Casualty (1986)
Drama series about the staff and patients at Holby City Hospital's emergency department, charting the ups and downs in their personal and professional lives.
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4x01 Chain Reaction
08 September, 1989 8:30 pm
Cyril's keen to find out how his interview went but Charlie‘s keeping quiet about it and Jimmy Powell is in trouble over his attitude to the job and Duffy clashes with the new doctor Lucy Perry, as Charlie shows her round. Duffy tries to help Barbara sort out her children but when she has to have an emergency operation, they are taken into care and her future's not looking good. She's taken to theatre and as she's been operated on, her children arrive and Megan goes to take care of them. Charlie tells Duffy that Megan's in a state of shock because her husband's left her and that why he's keeping her busy. Valerie shocks Charlie and Duffy by admitting they may have to go back to the department for the porters jobs, because of all of the complaints. Out patrolling in their police car, Tony and Nick worry about a young schoolgirl on her own, who refuses to return home and when they leave she gets a lift from a motorist. She soon realises her mistake and as she tries to get out of t
4x02 Accidents Happen
15 September, 1989 8:30 pm
Cyril blames Charlie when Sally gets the job, ahead of him and refuses to talk to him during the shift, but does congratulate her on her promotion. When a group of Americans arrive, he finds himself being offered the chance of a career in the States, which cheers him up and Charlie has to reprimand Jimmy again for slacking off. Beverley Miles falls down the stairs and Eric who is mentally handicapped manages to raise the alarm and goes to the hospital with her, but when her husband Colin arrives, he blames him for the accident. She has to have an emergency operation, performed by Andrew Bower to save her life. Megan tries to help an old man after being reprimanded by Duffy, for failing to see his injury was a dog bite. He confides in her that since the death of his wife, he finding it hard to cope and his dog attacked him because it was hungry. He tells her he has three sons and refuses to be a burden on them and when a woman from the Social Services arrives, he feels she let him
4x03 A Grand in the Hand
22 September, 1989 8:30 pm
The police jump to the wrong conclusion when two cars are involved in a crash, but they can't interview the suspect because he's in a serious condition. His family arrive to break the news that his sister Karen, and the other two pals are dead and he tells Sheila, his other sister, how the accident happened. She finds Virginia Wilson in the observation ward, who admits she's responsible and the police charge her, but Richard Cumming's has to face many months of anguish, due to her act. A hen's brought in by it's owner and Alex discovers it has a cold, so tells the girl what to do and sends her home. Lucy has problems with a man's dislocated shoulder but Charlie comes to the rescue and resets it. Megan is having problems coping and when Charlie catches her at the medicine cabinet, she admits she's hooked on pills, prescribed by her doctor. Valerie overhears the conversation and tells him to report it but what she needs most, is his help. Duffy drops a bombshell on Andrew as he's abou
4x04 Day Off
29 September, 1989 8:30 pm
A third rate comedian ends up being stabbed in the men's toilet and Jimmy finds him and summons help. Valerie's faced with patient unrest over the conditions in casualty and Lucy is stressed over working conditions, as her exams loom. Duffy has doubts about Andrew's commitment and Megan tells Charlie she's overcoming her pill dependency. Jimmy's in a state of shock and the police question him over the stabbing, as Andrew attends to Arthur and has to call for the crash team to take over. Lucy tells him she wants to specialise in general surgery and congratulates him on his new job and assumes Duffy will go with him. Jimmy gives the department a shake up which amuses Valerie and Duffy carpets Alex for giving a patient some pain killers and tells her she's reporting the incident. Megan tries to find out why a woman swallowed bleach and a man with slashed wrists is brought in, refusing to talk. Charlie tells Valerie he wants Jimmy out but she's unwilling and asks why he's in a bad moo
4x05 Vital Spark
06 October, 1989 8:30 pm
4x06 Charity
13 October, 1989 8:30 pm
Grumpy old man, Ivor collapses and his wife, Avril calls for an ambulance. He's snakey to Lucy as she tries to find out a little about him and he refuses to have an operation to relieve a blood clot on his leg. She falls and Duffy finds he hits her and tries to help her but she refuses. Valerie trying to raise funds for the hospital at a posh ball. Simon's taken ill and goes outside then collapses. Wife goes looking for him. A family rowing brings on an asthma attack on little Emily as they try to live in a tiny caravan. The father goes with her but she stops breathing and the ambulance team have to dash through the cars. As they try to save her, Alex has to comfort the father but she dies. An old lady is admitted but there's no hope for her but she's kept in the corridor as they try to find her a bed and Megan tries to comfort her. Richard Godley talks to Lucy about his inexperience. Dan and wife, Sarah come and she's in a state. She's got an eptopic pregnancy. Richard get
4x07 Victim of Circumstances
20 October, 1989 8:30 pm
A newsagent's son is terrorised by thugs on his paper round and is saved by a passer-by who takes him to Casualty. When examined, he refuses to say how he got the knife wound to his neck and it's comes to light, he's been seen before and Dr Lucy Parry thinks he's being bullied. When his father arrives she tries to convince him to report the incident but he refuses. When Charlie takes over, the father tells him about previous attacks and how the police have failed to protect him and his family, so now they just try to get on with their lives. He takes his son home before returning to his shop and finds his assistant has been harassed and she tells him she can't work for him any longer but agrees to stay on until he can get a replacement. Shortly afterwards, the thugs return and when he tries to stand up to them, he's beaten senseless and is rushed to Casualty. As his family wait for news, the staff battle to save him and he survives, although he's in a serious condition.
A mummy'
4x08 Deluge
27 October, 1989 8:30 pm
There's a crisis at Holby due to cut backs and it puts a strain on all the staff, when patients are kept waiting in corridors because there are no beds available. One of Megan's patient's, who has just lost a baby ends up rowing with the husband because of it and Megan has to keep apologising to them for not being able to move her to the ward. Duffy's first patient has a broken leg but she's more upset by the timing of her accident because she was about to go on holiday. After years of holidaying in the UK, she had finally persuaded her husband to go abroad and now they can't go but Duffy sees no reason why, after treatment, they can't go. Charlie and Valerie are at loggerheads over the bed shortage and when she offers him a course to go on, he sees it as a waste of valuable money, in the current crisis. Duffy's not pleased with him either for allowing Alex to go out with the ambulance team. The receptionist, Julie Stevens, is at odds with Jimmy, the porter over getting drunk on
4x09 Union
03 November, 1989 8:30 pm
In the town centre a young girl is thrown from a speeding car but when passers-by go to help her, she's abusive. She is still uncooperative when she's brought into Casualty and gives the staff a hard time. Julie's been promoted and when she tries to ask the girl her name, she refuses to tell her. An agency nurse, Glenn Buchanan reports for duty and it's not long before he's chatting Julie up.
Megan arrives for duty but seems nervous at the sight of reporters outside. She goes in via the back entrance and it appears she's spoken out to the press about the conditions in the department. A reporter comes in, wanting to talk to her but Julie passes him over to Valerie Sinclair. When he suggests the problems in Casualty were the root cause of a patient waiting for a heart by-pass operation, dying, she's put on the spot but she denies it.
An African family rush in with their little girl who is in a bad way. The parents and grandmother are taken to a side room and Julie goes to gather i
4x10 Taking Stock
10 November, 1989 8:30 pm
Charlie is disillusioned and tries to confide in Megan but she has problems of her own as she faces an interview with the general manager which could result in disciplinary action. A toddler left on his own whilst his mother goes to work, takes some pills and has to be pumped out, and a worried mother's relieved to find he'll be alright, after a stay in hospital. A farmer facing eviction, drives his long suffering wife to despair and she shoots him when he gives her his shotgun, and when the staff fails to save him, she faces a murder charge. A man who had tear gas sprayed in his eyes, is revealed as a rapist not the victim, and is arrested by the police and Megan gets a warning.
4x11 Banking for Beginners
24 November, 1989 8:30 pm
Valerie's day starts off badly, when she oversleeps and ignores a cat's cry outside it's elderly owner's home, as she dashes off work. Jane, a social worker calls and finds her in a bad way and she's taken to hospital, where Valerie can't believe she could have done something to help her. Duffy ticks Alex off for being late for work but ends up with egg on her face, when she finds out the reason. She tried to save a man's life after having a working breakfast with a friend, trying to entice her to change careers. An ex-professional footballer has a drink problem and refuses to believe he's over the hill and expects his injury to take priority over other patients. Charlie's away and Valerie tells Duffy the budget for agency nurses has been frozen again and Jimmy's not happy with his new uniform. An elderly mother has to be admitted and it is Jimmy who sees the strange behaviour of the daughter and tries to get someone to check her, but fails, until she attacks her mother again. She
4x12 Hanging On
01 December, 1989 8:30 pm
There's a surprise party at the end of a shift, but a city centre explosion puts the hospital on yellow alert.
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