EastEnders (1985)
EastEnders (1985)
The everyday lives of working-class residents of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough.

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10x01 1994-01-04

04 January, 1994 7:30 pm
Turpin Road Street Market traders are in revolt over the mistreatment of one of their own. Gita returns home unexpectedly to find her sister sleeping over.

10x02 1994-01-06

06 January, 1994 7:30 pm
Gita is reeling over the events of last night while Sanjay and Meena get their stories straight. Michelle goes for her driving test. Phil buys Frank's flat. Grant gives Nadia a stern warning.

10x03 1994-01-11

11 January, 1994 7:30 pm
Pat receives a visitor she never expected to see. Pauline receives word of a distant relative in need.

10x04 1994-01-13

13 January, 1994 7:30 pm

10x05 1994-01-18

18 January, 1994 7:30 pm

10x06 1994-01-20

20 January, 1994 7:30 pm

10x07 1994-01-25

25 January, 1994 7:30 pm

10x08 1994-01-27

27 January, 1994 7:30 pm

10x09 1994-02-01

01 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x10 1994-02-03

03 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x11 1994-02-08

08 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x12 1994-02-10

10 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x13 1994-02-15

15 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x14 1994-02-17

17 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x15 1994-02-22

22 February, 1994 7:30 pm
Bianca finds out that Richard is not easily fooled.

10x16 1994-02-24

24 February, 1994 7:30 pm

10x17 1994-03-01

01 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x18 1994-03-03

03 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x19 1994-03-08

08 March, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil is under pressure to keep a promise, and Frank's plans don't go according to plan.

10x20 1994-03-10

10 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x21 1994-03-15

15 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x22 1994-03-17

17 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x23 1994-03-22

22 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x24 1994-03-24

24 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x25 1994-03-29

29 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x26 1994-03-31

31 March, 1994 7:30 pm

10x27 1994-04-05

05 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x28 1994-04-07

07 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x29 1994-04-11

11 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x30 1994-04-12

12 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x31 1994-04-14

14 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x32 1994-04-18

18 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x33 1994-04-19

19 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x34 1994-04-21

21 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x35 1994-04-25

25 April, 1994 7:30 pm

10x36 1994-04-26

26 April, 1994 7:30 pm
Nigel finds out there's a thief about and Carol has problems with a criminal closer to home.

10x37 1994-04-28

28 April, 1994 7:30 pm
Liam Tyler is still hanging around the neighbourhood trying to annoy Nigel Bates. Jimmy Coogan returns to The Arches to collect the ringed car but as Phil has not been paid, he wont give Jimmy the car.

10x38 1994-05-03

03 May, 1994 7:30 pm
The spirit of Frank Butcher lives on in Ricky, and Gita sees her boss in a new light.

10x39 1994-05-05

05 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil loses his rag, while Grant loses his motor, and Gita pays Ian back in more ways than one.

10x40 1994-05-09

09 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Police visit Pat with unexpected news about Frank, and Phil's enemies decide Kathy is a favoured target.

10x41 1994-05-10

10 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Sanjay feels the pressure when Meena returns to the Square.

10x42 1994-05-12

12 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil is planning a tactical revenge on Jimmy, and Ricky's job brings him far too close to home. Meanwhile, David finds a safe bet and Mark has some brotherly advice for Michelle.

10x43 1994-05-16

16 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Grant is eager to get his hands on Jimmy, but Phil has a better plan of revenge. Michelle sits her first exam at college. Pat prepares to take on Mike's insurance company.

10x44 1994-05-17

17 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Kathy leaves Natalie and Bianca in charge of the cafe.

10x45 1994-05-19

19 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Alan wants to take more responsibility for his grandmother, but Carol isn't too happy about it.

10x46 1994-05-23

23 May, 1994 7:30 pm
An inquest delivers its verdict on the cause of Pete Beale's death, but Ian remains suspicious. Meanwhile Michelle is planning a romantic evening.

10x47 1994-05-24

24 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky is missing Frank and decides to take matters into his own hands.

10x48 1994-05-26

26 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky and Janine head back to Albert Square. Pat is worried sick about them but David is unsympathetic. Sharon lends her shoulder to cry on.

10x49 1994-05-30

30 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Michelle learns about age concern and Gita calls Sanjay to account.

10x50 1994-05-31

31 May, 1994 7:30 pm
Arthur refuses to help the aged.

10x51 1994-06-02

02 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky gets his comeuppance, while Steve loses his dignity.

10x52 1994-06-06

06 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Money is missing from the Vic till and Sharon has a good idea who the culprit is. Ian demands repayments from Nigel but this is the least of Nigel's problems.

10x53 1994-06-07

07 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Money is missing from the Vic till and Sharon has a good idea who the culprit is. Ian demands repayments from Nigel but this is the least of Nigel's problems.

10x54 1994-06-09

09 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Nigel is busy with schemes to impress Debbie. Blossom's presence causes friction in the Jackson household. Ricky finds that work pressures are finally getting to him.

10x55 1994-06-13

13 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Steve is still keen on Della, and Meena turns up on the Square and finds Sanjay is up to his usual tricks.

10x56 1994-06-14

14 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Della is uncertain what to do about Steve and confides in Binnie. Michelle and Kathy decide it's time for a girls' night out, and Nigel has a close shave.

10x57 1994-06-16

16 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Michelle finds herself in a dilemma about Geoff.

10x58 1994-06-20

20 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Delia and Binnie are in trouble with Steve, and Diane has dramatic news for Ricky. David begins to feel his position in the Butcher household is being compromised. Michelle gets herself into an embarrassing situation, and while Mark's away Alan gives the fruit and vegetable stall more of a Caribbean flavour.

10x59 1994-06-21

21 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Fireworks between Steve and Binnie, Meena and Sanjay cook up a scheme, and Pat receives Frank's last message to her.

10x60 1994-06-23

23 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Steve continues his search for Della, while Mark catches up with an old flame.

10x61 1994-06-27

27 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon catches a thief red-handed and Alan receives a worrying letter. Desperate to find Frank, Pat thinks a trip to Clacton will provide her with clues, but is she following her heart or her head? Steve finally receives a message from Delia [sic] but is it what he has been waiting to hear?

10x62 1994-06-28

28 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Pat, David and Ricky rake up the coals in Clacton while Steve finds his darkest hour is just before dawn.

10x63 1994-06-30

30 June, 1994 7:30 pm
Blood is spilled at the hairdressing salon, wounds are healed at the Butchers, and debts are settled at Ian's.

10x64 1994-07-04

04 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Michelle learns her exam results, and Pauline receives news from Carol.

10x65 1994-07-05

05 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Grant finds out it's more difficult to get through to his brother than he thought. Arthur gets some terrible news.

10x66 1994-07-07

07 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil approaches breaking point. David's plan arouses Ricky's suspicions, while Nigel is once more thwarted by Ian.

10x67 1994-07-11

11 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Everyone loves a wedding and as Nigel and single mum Debbie prepare to tie the knot, Pauline has plans to turn their reception into anything but the quiet affair they had planned. Best man Grant Mitchell is there to get Nigel to the church on time, but that might not be the end of his duties for the groom - with Debbie's ex-husband Liam still on the scene and out to cause trouble.

10x68 1994-07-12

12 July, 1994 7:30 pm
It is the big day for Nigel Bates and Debbie Tyler. Nigel is getting ready for the wedding ceremony. But Debbie's abusive first husband Liam Tyler turns up.

10x69 1994-07-14

14 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Kathy is feeling shattered after recent events but Michelle is on hand to help out.

10x70 1994-07-18

18 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil resorts to desperate measures in his search for Kathy. Arthur is driven to breaking point by Nellie, and Ian travels north on his quest for the truth about Tricky Dicky.

10x71 1994-07-19

19 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Ian strikes gold when he meets an old acquaintance of Richard's.

10x72 1994-07-21

21 July, 1994 7:30 pm
David uses his powers of persuasion to secure a backer for Deals on Wheels. Carol has a turnaround in fortune. And Richard's past comes back to haunt him.

10x73 1994-07-25

25 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Bianca sees Ricky in a new light, David makes Phil an offer he can't refuse, and Carol wonders if money really can buy her love.

10x74 1994-07-26

26 July, 1994 7:30 pm
Kathy learns some home truths from Pat, Gita shuts Sanjay out, and David and Ricky open for business.

10x75 1994-07-28

28 July, 1994 7:30 pm
David and Ricky have a disagreement, Sanjay faces up to the mess Tricky Dicky left behind, and Mark says goodbye to an old friend.

10x76 1994-08-01

01 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Nigel confesses to Debbie, Carol gives Alan a night to remember, and Gita and Mark reach breaking point.

10x77 1994-08-02

02 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky chooses a new target for his affections, Gita has a confession to make, and Arthur gets some good news.

10x78 1994-08-04

04 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Della has some news for her mother, and Ricky's time keeping lets him down.

10x79 1994-08-08

08 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Kathy spends some time away from Phil in order to decide if they have a future together. Arthur takes a trip down memory lane, and Ricky asks Bianca to go out on a date.

10x80 1994-08-09

09 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky makes Alan an offer, Ian makes an example of Gita, Ruth makes an appearance on the Square, and Pauline is embarrassed when Arthur makes a spectacle of himself.

10x81 1994-08-11

11 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Ian stirs up trouble between Cindy and Gita, David and Ricky clash over Alan's new job and Phil has a radical change of heart.

10x82 1994-08-15

15 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil and Kathy have made a big decision - at least they think they have; they can't quite remember. Ricky and Bianca meet in secret.

10x83 1994-08-16

16 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil's happiness is jeopardised by Nadia, while Ian feels threatened by his bank manager.

10x84 1994-08-18

18 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Arthur's birthday brings him mixed blessings, and Phil makes an unwelcome discovery.

10x85 1994-08-22

22 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky gets Bianca hot under the collar, Gita gets into DIY, and Pauline and Arthur are forced to make a special effort to celebrate Nellie's birthday.

10x86 1994-08-23

23 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Love is in the air at the Jacksons, while Nellie's in the dumps at the Fowlers. Sanjay finds his mates aren't quite what they seem following a heated discussion in the Queen Vic. Phil receives a visitor with a proposition - but will the offer prove acceptable to him?

10x87 1994-08-25

25 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky loses his shirt. Pat drops her laundry, and Ian attempts to take Nigel to the cleaners.

10x88 1994-08-29

29 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky and Bianca have a secret rendezvous, Gita tries to overcome her fears.

10x89 1994-08-30

30 August, 1994 7:30 pm
Grant thinks it's his lucky day, David blows the whistle on Ricky and Bianca, and Natalie is in for a shock when she makes some new friends.

10x90 1994-09-01

01 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Pat tells all to a sympathetic Geoff. Ricky and Bianca come up with a plan, and Delia takes Bonnie by surprise.

10x91 1994-09-05

05 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Cindy is finding it difficult to manage at home, while Mark struggles to cope with his feelings.

10x92 1994-09-06

06 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon is behaving strangely and Grant can't fathom why. Mark is depressed and Michelle can't seem to comfort him. Cindy is under pressure and Ian can't make time to help her.

10x93 1994-09-08

08 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Steve encourages Mark to go out on the town. Blossom's plans backfire badly. Pat and Geoff discover things in common.

10x94 1994-09-12

12 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Ian is forced to pull his weight at home, Natalie joins in Bianca's and Ricky's conspiracy, and Sharon tries to accept Phil and Kathy's engagement.

10x95 1994-09-13

13 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Cindy is amazed by Ian's change of attitude, Pat suspects she has an admirer, and Sharon visits Phil to lay an old ghost to rest - only to find it is still alive and kicking.

10x96 1994-09-15

15 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Sparks fly between Sharon and Phil, Michelle starts to worry about Pat and Geoff, and Ian has big news for Cindy.

10x97 1994-09-19

19 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon and Phil lie for England, Natalie goes looking for friendship in the wrong place and Ian throws himself into a new business venture, but will Cindy be as enthusiastic?

10x98 1994-09-20

20 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil finds that love means having to say you're sorry. Pat has her hands full and David catches a thief.

10x99 1994-09-22

22 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Pat gets herself an education, Binnie gets herself a new partner and Grant tries to hang onto the one he's got.

10x100 1994-09-26

26 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Carol has harsh words for David and Alan is in for a nasty shock when he tries to unravel a mystery. Meanwhile, Cindy and Gita consider an afternoon's diversion and Natalie plans a girls' night out.

10x101 1994-09-27

27 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Cindy and Gita have a fun day out, but Ian's back in the dog-house. Ricky, Bianca and Natalie go out clubbing.

10x102 1994-09-29

29 September, 1994 7:30 pm
Nigel is worried about the new loan shark and Ricky's had enough of David.

10x103 1994-10-03

03 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Geoff gives Pat some personal tutoring and Grant gives Phil and Kathy an engagement present.

10x104 1994-10-04

04 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon and Michelle get together for a girls' night in, and Winston gets a shock when a stranger comes to the Vic.

10x105 1994-10-06

06 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Bianca tries to get in touch with Ricky while Carol tries to get through to Alan. Sharon and Grant put the past behind them and Michelle puts her foot down with Geoff.

10x106 1994-10-10

10 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon is shocked to hear about Phil and Kathy's engagement party.

10x107 1994-10-11

11 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky and Bianca row with their families, and Sharon knuckles down to organising a party for Phil and Kathy. Meanwhile, Grant finds a tape he hasn't heard before.

10x108 1994-10-13

13 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Pat lets Geoff off the hook, and Bianca can't believe her luck. Steve worries about the salon, and Cindy can't stay away from the swimming pool.

10x109 1994-10-17

17 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Michelle takes Pauline for a girls' night out, Ian suffers a setback, and Sharon discovers one of Phil's big secrets.

10x110 1994-10-18

18 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Geoff asks Michelle some awkward questions, Robbie finds a four-legged friend, and David tells Pauline some home truths about Pete.

10x111 1994-10-20

20 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Cindy goes in at the deep end, Carol sees red over Robbie and Ian's chip shop opening goes with a bang.

10x112 1994-10-24

24 October, 1994 7:30 pm
The day of Kathy and Phil's engagement party arrives. Pat has enough of David and Ricky's constant moaning. Meanwhile, Ricky leaves Number 41 and moves in with Bianca.

10x113 1994-10-25

25 October, 1994 7:30 pm
An upset Grant storms into the Vic, exposing Sharon's affair with Phil. As Phil tries to explain himself to Grant, Michelle tries to comfort a mortified Sharon.

10x114 1994-10-27

27 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil is rushed to hospital after Grant's confrontation. Michelle tries to console Sharon, whilst Pat tells David how she feels about Ricky moving out.

10x115 1994-10-31

31 October, 1994 7:30 pm
Kathy and Nigel wait into the night for Phil to come out of his operation. The police question Grant and Pauline has words with Michelle and Sharon.

10x116 1994-11-01

01 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Robbie looks to his dad for support when his dog is taken away from him and Cindy looks for a way out of the chip shop. Meanwhile, Phil finds new hope when he is visited by a few friends.

10x117 1994-11-03

03 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Michelle gets some unwelcome advice at the pub, Ian sees some unsuitable candidates at the chip shop, and Sharon has an unpleasant shock.

10x118 1994-11-07

07 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Nigel finds himself caught in the crossfire between the Mitchell brothers, and Phil gets an unexpected visit from his mum.

10x119 1994-11-08

08 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Phil fears he may lose Kathy after all, and Grant makes up his mind about Sharon. Gita has a violent encounter, while David makes a bad mistake in Ricky's absence.

10x120 1994-11-10

10 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Pat gives Ricky a helping backhander, and Cindy goes to the pool again. Phil's recovery is threatened.

10x121 1994-11-14

14 November, 1994 7:30 pm
As the doctors operate on Phil, Albert Square watches and waits. Kathy attempts to tell Grant some home truths and Michelle is unable to talk Sharon out of a difficult decision.

10x122 1994-11-15

15 November, 1994 7:30 pm
"What does a bloke do when he finds his brother's slept with his wife? Forgive him or kill him?" Grant faces his biggest decision yet.

10x123 1994-11-17

17 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon asks Michelle for one last favour, Cindy drops everything for Matt and Grant has a surprise for Nigel.

10x124 1994-11-21

21 November, 1994 7:30 pm
With the Mitchells back in business, Sharon has been left out in the cold, Nellie has to face the spectre of her past, and Grant makes a dramatic entrance in the Vic.

10x125 1994-11-22

22 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Grant and Michelle are at each other's throats, Bianca and Carol compete over Alan's birthday and Pauline plans a trip down memory lane.

10x126 1994-11-24

24 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Sharon finds herself hosting an impromptu family tea party. Bianca is jealous that Natalie has moved upmarket. Gita takes refuge at Carol's, while Sanjay pounds the streets.

10x127 1994-11-28

28 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Arthur's hopes for a second honeymoon in Eastbourne are shattered when Nellie plays the tragedy Queen. Sharon's hopes to revive her marriage are crushed when Grant gets the law on his side.

10x128 1994-11-29

29 November, 1994 7:30 pm
Nellie meets her arch enemy and is forced to face up to an unhappy past. Ruth bites off more than she can chew, and Mark does a spot of DIY.

10x129 1994-12-01

01 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Nellie makes an important decision, Grant continues to make Sharon's life a misery. Mark gets on the wrong side of Ruth, and Gita gives Sanjay a new sense of direction.

10x130 1994-12-05

05 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Bianca invites Pat to tea. Nellie has moved in with Jules. Phil tells Kathy he's being discharged from hospital. Cindy visits Matt at the swimming pool and they kiss in the water.

10x131 1994-12-06

06 December, 1994 7:30 pm
David tells Nellie the Fowlers are glad she's gone. Gita receives anonymous phone call, Phil leaves hospital with Grant and his mum, Bianca wants to meet Natalie's secret boyfriend.

10x132 1994-12-08

08 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Natalie buys herself a bracelet and tells Bianca it's a present from her boyfriend. Pat isn`t taken in by David, but Nellie is. Sanjay rushes to help Gita from some rowdy youths.

10x133 1994-12-12

12 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Sanjay is in trouble with the police, Michelle is in trouble with Kathy, and Natalie has a go at Bianca.

10x134 1994-12-13

13 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Michelle receives her degree, Sanjay receives a complaint, and Cindy nearly gets what she deserves.

10x135 1994-12-15

15 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Carol struggles to keep her family together. Cindy feels a conflict of interests and David is delighted with a new arrival.

10x136 1994-12-19

19 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Ricky sets out to impress with a special supper at the bedsit, and Sharon is depressed when Grant hosts a very different kind of party upstairs at the Vic.

10x137 1994-12-20

20 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Pauline and Arthur are snubbed by Nellie, who plans to spend Christmas with Jules. Cindy uses Gita as an alibi. Pat and Carol are competing to host the Christmas dinner, and Michelle pays a visit to Phil.

10x138 1994-12-22

22 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Sanjay gets lucky on the horses, Matt gets his revenge on Cindy. David persuades Pat she needs a break. Gita apologises to Sanjay and they decide to spend Christmas together.

10x139 1994-12-25

25 December, 1994 7:30 pm
The season of goodwill comes to the Square. In among the festivities, Gita has a surprise for Sanjay; Ethel has some advice for Nellie; and Grant has a present for Sharon.

10x140 1994-12-26

26 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Grant wakes up alone on his and Sharon's third wedding anniversary and takes out his anger on Michelle. Sanjay is disappointed by his new relationship with Gita, and Phil and Kathy find the going is tough.

10x141 1994-12-27

27 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Sanjay is betting and Debbie wonders if Gita knows. Bianca is bored by Ricky. Pat refuses to go out with Roy Evans. Bianca starts work in the chip shop, and the pub runs out of beer.

10x142 1994-12-29

29 December, 1994 7:30 pm
Alan gives Ricky and Bianca a television. Ruth is on a high after her job interview at the Community Centre. And Pat comes up trumps for Michelle when she takes over the running of the Vic in Sharon's absence.

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