Monogatari (2009)
Monogatari (2009)
Although there are still traces of the brief period he became a vampire, third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi is human again. He happens upon others with their own supernatural problems and finds that he can empathize. Koyomi becomes involved in their lives, seeking to help them and occasionally asking for advice from Meme Oshino, the homeless man who helped him become human again.

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1x01 Hitagi Crab - Part 1

03 July, 2009 1:30 pm
After Koyomi Araragi catches his classmate, Hitagi Senjougahara, when she fell down some stairs, he makes a strange discovery about her. Trying to keep her secret Hitagi attacks Koyomi. However, he has a secret of his own and might be able to help her.

1x02 Hitagi Crab - Part 2

10 July, 2009 1:30 pm
To overcome her problems, Hitagi has to face some difficult and painful memories from her past.

1x03 Mayoi Snail - Part 1

17 July, 2009 1:30 pm
Koyomi Araragi has an argument with his sister and then finds it difficult to stay in the house. He goes to the park where he meets Hitagi Senjyogahara. They see a little girl, Mayoi Hachikuji, comparing the town map displayed in the park to the memo in her hand. Learning that Mayoi has lost her way and route to a relative's home, Koyomi offers to help, only to be violently rebuffed.

1x04 Mayoi Snail - Part 2

24 July, 2009 1:30 pm
After Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjyogahara discover that the girl they met in the park, Mayoi Hachikuji, is trying to get to her mother's house, they offer to walk along with her. However, they keep getting incredibly lost.

1x05 Mayoi Snail - Part 3

31 July, 2009 1:30 pm
While Hitagi is off to Oshino for advice, Koyomi learns more about Mayoi's life. When Hitagi finally returns, she reveals some information that surprises Koyomi.

1x06 Suruga Monkey - Part 1

09 August, 2009 1:30 pm
On his way to Hitagi's house, Koyomi bumps in to Suruga Kanbaru, the school's basketball star and an old friend of Hitagi, of whom he can't get rid of. Later that day, Koyomi is attacked by a mysterious being.

1x07 Suruga Monkey - Part 2

21 August, 2009 1:30 pm
The day after his attack, Koyomi goes to see Suruga, where she tells him something about herself he can't quite grasp.

1x08 Suruga Monkey - Part 3

28 August, 2009 1:30 pm
Koyomi takes Suruga to see Oshino in order to help her. However, the help he offers isn't the help Koyomi wanted...

1x09 Nadeko Snake - Part 1

04 September, 2009 1:30 pm
Koyomi and Suruga travel to an abandoned shrine in order to perform a favor for Oshino. As they climb the mountain the shrine is located on, they pass a girl running down the path, who only briefly exchanges glances before continuing in the other direction. Once they reach the shrine, Koyomi and Suruga discover a number of dismembered snake corpses in what appears to be some sort of ritual. They both quickly decide to leave. Later, Koyomi comes across Hanekawa in a bookstore, where they begin to converse. Hanekawa warns Koyomi that he and Hitagi must set down boundaries in their relationship if it is to last. She then leaves after getting a sudden headache. Koyomi then meets the girl again, who he finally realizes is Nadeko Sengoku, a friend of his sisters who he met as a child. He and Suruga intercept her at the shrine, and return to Koyomi's house. Once there, Nadeko takes off her clothes, revealing snakelike skin, and pleads for Koyomi to save her.

1x10 Nadeko Snake - Part 2

11 September, 2009 1:30 pm
Oshino informs Koyomi that Nadeko is under the effects of a Snake Constrictor, a snake spirit that slowly constricts the life out of its victim. Nadeko explains that it is a curse a classmate placed on her after Nadeko inadvertently rejected the confession of a boy the classmate liked. Normally, a curse placed by an amateur would be harmless, but Nadeko accidentally made the curse worse by performing her ritual at the shrine, which has been corrupted by Shinobu's presence. Koyomi obtains a special charm that will banish the Snake Constrictor and they return to the shrine. While the ritual is seemingly successful, Koyomi realizes that Nadeko is under the attack of two Snake Constrictors, the second being placed by the rejected boy. While the first one is banished, Koyomi is forced to battle the second to keep it from killing Nadeko. He and Kanbaru manage to chase it off, but Koyomi feels guilty for not being able to destroy it, as the Snake Constrictor will return to the person who orig

1x11 Tsubasa Cat - Part 1

18 September, 2009 1:30 pm
After school Koyomi finds Nadeko and they talk about how Shinobu looked at her and Suruga with a different gaze than Koyomi and Oshino. Tsubasa appears and Nadeko leaves abruptly, Koyomi and Tsubasa talk about how Koyomi has become a bad influence to Hitagi in school. Tsubasa gets a headache and Koyomi flashbacks into what happened in Golden Week, Tsubasa turned into a white "cat-woman" and attacked people by absorbing their vitality. Oshino reveals the problem is because of a huge amount of stress built up over the years. Koyomi acts as bait to attract the cat and Shinobu bites her draining her energy until she turns back into Tsubasa.

1x12 Tsubasa Cat - Part 2

25 September, 2009 1:30 pm
Hitagi and Koyomi are having lunch. Her teases him and roughly "asks" him to go on a date. He comes late but Hitagi doesn't seem to mind. Her father drives them to a location where Hitagi teases him more. She leaves him with her father where at first Koyomi was nervous. Her father goes on talking about how he isn't there for her often and asks Koyomi to take cake of her. Hitagi blindfolds him and then shows him an area where a blanket is laid on the ground. They lay down and she tells him that the stars are all she has rest to give him. She tells him that she loves him and Koyomi returns the same feelings. She asks him to kiss her.

1x13 Tsubasa Cat - Part 3

02 November, 2009 12:30 pm
On the way to school, Koyomi finds Hachikuji in the middle of the street and assaults her in a teasing manner. Hachikuji panics and breaks his finger. Later after they calm down, Hachikuji tells Koyomi that she saw Shinobu at the donut store. Koyomi goes to the school bike rack and gets a text from Tsubasa, asking him to ditch school and come to the playground. He finds her there still in her pajamas and wearing a hat. They begin talking about her recent headaches and Koyomi persuades her to take her hat off. He finds out that she had grown cat ears. They agree to go to Oshino’s place. When they reach there, they find him crouching down, buring something in the dirt. Oshino asks them to come in and hits the side of Tsubasa’s head, knocking her out. Oshino tells Koyomi that she was already half cat. Tsubasa’s hair turns white, and the cat is revealed.

1x14 Tsubasa Cat - Part 4

23 February, 2010 12:30 pm
After supressing the bakeneko, Oshino explains Hanekawa's situation to Araragi. Araragi realizes that he may need Shinobu's powers to help him bottle up the oddity. The problem escalates when Araragi learns that Shinobu has gone missing. Enlisting the help of his friends, he starts looking for Shinobu, but to no avail. The cat soon escapes from Oshino, then goes after Araragi, only this time she sides with him and aids in finding Shinobu. The two had conversations regarding Araragi's interactions with oddities, while they scour the city for the missing vampire. The search proves to be difficult even with the bakeneko's keen sense of smell and hearing. This leads the two to change topics, now talking about Hanekawa's situation. The cat explains that there is a way to confine her without relying on a vampire, that she is the personification of Hanekawa's stress, and that she knows exactly what's causing it. She remarks that Araragi, of all people, can deal with it easily. The oddity the

1x15 Tsubasa Cat - Part 5

25 June, 2010 1:30 pm
Araragi is confused after hearing that Hanekawa loved him as he heard from the bakeneko. After an arguing with the bakeneko that "it was a mistake", the bakaneko told him that there was another way to suppress the stress for good, to kill him. Araragi thinks that he could agree with that because he owed Hanekawa his life. But, Hitagi comes upon his mind and he chooses not to be killed. The bakeneko tells him that no one would help him in this situation. Araragi calls out Shinobu's name yelling for her help, and the vampire girl suddenly appears from Araragi's shadow. Everything is settled after Shinobu bites the bakeneko's neck and it reverts back to Hanekawa. The next day before school started, Araragi goes to Oshino's place to bring Shinobu back to him. It seems that nothing is left in the ruined cram school that used to be Oshino's place. After school, Araragi, Hitagi, Kanbaru and Hanekawa went back to Oshino's place searching for him. It seems he had left the place, making Araragi

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