Casualty (1986)
Drama series about the staff and patients at Holby City Hospital's emergency department, charting the ups and downs in their personal and professional lives.
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1x01 Gas
06 September, 1986 8:30 pm
Ewart Plimmer has six months to prove Holby's a going concern and panic sets in when Dr Baz Samuels arrives late for work. Kuba Trzcinski turns detective after a dock land tragedy and Megan Roach reprimands Nurse Clive King for drinking on the job. Charlie Fairhead has words with Ambulance Man Andrew Ponting over his attitude to the job and there's a tragedy in the toilets, when a young woman with a stolen baby, locks herself in.
1x02 Hide and Seek
13 September, 1986 8:30 pm
Clive King has to try and find out why two step sisters are unhappy after one of them is badly injured. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the injured sister felt unloved by her stepfather and Clive tries to make him aware of the problem. A spot check by the DHSS sends ripples through the department and Ewart upsets his wife by cancelling a dinner engagement.
1x03 Night Runners
20 September, 1986 8:30 pm
A football match results in a policeman being stabbed and uncovers an aggressive father's not all he seems, when his son's the suspect. Charlie's at odds with Baz and the DHSS, as Megan rallies support from the staff for a Christian Scientist who refuses to be operated on, with startling results and Duffy prepares for her driving test.
1x04 Jump Start
27 September, 1986 8:30 pm
A troublesome reporter and a head injury case put the staff under pressure. Kuba turns on Clive for drinking on the job and a motorway pile up causes the death of two people. A woman with a guilty secret breaks her silence and the police break into her home to find her aged father dead.
1x05 Blood Brothers
04 October, 1986 8:30 pm
The troublesome reporter's causing more problems and Clive joins the AA after admitting his drink problem. A registrar, accuses a mother of being irresponsible when her little girl is found to be drunk and a pet ferret causes mayhem in the department. A Good Samaritan becomes a victim and a surgeon ignores a haemophilia man's plea and gives him a blood transfusion. Ewart tries to change Baz's mind about leaving.
1x06 High Noon
11 October, 1986 8:30 pm
A union meeting over the state of the National Health's closure scheme and Duffy's stand against porno films are just two problems the staff are faced with. Ewart's been kicked out of his home and Megan's being evasive about her health. A law student won't admit he's an epileptic and a young woman involved in a traffic accident, doesn't know she's seven months pregnant. Duffy's demonstration outside the cinema leads to several embers of the staff being involved in scuffles with the police.
1x07 Professionals
18 October, 1986 8:30 pm
Charlie and Baz are an item and the staff have to deal with a battered wife, who fears for her young son. Rose Sherman meets her match when she tries to deceive Ewart over the cleaning contract and Megan confides in him about having to have an operation. An old woman with lice and a man with an ulcer are admitted and the night shift ends with a punch-up and Duffy getting thumped in the mouth.
1x08 Crazies
25 October, 1986 8:30 pm
A crazed woman's attacking mini-cab drivers and Megan's husband, Ted, picks her up and he nearly becomes her next victim. Charlie and Baz argue over private health care, as Rose Sherman finds she can't bribe Ewart. Nurse Trish tells Duffy she's emigrating for better conditions and a safer life after being attacked. Megan finally tells Ted about her operation and Duffy prepares for her driving test.
1x09 Moonlight Becomes You
08 November, 1986 8:30 pm
Andrew and Sandra are having an affair and Duffy failed her driving test. An old man collapses and his friends are determined to be with him until the end. A drunk driver hampers an ambulance taking a car crash victim to Holby but the staff discover he's been fatally shot. A boil on a bum, brings a cocky young man down to size by Baz and Duffy and Ewart's distraught when his daughter becomes a patient.
1x10 Teeny Poppers
15 November, 1986 8:30 pm
Megan's smuggled back into casualty as she awaits her operation and Charlie and Baz are getting serious. When three teenagers break into a house and experiment with alcohol and drugs, tragedy strikes and Baz faces the wroth of the dead youth's relatives. A man dressed as Spiderman and a suicidal woman tax the staff and Ewart's thrown into turmoil with the sudden arrival of her daughter.
1x11 Drunk
22 November, 1986 8:30 pm
Charlie and Baz are still an item and Megan has her operation. A proposed Royal visit is playing havoc with Ewart's budget and a young lad's found unconscious in a school's swimming pool and a race against time starts to save his life. Duffy's late for work again and as Charlie fumes, he's unaware she's become the latest rape victim.
1x12 Quiet
06 December, 1986 8:30 pm
A local boxing match ends in tragedy when the winning boxer's found unconscious afterwards and becomes Baz's patient. Charlie teases Andy's extra martial liaison with Sandra and Duffy confides in Megan about her rape ordeal. Ewart's on hand to attend to a breach birth and Susie gets pestered by a drunk man. A wounded policeman and a drug addict are attended to, as the brain damaged boxer has to be transferred to another hospital for a scan.
1x13 No Future
13 December, 1986 8:30 pm
Megan's awoken by a disturbance in a neighbour's garden and becomes a mediator for the police, to end the siege. Andy and Sandra are at odds as they bring a crash victim in with a suspected heart attack, but dies before the police can interview him. Ewart's suspicions of the woman's well founded, for when the police search the car, they find drugs and a search for her, is mounted. All's now well between Charlie and Baz.
1x14 Survival
20 December, 1986 8:30 pm
Ewart's wife wants a reconciliation and Baz returns to work amid rumours, she's had an abortion, causing Charlie to fly off the handle. The staff have to deal with an old man's wishes to die, as a young man seeks reassurance on getting married. A bombshell's dropped on the future of Holby and the staff toast a decision to fight for it's survival at the end of their shift.
1x15 Closure
27 December, 1986 8:30 pm
Ewart's got the backing of the staff, as he fights the department over the closure of Holby and a meeting's held at Megan's house to determine there strategy. Kuba saves a man being attacked by a another man, wielding a baseball bat and a suspected case of Lasser Fever, closes the casualty department down until the patient's transferred to an isolation unit. Charlie throws a party to cheer everyone up and next day a demonstration to make the public aware of the closure, is held outside the hospital.
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