x01 Episode 5.5 (Recap)

07 August, 2009 1:30 pm
A recap of episodes 1-5 of Bakemonogatari.

0x02 Kizumonogatari I: Iron Blood Arc

08 January, 2016 12:30 pm
I think it's about time I talked about Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. I believe it's something I have to do. I met her in the spring break between my second and third years of high school. That meeting had such impact, and was also quite devastating.

0x03 Tsubasa Family - Part 1

31 December, 2012 12:30 pm
Koyomi Araragi begins the day by being rudely awoken by his sister, Tsukihi. He decides to discuss love with her, asking how one can tell if they are in love or not. It turns out that recently, he can't stop thinking about his classmate, Hanekawa Tsubasa. Later, he runs into Hanekawa, who reveals a shocking fact which he may not tell anyone else about.

0x04 Tsubasa Family - Part 2

31 December, 2012 12:30 pm
Later, Araragi meets up with Oshino Meme, who quizzes him about Hanekawa. He reveals everything except the secret he was sworn not to tell, including finding and burying a silver cat with no tail. From this, Oshino warns that Hanekawa may have been possessed by an Oddity, the Curse Cat. He instructs Araragi to find Hanekawa, whilst he looks for the shallow grave they dug for the silver cat. Araragi finds Hanekawa, but things then take a turn for the worse...

0x05 Tsubasa Family - Part 3

31 December, 2012 12:30 pm
Araragi, initially ignoring Oshino's warning not to involve himself any further in this incident, visits Hanekawa's house and is shocked by what he finds. He returns home and convinces his sisters not to involve themselves in the Curse Cat incident either. A few days pass and Hanekawa is still nowhere to be found. Araragi returns to Oshino to find him severely injured from his numerous encounters with the Curse Cat. Later, Araragi manges to find and talk to the Curse Cat occupying Hanekawa. Calmer and less violent now, she tells him to leave her to her own devices in order to relieve her master's stress.

0x06 Tsubasa Family - Part 4

31 December, 2012 12:30 pm
Araragi begs Shinobu for her help, which she eventually provides. He then formulates a plan to confront the Curse Cat and save Hanekawa.

0x07 Summary I

11 August, 2013 1:30 pm
This episode summarizes the events of the Tsubasa Family episodes

0x08 Summary II

15 September, 2013 1:30 pm
This episode summarizes the events of the Hitagi Crab, Mayoi Snail, Suruga Monkey, and Nadeko Snake episodes

0x09 Summary III

20 October, 2013 1:30 pm
This episode summarizes the events of the Tsubasa Cat, Karen Bee, and Tsukihi Phoenix episodes

0x10 Suruga Devil - Part 1

16 August, 2014 1:30 pm
After the graduation of Araragi and Senjougahara, Suruga alone to deal with her left hand that has been turned monsterous from her mother's monkey paw charm. After hearing rumors of a "Devil" that can solve one's problems no matter what, Suruga set out to find this person.

0x11 Suruga Devil - Part 2

16 August, 2014 1:30 pm
After having her hand healed, Suruga has many questions for her former classmate Rouka. She was unable to contact her, however a meeting with Keiki Deshu, who seems to have survived the attack from the previous season, answers some questions of hers.

0x12 Suruga Devil - Part 3

16 August, 2014 1:30 pm
Suruga realizes that the collector is in fact Rouka, and she has been collecting parts of the "devil" as she feeds off the misfortune of others. Her motives are questionable...

0x13 Suruga Devil - Part 4

16 August, 2014 1:30 pm
Rouka challenges Suruga to a one-on-one basketball match as the two discuss the events that led up to their collection of their respective "devil" parts. Suruga is still coming to terms with the ability to use her left arm again.

0x14 Suruga Devil - Part 5

16 August, 2014 1:30 pm
Upon finding the Demon's head, she meets Rouka once again. Instead of giving the head to Rouka, she refuses. She is unable to stand the sight of her because of the fact that she can see her as she is a ghost. Suruga then challenges Rouka to one-on-one basketball in a wager for the head if Suruga loses.

0x15 Yotsugi Doll - Part 1

31 December, 2014 12:30 pm
Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino discuss the true nature of Shikigami doll Yotsugi Ononoki, and Koyomi is being rudely woken up by his sisters who tell him to cram for his upcoming college entrance exams.

0x16 Yotsugi Doll - Part 2

31 December, 2014 12:30 pm
Koyomi Araragi sees that he has no reflection, and discusses this with Shinobu. She then suggests that Koyomi should see Yozuru Kagenui and Yotsugi Ononoki.

0x17 Yotsugi Doll - Part 3

31 December, 2014 12:30 pm
As Yotsugi's words sink in, Koyomi remains unfazed. He reasons that his experiences as a vampire must have come with a price. One that he should have to pay. Yozuru commends Koyomi for his acceptance, but tells him that while there is no way to undo the progress of his transformation, there is a way he can stop it from progressing further: he must no longer use his powers as a vampire. Yotsugi informs Koyomi that he can still use his blood to feed Shinobu, but he shouldn't do it too often, and not to the point where he gains any powers. Yozuru warns him that if he were to progress further toward being a vampire, she would have to kill him, as is her duty as a specialist. This raises Shinobu's ire, and she tells Yozuru that if Koyomi were to die, the restraints on her would be released, returning her to her status as lord of the vampires. She would use that power to kill Yozuru. Yozuru accepts the challenge. Yotsugi, not wanting to see the others fight, urges Koyomi to never use his pow

0x18 Yotsugi Doll - Part 4

31 December, 2014 12:30 pm
Koyomi and Yotsugi land at the base of the mountain, where they are surprisingly met by Ougi Oshino. She talks with Koyomi for a while about his current situation and his upcoming confrontation with Teori. Koyomi and Yotsugi begin their journey up the mountain. The two discuss how they will be able to rescue Koyomi's sisters and Suruga. Koyomi hopes that they'll be able to sneak past Teori and get them without him noticing, but Yotsugi is doubtful of that plan. She expects that Koyomi will have to convince Teori to let them go, as this is how Koyomi normally deals with his opponents. Yotsugi then briefly explains how she was created. Back during their college days, Yozuru, Teori, Meme, and Deishu Kaiki did a project to create and artificial shikigami from the corpse of a human, under the direction of Izuko. Yozuru and Teori both fought for 'ownership' of Yotsugi, but in the end, Yotsugi chose to stay with Yozuru. This led to a falling out between Yozuru and Teori. Yotsugi discloses tha

0x21 Koyomi Stone

09 January, 2016 12:30 pm
Before the events of Bakemonogatari, Koyomi and Tsubasa delve into the mystery surrounding a stone that was enshrined into one of the school's gardens.

0x22 Koyomi Flower

16 January, 2016 12:30 pm
After Hitagi's condition is treated, she and Koyomi investigate the true reason why some flowers were left behind on a street and the school's rooftop.

0x23 Koyomi Sand

23 January, 2016 12:30 pm
After Oshino leaves the city, Mayoi informs Koyomi about a sand box whose shape resembles a devil and he decides to find out why.

0x24 Koyomi Water

30 January, 2016 12:30 pm
After Koyomi helps Kanbaru tidying her room, he has a bath in her house, and finds out a curious story about the water of the tub.

0x25 Koyomi Wind

06 February, 2016 12:30 pm
Nadeko comes over to Koyomi's house, and is pleasantly surprised that Koyomi's parents and siblings are all absent. The two then engage in a discussion about Kaiki's curse and his means of spreading the rumor amongst the middle schoolers in town.

0x26 Koyomi Tree

13 February, 2016 12:30 pm
Karen asked Koyomi for advice regarding a mysterious grown tree that suddenly appeared on her dojo's backyard.

0x27 Koyomi Tea

20 February, 2016 12:30 pm
Tsukihi consults Koyomi regarding her Tea Club members on why her fellow members still believe in the ghostly "eight member" despite Tsukihi proving the rumor was fake.

0x28 Koyomi Mountain

27 February, 2016 12:30 pm
As Ougi and Koyomi climb the mountain where the North White Snake Shrine is located, she tells him that the shrine was moved there from another mountain.

0x29 Koyomi Torus

05 March, 2016 12:30 pm
When Koyomi gets donuts from Hitagi, Shinobu tries to eat all of the donuts.

0x30 Koyomi Seed

12 March, 2016 12:30 pm
On his way home, Araragi sees Yotsugi, who asks him for help finding something.

0x31 Koyomi Nothing

19 March, 2016 12:30 pm
When Koyomi asks Yozuru Kagenui about the extent of her relationship with Yotsugi, she challenges him to a fight. But then Yozuru disappears...

0x32 Koyomi Dead

26 March, 2016 12:30 pm
On Exam day, Koyomi visits the North White Snake shrine to look for Kozuru. Instead he sees Izuko Gaen there.

0x33 Koyomi Reverse - Part 1

10 November, 2018 12:30 pm
Koyomi Araragi contemplates the current state of his life post-graduation when he suddenly gets pulled through the mirror into a mysterious yet familiar world...

0x34 Koyomi Reverse - Part 2

10 November, 2018 12:30 pm
Koyomi reexamines his options and is drawn to the bath in the Kanbaru household, but is suddenly attacked by the Rainy Devil. Koyomi narrowly escapes the danger, only to meet more people from this world he supposedly "knows".

0x35 Koyomi Reverse - Part 3

10 November, 2018 12:30 pm
Koyomi attempts to make sense of the mirror world with this world's counterparts of his acquaintances. Later at night, Yotsugi then takes Koyomi to meet yet another person from this world.

0x36 Koyomi Reverse - Part 4

10 November, 2018 12:30 pm
Koyomi meets the Shinobu of this world; as they converse, she reveals to him his powerful influence on the mirror world.

0x37 Koyomi Reverse - Part 5

10 November, 2018 12:30 pm
While taking a bath in the Kanbaru household, Koyomi has an encounter with an unknown yet familiar face who starts up a conversation about knowledge.

0x38 Koyomi Reverse - Part 6

10 November, 2018 12:30 pm
To put together the final pieces of the puzzle, Koyomi makes one final stop at his now-former high school to meet perhaps the most important piece of that puzzle.

0x41 A Cruel Fairy Tale: The Beautiful Princess

17 August, 2024 1:30 pm
Once upon a time, there was a true story that happened about 600 years ago. It's a story of a very beautiful girl who lived in a country that no longer exists.

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