EastEnders (1985)
EastEnders (1985)
The everyday lives of working-class residents of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough.

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14x01 1998-01-01

01 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Cindy pleads with Ian to help her stay out of jail but he is determined to stay on top and reminds her of where she stands. Phil and Annie plot their new business venture without George. Frank hands Roy a bottle of scotch and a load of old toffee or is it?

14x02 1998-01-05

05 January, 1998 7:30 pm
With only a few days until Cindy's trial, Ian is confident that nothing can go wrong and Nick decides there is no room for legal ethics in Cindy's defence. Mary is shocked to discover the history of Ian and Cindy's past. Alex realises the Christmas spirit has left the Square as he watches hostility grow towards the hostel.

14x03 1998-01-06

06 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Simon and Tiffany exchange harsh words when he tries to find out the truth about her and Grant. Kathy celebrates twelfth night with Alex. After a disastrous town hall meeting, Ian has his first face-to-face meeting with Nick. Annie takes George's remarks as a green-light for her hidden agenda. Mary finally loses patience with Ian.

14x04 1998-01-07

07 January, 1998 7:30 pm
The stress of the trial starts to wear Ian down but Conor sees no reason to be understanding. Tiffany is surprised by Grant's support for her new ideas about managing a pub.

14x05 1998-01-08

08 January, 1998 7:30 pm
At Cindy's trial, Ian's paranoia takes control. Kathy finds it hard to cope with conflicting loyalties. Phil and Annie embark on a dangerous new venture. Matthew makes a surprise announcement about his future.

14x06 1998-01-09

09 January, 1998 7:30 pm
There's tension in the courtroom as the judge decides Cindy's fate. As the tension mounts, Ian is determined to make sure that his opinion is heard. Annie is surprised when Phil enlists Conor for their new plans. And a remark from Bianca helps Matthew to twist his dad round his little finger.

14x07 1998-01-12

12 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Love is blossoming in the Bates household. Ian learns that the Walford grapevine is working overtime when he becomes the topic and his mum finds a soft-spot for the hostel builders. Mark hears some sad news from Ruth and then more of the same from Jessie's mother.

14x08 1998-01-13

13 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Nigel misreads Clare's feelings when he realises she intends to go ahead with her date. Phil takes Conor on his first money-making mission and Conor is impressed. "I wish I'd thought of this scam years ago," he says. Irene has to cover her tracks when she receives a visit from the DSS. Bianca and Tiffany decide to call a truce and Sanjay thinks Michael needs a night on the town.

14x09 1998-01-15

15 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Nigel is shocked when Julie lets slip a secret. Sanjay's plans for a good night out with Michael backfire. Irene has a confession to make to Sarah and Tony. Ian is headlines news in the Walford Gazette and Dot surprises everyone with her good news.

14x10 1998-01-19

19 January, 1998 7:30 pm
It is a trying time for the Roses as Susan is readmitted to hospital and receives devastating news. Sanjay can't resist a deal with his mate but the consequences could be disastrous. Ian wants to muscle in on the community play but Nigel has other ideas, and Lenny and Mick continue to search for a singer for the band.

14x11 1998-01-20

20 January, 1998 7:30 pm
The police investigate Gita's disappearance and start by interviewing a nervous Sanjay, who is still puzzled by her failure to return to Albert Square. Michael and Matthew are still reeling from the news about Susan but Matthew has made a decision to look after his mum. Nigel invites Julie for dinner and Alex is convinced that Ian knows something about the damage to the hostel.

14x12 1998-01-22

22 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Sanjay is taken in for questioning as the hunt for Gita intensifies and is faced with some difficult questions about his personal affairs. Nigel's dinner party is a success in more ways than one when he and Julie finally clear up a misunderstanding they have about each other. Meanwhile, Dot agrees to keep a low profile, Roy is going stir crazy and Polly has a flat-warming party.

14x13 1998-01-26

26 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Kathy has reached a major domestic decision. Ian and Cindy come face to face in court. Julie holds auditions for the Walford community play. Michael is impressed by Susan's determination when she is released from hospital.

14x14 1998-01-27

27 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Nick and Cindy's relationship is put to the test in their battle for Cindy's children. Kathy and Alex have a difficult heart-to-heart. Dot seeks penance by cleaning the church and gets more than she expected. Tension mounts over the casting of the play and Nigel feels the pressure.

14x15 1998-01-29

29 January, 1998 7:30 pm
Kathy is furious with Ian. Dot is in a dilemma. And a funeral brings together some old friends. This week's Walford Gazette causes a few ructions with the publicationof a letter from Ian about the vicar. Jeff finds himself discussing sons with Dot, who thinks she ought to put him straight about a few matters. And noses are put out of joint when the cast list for the play is revealed.

14x16 1998-02-02

02 February, 1998 7:30 pm
After learning of Kathy's affair with the vicar, Dot backs Ian in his public campaign against Alex. Phil is having second thoughts about divorce but shines to dealing with a reluctant client. Ruth returns from Scotland but forgets that it is her husband's 30th birthday as Jessie occupies her thoughts. George and Annie brainstorm the new restaurant.

14x17 1998-02-03

03 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Jessie gets a birthday surprise. Despite second thoughts, Alex is spurred to defend the hostel. Kathy is in a state of emotional confusion, wondering whether she is going down the right road with Phil, and turns to Pat for some advice. Ian, unaware of the full range of Annie's business interests, pays a visit to the Market Cellar.At George's invitation, Gianni Marco and his mother visit the Square, but Gianni is unimpressed with George's plans for the new restaurant in George Street.

14x18 1998-02-05

05 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Dot's tasty gossip causes Kathy to make a decision about her love-life and Alex to wonder about their future. Meanwhile, George tries to convince Beppe that he is whiter than white.

14x19 1998-02-09

09 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Peggy and Pat turn play rehearsals into a battle ground. Ian's suspicions lead to a confrontation with Annie and threats to report her activities to the police. Mark and Mary dismay over the budding friendship between his wife and her dad.

14x20 1998-02-10

10 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Terry makes an announcement which stuns the Hills household and leaves Irene gushing, while Alex makes a heartfelt admission to his father which leaves him speechless. Over at the Vic, George is pleased when the di Marcos decide to accept his offer of a new home and restaurant in Albert Square.

14x21 1998-02-12

12 February, 1998 7:30 pm
A wild party leads to a confrontation between Grant and a new neighbour until George and Beppe ride to the rescue. Love is in the air as everyone in Albert Square is sending Valentine's cards but, even though Kathy has received an anonymous card, romance is the last thing on her mind.

14x22 1998-02-16

16 February, 1998 7:30 pm
A new family moves into the Square and is met with a hostile reception. A startled Alex receives a visit from the bishop, who wants to know why he's been having an affair with a married woman. Alex is too honest with the bishop, but most silent with Kathy, who decides to clear the air with Phil. Pat wonders if it is wise to tell him about Alex. Irene and Terry receive an unwelcome visit from the social services.

14x23 1998-02-17

17 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Chaos rules in George Street when Sarah brings a project home and DSS reviews Irene's claim. A new lodger is installed at the Queen Vic. Meanwhile Mark smells treachery at 55 Victoria Road when Jessie has a secret visitor. Kathy makes a clean breast of it with Phil, who is actually a leg man.

14x24 1998-02-19

19 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Kathy faces a demon from the past when she is called to help a woman in distress. Ruth worries that Mark is ill-suited for fostering. Preparations for Ethel's 82nd birthday don't turn out as planned.

14x25 1998-02-23

23 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Huw is convinced his luck is in. For Alex it looks like his has just run out, as Phil's frustrations reach boiling point with Annie stoking his fire. New tenants for Number 25 prepare for house-moving. Meanwhile, there is a pregnant pause in custody proceedings for Ian and Cindy

14x26 1998-02-24

24 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Kathy makes a bold move which leads to a very public showdown. Meanwhile, it's the day of the party in the squat and Lenny and Robbie are worried by Huw's strange behaviour.

14x27 1998-02-26

26 February, 1998 7:30 pm
Ian's fortunes take an upturn, while Huw is finding it hard to deal with his past.

14x28 1998-03-02

02 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Matthew, Michael and Susan play happy families again when they move into Number 25. It doesn't take too long for the strain to show, especially when Michael's mother turns up. Annie and Phil plan to finally resolve the problem with their "business rivals" - with or without the help of Conor - and there's trouble for Ian when and unexpected sewage leak forces the closure of his chip shop.

14x29 1998-03-03

03 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Phil, Annie and Conor confront their rivals in an attempt to gain control of their patch. Matthew and Mary grow close before an untimely intervention by Pauline. Ian decides to 'phone Cindy at home when Lucy is unwell and he is pleasantly surprised by her reaction when she visits. But, back at home, Cindy is horrified to discover that Nick already knows about the sewage leak in Ian's chippie.

14x30 1998-03-05

05 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Conor plants doubt in Phil's mind - have they really solved all their problems or simply created new ones? Gianni hides from a girlfriend. Ian is a hero of the day when he protests against the closure of the local bus route. His day is a complete success - until Cindy and Nick arrive to collect the children and he becomes the centre of unwanted attention.

14x31 1998-03-09

09 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Mary's 18th birthday poses a romantic dilemma. Conor is suspicious of Mark's intentions. The strain of the car lot is beginning to show on Pat and Roy. Roy is working all hours determined to save the business, but Pat is worried that it may be too late. Nigel confides in Grant about Julie and needs to find out how she really feels.

14x32 1998-03-10

10 March, 1998 7:30 pm
A visitor from his Soho past catches up with Gianni. Mark and Ruth are forced to rethink their future with Jessie and decide they cannot stop Nicole from getting her back. There's good news for Robbie when Nigel offers a new job in the video shop.

14x33 1998-03-12

12 March, 1998 7:30 pm
The di Marcos celebrate Luisa's birthday. The celebration is interrupted when Gianni's ex-girlfriend decides to take her revenge. Kathy decides to visit Lorna again, but she is shocked when she hears what a neighbour has to say. Mark and Ruth bid a tearful farewell to Jessie. Pat confronts Roy with the realities of their financial situation.

14x34 1998-03-16

16 March, 1998 7:30 pm
It is a sad day for Mark and Ruth when Jessie leaves to live with her mum. Robbie's bet bungling bodes well. Roy finally makes a difficult decision about the car lot, telling Barry that he can't afford to employ him.

14x35 1998-03-17

17 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Barry's depressed, Mick's in a quandary, Ian's in a panic and domestic bliss returns to 87 George Street, but not everybody agrees it is good news. Lola decides to come clean with Mick and tell him about her son. Dot is shaken by news from Nigel and tries to remove a foot from her mouth.

14x36 1998-03-19

19 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Josh and Clare celebrate his Bar Mitzvah while his mum and her Nigel explore their feelings for each other. Peggy and Ben's birthday forces Phil and Kathy to face the realities of divorce while Ian faces the reality of Nick. Terry and Irene go spending while Barry spends more than he has. Lorna sends out a desperate call for help to an unlikely source.

14x37 1998-03-23

23 March, 1998 7:30 pm
A family lunch at Pauline's proves too much for Ruth while Dot dampens Nigel's joy. Kathy warns Ian that he will have to buck up his ideas if he wants to keep custody of the children. Pat is finding Barry's presence in the house more painful than her swollen ankle. Phil is utterly horrified to find out that Lorna is staying at Kathy's house.

14x38 1998-03-24

24 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Ian decides to make some decisions of his own. Sarah and Kathy receive a tempting invitation putting Irene in a panic. Lorna lets Phil know that she wants to give it another go. Mark and Ruth's life is getting far more difficult without Jessie. There is good news for Mary when her new job also leads to an offer of a new place to live.

14x39 1998-03-26

26 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Barry plays nursemaid to an unwilling Pat with unexpected results. Julie is baffled over Nigel's sudden change of heart and Dot rethinks her opinion of the hostel.

14x40 1998-03-30

30 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Ros has some breakthrough news for Ian but making use is another matter. Barry only finds depression in his desperate job quest. Kathy wrestles with a hard decision.

14x41 1998-03-31

31 March, 1998 7:30 pm
Nigel is forced into a dangerous confrontation with an unwelcome face from Dot's past. Confusion leads Alex to confront some hard decisions while Kathy is having difficulties deciding on her next step. Ian gives her a surprise gift to help her take that step.

14x42 1998-04-02

02 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Kathy springs a surprise on Pat and Grant. Huw and Lenny's plan to wind up Bianca backfires when she calls in the Police. Terry smells opportunity in Irene's new job. Ros brings Ian some disappointing news.

14x43 1998-04-06

06 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Cindy gets off to a flying start as the custody battle opens in High Court but behind the scenes Ros is gathering evidence. When Lorna learns that Phil is unaware of Kathy plans to go to South Africa, she wastes no time.

14x44 1998-04-07

07 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Phil is upset after learning that Kathy is taking their son to South Africa, and angry with Grant for not telling him. Sarah finds out the truth about Kathy and Alex. Ian and Cindy nervously await the judge's verdict. Meanwhile, Irene and Terry continue to prepare the vital invitation list for the wedding, and Annie decides to buy the club from her father.

14x45 1998-04-09

09 April, 1998 7:30 pm
The judge decides who will have custody as pressure builds for Kathy's departure, Phil is anxious when he hears George's house has burned down, and Alex helps Lorna to settle into the hostel.

14x46 1998-04-10

10 April, 1998 7:30 pm
As Kathy's planned departure comes closer, passion erupt with momentous consequences. As she struggles to put the past behind her and determine her future, it's crisis time for those who love her. There are some home truths for Lorna who discovers disastrous consequences and, just when Cindy thought her new life with Nick and the children was certain, a face from the past comes back to threaten their future happiness.

14x47 1998-04-13

13 April, 1998 7:30 pm
It's the week after Kathy's departure and some are still coming to terms with the event. Grant and Phil confide in each other, while Alex is forced to discuss the situation with his father. Meanwhile, with a strong suspicion about the fire at George's flat, Phil gets very concerned about the safety of the Queen Vic. And, with a week to go before Julie and Josh head off for Scotland, Clare devises a scheme to get Nigel and Julie back together again.

14x48 1998-04-14

14 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Nigel tries a last-minute attempt to patch up his love life. George takes drastic action at the Market Cellar. With only two days to go before the Walford community play, there's last minute chaos. The final rehearsals don't run as smoothly as planned and Martin is still learning his lines. Meanwhile, Annie is determined to ignore her father's advice to close down the club, and Mary gets more than she bargained for when she lends a sympathetic ear to Barry.

14x49 1998-04-16

16 April, 1998 7:30 pm
The community play brings excitement to the Square and Nigel makes a hard decision. Phil decides to speak to Peggy about George's business and the truth behind the fire in his flat.

14x50 1998-04-20

20 April, 1998 7:30 pm
The di Marco family are busy with the last-minute plans for the opening night of Guiseppe's. It proves to be a frantic day for Rosa when Gianni fuses the lights and Teresa decides there are far more interesting things to do than help her mother. Meanwhile, Ruth's plans for a romantic dinner go disastrously wrong when Mark finds Conor in his place. Dot's excitement over moving to her new flat cools when she finds an uninvited visitor.

14x51 1998-04-21

21 April, 1998 7:30 pm
The past catches up with Dot. Family squabbles leave Annie distraught and Phil picking up the pieces. Italian passions look tame compared to Grant's temper, but Tiffany's more than a match for him.

14x52 1998-04-23

23 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Tensions in the Vic build to a violent climax while a marriage crumbles in Victoria Road. Dot finds her loyalties divided and Ian takes some good advice from George deciding politics isn't his game.

14x53 1998-04-27

27 April, 1998 7:30 pm
As Nigel prepares to join his Julie in Scotland, he faces concern for those he'll leave behind.. Dot's mysterious behaviour and Grant's violent side draw his attention and Nick is up to his old tricks. Ricky and Bi discuss trying for another baby.

14x54 1998-04-28

28 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Bi has second thoughts about family plans and Dot makes a monumental decision. Peggy takes on an unlikely bar staff when she suddenly finds a vacancy. Ruth comes to terms with her true feelings and Conor gets a rebuff.

14x55 1998-04-30

30 April, 1998 7:30 pm
Nigel is in for some last minute surprises before waving goodbye to Albert Square. Sarah makes a decision to hold onto her man and Tony reveals his true feelings about his mum's man.

14x56 1998-05-04

04 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Lenny gets a scare from an old friend, while Bianca is delighted about new career prospects. Pauline gets to the bottom of Mark's domestic strife. Ricky finds his family plans stalled.

14x57 1998-05-05

05 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Robbie overhears a shocking revelation about Lenny and Annie gives Phil an ultimatum when he turns up empty-handed. Ruth welcomes a visitor and Matthew joins in Sarah's game.

14x58 1998-05-07

07 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca's plan to make a clean breast with Ricky is interrupted by a surprise visitor. Phil and Conor agree they are in the wrong business drawing the ire of Queenpin Annie. Sarah and Matthew arouse suspicions when they take the next step.

14x59 1998-05-11

11 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Irene has second thoughts about her motives for getting married. Frustrations continue for Lenny and Bianca as they wait for the test results. Frank overhears a bit of interesting gossip. In his quest of the Vic barmaid, Beppe takes a tip from an unlikely source.

14x60 1998-05-12

12 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Irene and Terry finally walk up the aisle and the wedding goes as planned until a last minute interruption.

14x61 1998-05-14

14 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Hysteria prevails at the church. Beppe tries his luck with Tiffany, Sarah can't resist spilling the beans, and Ricky is overwhelmed by suspicions.

14x62 1998-05-18

18 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Louise makes a long overdue visit to see her grandchild and Michael wonders why he's celebrating. Bianca turns to Tiffany for advice as she tries to cope with a breaking-down marriage. Meanwhile, reeling with humiliation, Sarah finds another pair to blame. Caution rules at No 25.

14x63 1998-05-19

19 May, 1998 7:30 pm
There is a stand-off at the café as Ricky confronts Lenny with some home truths. Louise tries to get to know her children, but forgiveness eludes Tiffany and Simon's boyfriend says all the wrong things. Ruth finds a friend in Huw when they open up about their dads and romance is in the air at No 25.

14x64 1998-05-21

21 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Ricky and Bianca's marriage seems to be on the rocks, but Frank is determined to knock some sense into them. It is a tense day for Lenny and Bianca as they await the results of his hepatitis B tests while Louise and Tiffany do some making up.

14x65 1998-05-25

25 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Michael finds the course of love is a rough ride while Ruth is looking for fun and Conor just looks. Rosa's attempts to drum up trade cause family friction.

14x66 1998-05-26

26 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Susan discovers the downside to living in a small community when some gossip sends her boiling and Phil's attempt to teach Annie a blackjack lesson backfires. Roy finds he needs money to make money while Ruth finds no time for chores to Conor's disgust.

14x67 1998-05-28

28 May, 1998 7:30 pm
Susan suffers a serious setback. Annie has more than she can chew but wants one more bite of the Carters. Roy's plans for revival of the business are scotched by Mr Philips.

14x68 1998-06-01

01 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Peggy is shocked by after hours intruders while Mick's band celebrate after "the gig". Michael wonders if he can honour a commitment. Barry steers Robbie into troublesome waters.

14x69 1998-06-02

02 June, 1998 7:30 pm
The Vic's out-of-hours visitors do not take kindly to Frank's interference but are forced to move on leaving a terrified Peggy in their wake.

14x70 1998-06-04

04 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Annie reveals her vulnerable side as she begins to feel the consequences of her actions with the protection racket. Peggy lavishly treats her shining-armoured hero to food and drink. Terry returns to some disturbing news from Tony.

14x71 1998-06-08

08 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Terry is in Irene's bad books over news from Louise. Pat decides a surprise 63d birthday party is just what Roy needs but he wonders if he's up to another birthday. Huw and Lenny agree there is one too many in the squat.

14x72 1998-06-09

09 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Friendship blossoms at Peggy and Frank's non-date dinner. Barry has a change of heart about a possible promotion after Robbie brings bad news. Roy makes a secret visit and Irene turns dictator for Terry.

14x73 1998-06-12

12 June, 1998 7:30 pm
An old pal causes havoc at Roy's 63rd birthday. Pat wants to know the score and Roy gets a shock in the gents.

14x74 1998-06-15

15 June, 1998 7:30 pm
The wanderer returns, but there is hardly a warm welcome at the Mitchell household and homeless Louise turns up on her sons doorstep. Tony finds a golden opportunity and Robbie prepares for his boxing match and interview.

14x75 1998-06-16

16 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Tony is the hero of the day... at least in George Street. Meanwhile, wires are crossed and tempers fly at the Evans household but Barry shows a cold calculating side to Robbie.

14x76 1998-06-17

17 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Robbie is on the ropes when he takes advice from Barry. Terry's plans are plagued by women from the past and the present. Mick has a new plan for the all-night café and Annie has travel plans.

14x77 1998-06-25

25 June, 1998 7:30 pm
A dreadful day for Ruth ends in a dramatic confrontation in the Vic when Conor decides it's time to make his move. Pauline rides her hoover to the rescue with cash for her soon-to-be-ex-daughter-in-law. Mark seeks the solace his dad found in the allotments and Barry tries to make amends with Robbie.

14x78 1998-06-26

26 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Sarah faces some harsh truths about Terry's past, when she overhears Louise, Tiffany and Simon discussing her mother. Meanwhile, Rosa puts her foot down about the company her daughter, Nicky, is keeping.

14x79 1998-06-29

29 June, 1998 7:30 pm
Tension mounts in the Hills household as the conflict between Sarah and Terry reaches breaking point and she can no longer keep quiet. Tiffany tries out her new massage techniques on an unwilling Grant to the amusement of others.

14x80 1998-07-01

01 July, 1998 7:30 pm
It's Irene's 50th birthday, as she pieces together Terry's past she faces a decision. Meanwhile Terry gets drunk in the Vic. Tiffany tells Peggy she wants to organise Grant's birthday. Ian tells Pauline there are plans for a supermarket to be built on the allotments. Louise shows an interest in a room at Ruth's house. Alex is disappointed in Sarah as he finds out she lied to him about Irene giving her permission to tutor Jimmy. Irene decides to give Terry the benefit of the doubt and lets him stay as long as he promises to stop drinking.

14x81 1998-07-02

02 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Rosa struggles to keep the family together and comes under fire from Gianni and George. Teresa is caught distributing flyers for the night café.

14x82 1998-07-06

06 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Mick is nervous about the opening night of his new venture at the night café. Lola arrives and tells him that she is leaving the band - she has found an agent. Grant is jealous when he sees Tiffany and Beppe chatting in the Vic. He takes Tiffany away from behind the bar and confronts her. Phil tries to talk to Grant, who is thinking of going to Scotland to see Nigel. Phil asks him if he thinks Tiffany would still be there when he gets back. Lola returns to the café and tells Mick that she has been given a contract. Mick is not pleased for her - he tells her not to bother ringing him! Louise has been busy all day redecorating Ruth's living room with bits and pieces. Ruth is delighted with the result and Louise says she will take her to the night café.

14x83 1998-07-09 (1)

09 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Roy has been given some tickets for the World Cup final but Pat isn't too keen. Pat sacks Robbie and tells Mick that if he is to make a success of the night café he needs some additional help and suggests Pauline. Mick says no and Pat tells him to find someone else or she will close him down. Irene supervises Sarah and her lesson with Jimmy as Alex is unable to do it. It doesn't get off to a very good start.

14x84 1998-07-09 (2)

09 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Roy and Pat travel from Waterloo International railway station via the Eurostar. Meanwhile in France travelling in a rented van Barry, Robbie, Huw and Lenny are lost. Robbie is drinking alcohol in the back and can't help with any of the directions. The lads need to reach Paris by 9.30pm to pick up the tickets from Charlie, who is selling Barry the World Cup tickets.

14x85 1998-07-13

13 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Tiffany has been staying with Louise at Ruth's. Irene persuades Terry to ask Tiffany if she would like to stay with them. Terry is relieved when Tiffany says that she is fine where she is. Pauline spends the day trying to get signatures for the petition against the supermarket on the allotments - but no-one is very enthusiastic. Bianca refuses to sign as she feels it wouldn't really affect her.

14x86 1998-07-14

14 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Ruth gets another mystery call. Frank tells Ricky he is short of cash to buy Manor Wood, Bianca offers their savings to Frank. Tiffany decides to do the massage course. Simon's dinner party is ruined when Chris brings along his ex-boyfriend.

14x87 1998-07-16

16 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Frank asks Bianca if she and Ricky have had any more thoughts about putting their savings into the Manor Wood deal. Bianca tells Frank that he could have their £5,000 - but asks if Ricky knows. Tiffany is preparing to leave for her massage course today. She phones the Vic to ask Grant if he wants to see Courtney before she leaves. Peggy can't find Grant. Eventually, she goes into his room to find him asleep with a whisky bottle.

14x88 1998-07-20

20 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Gianni and Beppe try to rile Grant over Tiffany. Grant wants to fight them outside but Phil settles things down. Bianca is having a drink with Frank when Grant tells her that it was her who has finally split him from Tiffany. Bianca replies that it was nothing to do with her and the only question she keeps asking herself is why Tiffany stayed with him as long as she did. Mark visits Ruth with wine and takeaway for lunch and suggests they try and save their marriage. They are interrupted by a phone call and Ruth insists that Mark leave - she will see him later.

14x89 1998-07-21

21 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Simon is trying to sort out the boating holiday when Mark whisks Sanjay away from his stall. He tells him that he has some news about Gita. Mark has discovered that Ruth is on a mysterious trip and realises that she is on her way to Gita. He and Sanjay catch up with her at the tube station - Sanjay is frantic and Ruth tells them that Gita is in some sort of trouble. Mark and Sanjay insist that they travel with Ruth. Neelam is annoyed and worried at Sanjay's sudden disappearance. Pauline suggests that it may not be for a bad reason, maybe there will be some good news. After some suggestion from Jeff, Pauline decides to organise a barbecue in the Square for the allotment campaign. Peggy thinks it's a good idea and Teresa says she is always ready for a party.

14x90 1998-07-23

23 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Gita won't tell Sanjay who the father of her baby is. Sanjay wants to take Sharmilla home with him but Gita refuses. Ruth tries to persuade Gita to come home and stay with her in Walford. Grant asks Louise for Tiffany's address but she refuses. He then asks if she will send on a gift he has for Courtney. Louise says she will have to see, however she does tell Grant that she has not yet told Tiffany about seeing him in the Vic with that other woman, but whether she will or not will remain to be seen. Sanjay, Ruth, Mark, Gita, Sharmilla and the new baby arrive back at Ruth's. Gita asks Sanjay to give her a little space and she will talk to him later. Gita tells Ruth about her one-night stand that got her pregnant. The man was married and glad that Gita didn't want anything from him except a one off payment to help with the baby. Gita's money has just run out. Ruth comforts her.

14x91 1998-07-27

27 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Pauline is still busy organising the barbecue. She has everything except the meat which she is hoping Ian will provide. Meanwhile, Jeff has had posters made for the barbecue advertising Rhythm DNA - when he asks Mick he is told that the band has split up. Martin asks Pauline if he could have a party on Thursday. She tells him that he has to be at the barbecue. Martin asks if his birthday just isn't as important. Pauline has forgotten about his birthday! Frank is still short of the money needed to buy Manorwood from George. He asks Pat for the thousand pounds he had lent Roy at Christmas.

14x92 1998-07-28

28 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Pauline agrees that Martin can have his birthday party while the barbecue is going on - but there will be conditions. Sanjay tells Neelam that Gita is moving back in on Monday. Neelam says that in that case she will leave - she has already spoken to her cousin in Bristol. Terry overhears this conversation and becomes interested in running the shop. Ian refuses to supply the meat for the barbecue for free. Jeff visits Rosa and persuades her to donate 25lb of steak. Pauline is amazed.

14x93 1998-07-30

30 July, 1998 7:30 pm
Teresa tells Nicky of her plan to go to Norfolk with Tony and enlists her help. Tony rings pretending to be Valentina, a good friend of Teresa's, asking her to come and stay for the weekend. Luisa is upset that Teresa has forgotten that it is Bruno's birthday on Sunday. A disappointed Mary tells Conor that she has been dropped from the boating holiday. Conor goes to see Simon, who has forgotten all about Mary. Conor warns Simon that either he makes room for her or he will make sure that Simon won't be able to go at all. When Simon reports back to Chris, Chris cancels Ali and his friend so that Mary can go after all. Later Mary tells them that she has agreed to let Matthew go as well, but they need to discuss sleeping arrangements as she doesn't want Matthew to get the wrong idea.

14x94 1998-08-03

03 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Simon, Chris, Tony, Teresa, Matthew and Mary are on their canal holiday in the Norfolk Broads. Mary makes it clear to Matthew that nothing's going to happen between them, but he's not put off. Beppe and Gianni set out to find Teresa and bring her back home. They know she lied about where she was going and Luisa has been asking for her in the hospital. Gianni's concern increases when Beppe tells him about Tony's history with Simon and when George calls to tell them about Tony's drug dealing days, Gianni insists they get t

14x95 1998-08-04

04 August, 1998 7:30 pm
As Teresa packs her bags to leave, she confronts Tony but he denies anything happened with Simon. Simon tells Chris he had hoped he'd get to like him enough to be monogamous, but Chris admits he can't commit. Simon tells him they're even now - there's something going on between him and Tony. The police have had a report of a drug-dealing incident in the pub with a young female involved. Gianni and Beppe go with them to the pub. The barman recognises Teresa's picture.

14x96 1998-08-06

06 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Gianni and Beppe search the boat for drugs but can't find anything. When Chris comes back they find out what's been happening. Matthew finds Mary badly injured and lying in the ditch. He goes for help and Gianni rings for an ambulance. Mary is taken to hospital where she begins to piece together what happened the night before. When Matthew brings her chocolates, she's not very happy to see him, even though he rescued her.

14x97 1998-08-10

10 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Tiffany is expected back from her massage course but, as the day goes on, it looks as if she's not coming. Peggy is still upset with Grant for planning an escape from the Vic to a new wine bar with her grandchild. Grant approaches George as a possible investor in the wine bar. Gianni comes over to Louise's to take her out only to find Grant talking to Louise about getting Tiffany back. Grant leaves and Louise is offended by Gianni's attitude. She throws him out. Grant is waiting for him outside and in no uncertain terms, warns him off.

14x98 1998-08-11

11 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Grant and George agree to keep the wine bar partnership quiet from Peggy, but when she catches Grant leaving the Market Cellar, he is forced to come clean. She is furious at the idea and thinks George is trying to get back at her for dumping him. Louise tells Grant that Tiffany phoned to ask for her passport. She's made new friends and is going to Spain for a couple of weeks. Grant thinks she must be leaving him for good. Louise is still angry with Gianni. Terry opens the First Till Last and explains to Sanjay he's buying the shop from Neelam. Louise is surprised to find Terry in the shop and they argue about the past, blaming each other for the way things turned out. She says she wants some of his winnings and storms off. Terry has a quiet word with Sanjay, asking him to keep quiet about the shop.

14x99 1998-08-13

13 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Tony and Simon agree to remain friends and bemoan what the Norfolk broads has done for their love lives. Chris has now left and Tony can't even get close to Teresa. Louise tells Simon that she's going to have a look at the wine bar with Grant and he can't believe she has been won over by him. Simon and Bianca agree that they're going to have to stop her. When Bianca tells Louise about Grant hitting Tiffany at Christmas, she changes her mind. When she doesn't turn up at the wine bar, Grant comes round demanding an explanation. She tells Grant she will do anything she can to keep him away from Tiffany and Courtney. It's not a good day for Mick when Lenny gives him his share of the profits from the band and Teresa then comes in to hand in her notice. Teresa tells him she's split up with Tony. She explains to Tony that they're finished. Gianni sees them together and attacks Tony. Tony assures him they're through and it's all Gianni's fault.

14x100 1998-08-17

17 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca decides to do some matchmaking when Beppe shows a keen interest in Tiffany's return to the Square. Bianca tells Louise that they should set Beppe and Tiffany up together but Louise snaps back. Ruth breaks the news to Louise that she's going to have to find somewhere else to live when Tiffany and Courtney come back to the Square next week. Louise is worried that she's upset Ruth but she understands Ruth anxiety about sharing with families and babies all the time and decides she needs to make some changes of her own. Mary comes out of hospital and moves into Phil's house with Conor. Matthew hears she's back from Robbie and goes round to see her. Mary asks Phil to cover for her and he sends Matthew away.

14x101 1998-08-18

18 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Louise comes over to the First 'Til Last and Terry tries to physically remove her. Grant, Gianni and Simon all rush to her defence and Simon advises her to talk to her solicitor. Her solicitor thinks there may be a way forward but meanwhile Terry's making plans of his own to put the shop in Irene's name to avoid any pay-out to Louise. Louise manages to intercept his plans when Terry is served a court order to have his assets frozen. Rosa arranges to meet Annie in the Vic and hints that George would like Annie to move in with him but he's too proud to ask. She has arranged to meet George in the pub as well and leaves them together to talk. They agree that Annie will move in.

14x102 1998-08-20

20 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Terry and Irene go to court and Terry's assets are frozen. Irene is waiting at home but Terry turns up late and drunk. He marches off to confront Louise who is at home celebrating with Ruth. He drags her to the telephone to call her solicitor. Grant bursts in followed by Irene. Irene takes Terry home and threatens to leave him if he doesn't stop drinking. Louise is left distraught and Grant reassures her. They end up kissing. Huw arranges a night in the Vic for Ruth's birthday. Mark sends a present and Ruth is touched. Conor tentatively asks Ruth if he can join the birthday celebrations and they bury the hatchet. Huw's crush on Ruth gets bigger when she gives him a kiss in thanks for arranging the night out. This doesn't go unnoticed by Polly.

14x103 1998-08-24

24 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Grant visits Louise to discuss their kiss the other night. Louise doesn't appear interested in Grant, she tells him she was drunk, "it could've been anyone". Tiffany has returned to the Square after her holiday in Spain and is looking and feeling great. She and Louise plan to move into Annie's old flat above the bookies. Peggy warns Grant that if he is not careful Courtney will grow up calling some other man her dad. A confident Tiffany tells Grant that she will arrange formal visitations for him with Courtney until their divorce comes through. On leaving the Vic she meets Beppe who asks her out on a date. Aware that she is being watched by Grant, Tiffany accepts. Beppe admits to Rosa that he is interested in someone, though he doesn't say that it is Tiffany. Rosa advises him to have some fun and ask her out.

14x104 1998-08-25

25 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Annie moves out of her flat into George's. Meanwhile, Rosa and George worry that Annie and Gianni may be forming a relationship together. However, although George believes he is his father they do not know for certain if Gianni is his son. Peggy tells George that Annie needs to be taught a lesson for the way she treats people, referring to the way Annie sacked Lenny. There is animosity between the two and Peggy warns George that neither he nor Annie scares her. It is obvious that any feeling Peggy may have had in the past for George is well and truly gone. Later in the Vic, Frank tells Peggy that he's been doing a lot of thinking and he'd like to ask her out on a date. Their relationship looks set to blossom as a date is arranged for tomorrow night. Although they try to hide their feelings from others, Bianca is amused when she overhears their conversation.

14x105 1998-08-27

27 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Pat decides to close the night café after Mick is taken down to the police station and cautioned for possession of cannabis, as she feels she can no longer trust him. When Teresa learns about what happened to Mick she is racked with guilt as it was her drugs he was found with and now he's lost his job and is in trouble with the police. She apologises to Mick and goes to Pat to tell her the truth. Pat chastises Mick for his misplaced loyalties but reinstates him at the café. Teresa is also back working in the café. Both Mick and Teresa wonder why the café was raided. Teresa suspects that Beppe had a hand in it somehow, which he vehemently denies.

14x106 1998-08-31

31 August, 1998 7:30 pm
Teresa, Lenny, Josie and Kim go to the Notting Hill Carnival. Later, Kim tells Teresa that Mick is her brother but it's a secret. Teresa is confused. Lenny has been reinstated at the market cellar by George and Annie is apologetic when she sees him and tells him that she shouldn't have treated him as she did. The two make peace.

14x107 1998-09-01

01 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Peggy is in a good mood after her night with Frank. Frank has decided to stay and move his Manchester operation to Walford. He admits to Peggy that Phil had tried to talk him into leaving and Peggy is furious. The pair keep their affair a secret. Phil has phoned Kathy - she doesn't want him to visit them in South Africa yet. Peggy tells Phil that he should just jump on a plane and never come back. She confronts him about his interfering and tells him that nothing is going to come between her and Frank. He's ruined his own life but she's not going to let him ruin hers!

14x108 1998-09-03

03 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Sarah discovers that Matthew had a go at Jimmy about his reading and wants to make it up to him. Jimmy tells her of the pretences he has made in his life because he cannot read - he is ashamed of it. Alex had made him realise that if he really wanted to learn there were people there to help, so that's why he's now signed up at an adult literacy centre. He feels that Sarah betrayed his trust when she went out mouthing about Jimmy and her achievements.

14x109 1998-09-07

07 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Louise visits Grant, challenging him about his proposed love of her. Grant asks her why she really came to see him - perhaps she's the one who's not sure of her feelings for him. Louise assures Grant that she has no feelings for him, she's perfectly happy with Gianni. Louise learns about Grant's affair with Lorraine from Simon who says that Lorraine was wise to leave Walford in the end. Louise suggests that perhaps she should leave Walford and let Tiffany make her own decisions about her future. However, Louise later advises Tiffany to go back to Grant.

14x110 1998-09-08

08 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca convinces Ricky that Sonia can stay with them during the week. Things are looking up for Polly as she tells Ruth about a possible job opportunity with one of the top national newspapers. However, it is not so bright for Ruth when she bumps into Mark and he is offhand with her - they drift further apart.

14x111 1998-09-10

10 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Irene notices the For Sale sign outside Pat and Roy's. Pat frantically tidies the house in preparation for the first potential buyers. She is shocked to find that the first to view the house is a very inquisitive Irene who takes great pleasure in snooping in all Pat's nooks and crannies. Later, in the Vic, Irene enjoys telling Peggy what she found. Pat is in an awful mood about Cornwall and Peggy thinks some of this might be down to Frank. Pat assures Peggy that Frank means nothing to her. Roy has begun to hear talk that Pat doesn't want to move to Cornwall and asks her to tell him the truth. Pat admits that she doesn't want to leave Walford and they decide to stay.

14x112 1998-09-13

13 September, 1998 7:30 pm
It's the day of Louise's 40th and Tiffany's 22nd birthday party. Terry gives Simon a projector and film of Tiffany's 4th birthday party. The family is reminded of happy times together. Grant sees Louise in the street and asks if she was really intent on leaving. Just as they look as though they are going to kiss, Simon passes by and thinks that Grant is threatening Louise. When Grant has left, Louise asks Simon not to tell Tiffany about the incident. The Vic is quiet. Beppe and Gianni pop in for a quick drink before the party and Gianni winds Grant up about Tiffany and her mum - Frank has to step in to prevent a fight. Frank advises Grant to pull himself together - "sometimes people let things go and they never get a second chance". Pat and Roy play Frank and Peggy at a game of darts throughout which Peggy and Pat make digs at each other. Pat lets it be known that she and Roy are not going to Cornwall.

14x113 1998-09-14

14 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Louise and Grant are both reeling from what has happened between them. Louise feels sick and betrayed when she hears Tiffany and Grant are back together - she tells Tiffany she's going to leave, but Tiffany begs her to reconsider. Ricky confides in Frank that Bianca is pregnant and that he is worried that the baby might have spina bifida again - Bianca doesn't appear to share his fears. Frank promises he won't tell anyone but is concerned for them both. Bianca is in denial - she tells Tiffany she's pregnant and that she knows that everything is definitely fine with the baby. Tiffany is pleased for her. Ricky is angry that Bianca has been telling people the baby's fine - he's booked a scan. Bianca is upset but eventually agrees to go ahead with it.

14x114 1998-09-15

15 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Motivated by a stern talking to from Frank, Ricky goes to ask Conor for his job back. Conor tells him to forget it when Ricky won't tell him why he can't start immediately - he's actually going to the scan with Bianca. Tiffany, not realising anything is amiss with Bianca, has been spreading the news of her pregnancy. Frank tells her off. Tiffany is shocked when she discovers that Bianca hasn't been telling the truth about her baby being given the all clear.

14x115 1998-09-17

17 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca storms out of the scan, believing that everyone will pressure her into an abortion if the scan shows spina bifida and leaving a distraught Ricky. Josie admits there's no way she can help Mick with his dreams of the café - she's actually totally broke. Ashamed, she wants to leave with Kim, but Mick persuades her to stay. Louise's job worries are over when Ian hires her to keep an eye on building work at the Meal Machine - so long as she'll keep quiet about what he's turning it in to. It's the day of Sanjay and Gita's party for baby Arjun and things appear to be going with a swing. But Polly is on the case, cleverly manipulating Sanjay to open up about Arjun's origins. As Ruth and Polly chat about what Polly has found out - Polly's interest becomes more dangerous and devious.

14x116 1998-09-21

21 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Polly rushes for the morning papers and is overjoyed to find her article about Sanjay and Gita printed in a national tabloid. As news of this spreads around the Square, Sanjay is devastated to find out what Polly has done. Mark advises him to get to Gita before she finds out from someone else. Mick decides to throw a housewarming party for Josie and Kim and tells Lenny to do something about Teresa - it's over between her and Tony. Lenny is torn and ends up guiltily inviting Tony - something Teresa's not too happy about.

14x117 1998-09-22

22 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Ricky tells Bianca that, what with the baby coming, he'll try Conor again. But it's too late - the job has already gone. Conor regrets his decision when he finds out about Bianca's pregnancy but Ricky turns him down - he'll only come back when Conor's gone. Lenny apologises to Teresa for inviting Tony to the party; he really likes her. He asks her out but she teasingly tells him she'll think about it. Gita has become a recluse. Meanwhile Mark takes Sanjay to see the solicitor. Sanjay is horrified to discover that the most he can expect from the paper is an apology - everything they printed was true. Polly makes Tony come and meet her away from the Square. She's leaving - she's got a job on the nationals now. But Polly wants Tony to do her one last favour - get her stuff for her to pick up. Tony is reluctant to help as he's disgusted with her, but agrees. Polly arrives for her stuff but Tony h

14x118 1998-09-24

24 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Phil returns from South Africa. He tells Grant how cut up he was to see Ben and how everything has changed. He wishes he'd never had an affair with Lorna as he'd still have Ben and Kathy now. This strikes a chord with Grant, who tells Phil it's all over between him and the other woman. Peggy tells Phil she'll only accept his apology if he says sorry to Frank which he does, but the minute Peggy's back is turned it's apparent Phil doesn't mean it. Frank puts his foot down - he's not going to take this any more.

14x119 1998-09-28

28 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca opens her stall on Sanjay and Gita's old patch - it was what they wanted her to do. Sonia is back on the Square to live with Bianca and Ricky - she's coming back to her old school to get away from bullying. She'll be living with Bianca and Ricky. She's worried about Bianca, who admits she's tired. Teresa and Lenny have spent the weekend together. Lenny tells Teresa he wants to tell Tony about them himself. Teresa tells Lenny to sort it - fast. Gianni tells Teresa he disapproves of Lenny - he's a loser. Teresa tells him he's a better person than Gianni.

14x120 1998-09-29

29 September, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca doesn't want to leave Ricky behind so Tiffany tells her to bring him - Simon can look after her stall. Ricky bribes Robbie to look after Sonia by telling him he can move into the flat and he's in charge - Robbie's delighted. Tony attacks Lenny - he feels betrayed over Teresa. Lenny tries to explain but Tony is not to be reasoned with. Phil's old flame Yvonne shows up for their date but all is not well. Phil is gutted to learn that Yvonne always had a thing for Grant. Teresa overturns her decision to help Gianni out in the restaurant after all when Tony reveals it was Gianni who told him about her and Lenny. Maybe what Carrie said was right after all - maybe Gianni has

14x121 1998-10-01

01 October, 1998 7:30 pm
ianni tells Beppe how angry he is that Teresa accused him of being a racist in public. Huw is alarmed to see how well Ruth and Mark are getting along - he sows the seed in Ruth's mind that perhaps Mark wants her back. Later he implies to Mark that Ruth has her heart set on reconciliation - maybe he better tread carefully if he doesn't want to hurt her. Mark decides to stand Ruth up that night in view of this. Bianca, Tiffany and Ricky leave for the health farm. Bianca rejects Pat's overtures of friendship. Louise persuades a reluctant and awkward Grant to let her help out with Courtney. Phil is dismayed to discover Ricky has gone - he wanted to give Ricky a

14x122 1998-10-05

05 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Mary is back on her feet but Phil is finding the presence of his houseguest more than a little annoying. He ends up having to tell Conor that this arrangement can't go on - Mary will have to find somewhere else to live. Ian comes back from his holiday to bad news from Kathy. She can't face coming back to Walford for Christmas - she doesn't want to face Phil after the way he behaved in South Africa. She's also asked Ian to buy her out of the café - he and Phil are partners! He's furious with Phil. Pat is almost as annoyed, as Phil is that Ian is her new boss. She reads Ian the riot act but he tells her that his overriding concern at the moment is the fact he's missing his mum. Pat feels sorry for him.

14x123 1998-10-06

06 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Peggy feels bad when she hears Grant turns down Tiffany's offer to come and join her at the coast - he tells her he can't leave the bar. She gets a reluctant Frank to agree to cover for Grant - so that he can go. Mark is going for his routine test to see if his combination drugs are working. Pauline warns him to be careful not to let go of Ruth so quickly - she reckons Huw has a crush on her. Mark tells Pauline she's got it wrong. Terry is forced to grovel to Tony when he goes to walk out of his first day in the shop - he's offended by having to stock girlie magazines. Pat tells Roy she won't let him re-mortgage the house to pump funds into Deals on Wheels. But after speaking to Barry, she realises how important it is to him. She relents - she believes in him and wants to support him.

14x124 1998-10-08

08 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Grant leaves to see Tiffany. Phil accuses him of running away from Louise - he saw the scene between them. Grant tells him that Louise and him were arguing about Tiffany. He warns Phil that Louise is trouble, but if he wants to go out with her, on his head be it. Phil asks Louise out again she's reluctant after her confrontation with Grant but agrees. It's a bad day for Terry - firstly Louise seeing through his scam, tells Tony he's only been hired to help bump up his allowance - meaning Tony walks out. Susan declares war on him for selling porn in his shop. Mary is unhappy too when she finds out she can't have her old room back at the Vic - and Phil tells her she can't stay at his with Conor.

14x125 1998-10-12

12 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Robbie is trying to organise a party with Lenny and Huw's help. Robbie and Lenny tease Huw about his lack of love life and he boasts he has a date tonight. He doesn't pluck up the courage to ask Ruth out but she invites him to dinner and he thinks there must be a mutual attraction. Conor tells Ruth that Huw has a major crush on her but she maintains that they're just friends. When Huw turns up for dinner, he's disappointed to find Conor there as well. He manages to get Ruth on her own and she has to tell him that she doesn't feel the same way. Huw makes his excuses and ends up falling asleep in the gardens. When Huw has left, Conor admits that his feelings for Ruth run deeper than friendship and they end up kissing. Conor tells Ruth he's looking for a place for Mary to live, as she can't stay at Phil's for much longer. Ruth thinks that Conor should get a place with Mary but Conor doesn't seem very taken with the idea.

14x126 1998-10-13

13 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Barry, Robbie and Lenny want details of Huw's date but when they make assumptions he's slept with Ruth, Huw doesn't deny it. Conor has a word with Huw, telling him that word has got back to Mark. When Huw tries to explain to Mark, Mark loses his temper. Ruth wakes up to find Conor gone but he returns to the bedroom with breakfast. They have obviously had a great time and arrange to meet in the Vic for lunch. Things turn a bit awkward when Mary and Mark are both in the Vic and when Ruth clears the air with Huw, Mark wonders if there is something between them. Ruth is left waiting for Conor and thinks she's been stood up.

14x127 1998-10-15

15 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Phil wants to know why Louise stood him up last night but she genuinely forgot and took Simon out to celebrate her settlement with Terry. Phil is not convinced. Conor tells Mary that Mark thinks Huw and Ruth are having an affair. Mary then tells Mark that Conor was there that night and there's nothing in the rumour. Mary has a go at Huw and tells him to set the record straight or she will have to do it for him. Conor reassures Mark that there's nothing between Huw and Ruth but questions Marks feelings for Ruth. Mark says he's just looking out for her, however, he later admits to Mary that he still loves Ruth.

14x128 1998-10-19

19 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Roy's new stock arrives - and he's sold a car by lunchtime. Frank is impressed by Roy, but Roy is suspicious of Frank's questions, thinking he's jealous. Peggy pushes Frank to move in with her but he is still resistant. Ian's mystery shop is opened and he reveals 'Beales Market'. But the market traders are up in arms when they find that Ian is undercutting them. Melanie comes into the shop asking for a job. Ian thinks she's overqualified but gives her a go and tells her she should start tomorrow. Robbie plucks up the courage to invite Melanie to the toga party and Barry tries to chat her up in the pub, but Louise tells her that Barry is the local 'octopus'. Huw suggests Robbie make some vodka jelly for his party - but Sonia finds the jelly in the fridge and innocently offers some to Martin and Nicky. They get drunk and start throwing paint around the flat! Robbie is distraught.

14x129 1998-10-21

21 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Sonia, Martin and Nicky are suffering from hangovers after eating Robbie's vodka jelly. Susan continues canvassing against the sale of pornography in Terry's shop.

14x130 1998-10-22

22 October, 1998 7:30 pm
It's the morning after the toga party and Barry has spent the night in the video shop with Wellard. When letting Wellard out, Barry spots Pat leaving Frank's flat, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. The aftermath of the party sees Robbie furiously tidying up before Ricky and Bianca return from their holiday. Sonia is still upset from her fright last night and is too emotional to help. When Robbie finds out that Sonia was almost attacked at the party he feels guilty and vows to Sonia that from now on he's going to be the best brother in the

14x131 1998-10-26

26 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Frank and Peggy's engagement party continues. Barry comes back into the Vic, having told Roy that Frank and Pat are having an affair and is stunned to find out about the engagement. Roy, on the other hand, feeling like a broken man, takes out his anger on the portacabin and begins to smash the place up. Melanie spends the evening with Robbie and Barry, who both want to impress her, but their childish banter drives her away. Grant and Phil are not too pleased at the prospect of calling Frank 'dad' and Frank senses their displeasure. He decides to clear the air but the Mitchell brothers want to know what his intentions are.

14x132 1998-10-27

27 October, 1998 7:30 pm
As Roy comes screeching round the Square, Frank pulls Pat out of the way, just in time. Peggy is still angry with them and wants to go home but Frank orders her to take Pat home and stay there until he comes back. He goes off in pursuit of Roy and Peggy leads a shaken Pat home. Pat thinks that Roy tried to run her over and Peggy puts her in the picture - they all know about the affair, Barry saw her coming out of Frank's flat. Peggy doesn't trust Pat and Frank together but Pat maintains that they're just friends. Peggy thinks Pat is still in love with Frank and is determined to get to the bottom of it.

14x133 1998-10-29

29 October, 1998 7:30 pm
Frank goes in pursuit of Roy's car as he drives out of the Square. Roy, distraught, stops the car wonders what to do next. He sees a sign for 24-hour parking and enters the multi-storey car park. Frank is now hot on his heels. Roy nearly runs into a motorbike and crashes the car. He runs up to the top of the car park and is about to throw himself off when Frank appears and tries to talk him down. He tells him there's nothing between him and Pat; Barry's blown it all out of proportion. Roy says he's lost everything and can't see any other way out. Frank gets onto the ledge with Roy and wants to jump as well. Peggy's called off the engagement and he has nothing to live for either. Frank eventually persuades Roy to give him an hour to convince him that Pat is only interested in Roy.

14x134 1998-11-02

02 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Frank is back doing what he does best - selling cars at Deals on Wheels. Barry is shocked to see him there and thinks Roy is mad going into partnership with him. Roy is angry with Barry for jumping to conclusions about Frank and Pat. Barry asks if things are okay between them now, Roy says they are - "no thanks to you". Frank gives Roy a cheque for the first instalment of the loan - Roy is overwhelmed with Frank's generosity. Frank takes time off to move into the Vic. Friction continues between Pat and Peggy when Pat sees Frank and Peggy moving his gear in. Frank and Roy worry about Peggy and Pat's relationship, so Frank decides to 'set up' a foursome at Guiseppe's.

14x135 1998-11-03

03 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Ian and Pat return from court - Pat tells Mark that Cindy won and she can see the kids every two weeks. Pat asks Mark to speak to Ian. Ian sits at home, forlornly staring into space. Mark calls round, but Ian is too upset to answer the door, instead turning to the bottle of whisky he finds tucked away in a cupboard. Later in the evening, Mark calls round at Ian's - and is let in. Ian is drunk. He tells Mark he's not going to take the kids to prison. Annoyed, Mark tells Ian if he doesn't, he'll be put away, then the children will have nobody. Mark also tells him that he has to act responsibly, if he doesn't let the kids see Cindy, they'll end up hating him. Ian gets angry and tells Mark he should look at himself - he caused Pauline and Arthur no end of grief - disappearing for years on end and getting involved with drugs and the police! Ian tells him he's got no right trying to tell him about responsibilities: "You don't even know the meaning of the word".

14x136 1998-11-05

05 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Pat is disappointed in Ian not taking the children to prison to see their mum. Ian has no regrets - he's determined that the kids aren't going to visit Cindy in prison. An apologetic Ian approaches Mark, but Mark cuts him off before he can explain last night's outburst. A police car turns up at Ian's with some news. Pat tells them that Ian's not there, and offers her help. Pat frantically searches for Ian, and sends Mark off to find him. Mark finds Ian at the bonfire and tells him Pat's looking for him - something to do with the police. Mark stays with the kids and a grumpy Ian goes off to look for Pat.

14x137 1998-11-09

09 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Pat calls round on a distressed Ian. He tells Pat they've done the post mortem - Cindy had a blood clot on her lung - and now he has to go the coroner's court and pick up the interim death certificate because Cindy put him down as the next of kin. Pat is shocked to learn that Ian hasn't told the kids about Cindy's death. Pat makes Ian sit the kids down and tell them about Cindy.

14x138 1998-11-10

10 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Ian, Bev and Steven drive to Devon. Bev tries to convince Ian to take the baby, telling Ian that she deserves a chance. Ian is torn. They arrive at Bev's house in Devon, to be greeted by Gina, Cindy's sister. The atmosphere is strained, with Gina acting cool toward Ian. Ian tries to explain to Steven that the baby is Cindy's baby. Ian asks Steven does what does he think about the baby living with them - Steven says as long as she doesn't break any of his toys. Ian tells Bev and Gina he's made up his mind - he's taking the baby home with him. Gina is furious that Bev and Ian have discussed this without consulting her - she was going to get a transfer to Devon and look after the baby here. Gina tries to get Bev to change her mind about Ian taking the baby, but Bev is adamant it's for the best.

14x139 1998-11-12

12 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Jamie tells Phil that Billy's a headcase - he doesn't need a reason to have a go at him. An enraged Billy overhears and wants to know what it'll take for Jamie to learn a lesson, he grabs Jamie and punches him in the stomach. Angry, Phil tells him to leave him alone - he's only 16. Billy reckons he needs to be taught a lesson. Phil grabs Billy by the neck and holds him over the balcony. Jamie shouts at Phil to stop - telling him he's gonna kill him. Phil lets Billy go. Jamie is annoyed with Phil, knowing he'll get it twice as bad once he's gone. Jamie tells Phil he goes for him once or twice a week - when he gets wasted.

14x140 1998-11-16

16 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Rosa looks intrigued at a letter she has received but is secretive about its contents. She is short with a pleading Nicky when she asks for some new trainers. Nicky retorts saying that her dad would have got them for her - Rosa is furious and wounded. Nicky doesn't seem to be having a good day - she upsets Martin, reminding him that he failed his football trials. Rosa haggles with the bank over her overdraft and obviously doesn't hear what she wants to. She is worried about the lack of business at Giuseppe's. George visits. There's an awkward moment with Gianni who obviously still loathes George as much as ever. Gianni shouts at Rosa about the lack of respect he gets. George interrupts telling Rosa to get her coat - "you're having a night off".

14x141 1998-11-17

17 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Alone, Rosa pieces together the torn up pieces of George's cheque. Teresa notices the atmosphere between Gianni and Rosa and advises Gianni to leave the restaurant. He reminds her if he wanted to leave, all he'd have to do is ring Annie. Rosa tries to tell George about the cheque, but bottles out. Gianni returns and is annoyed to see George in the restaurant. Beppe tries to question Gianni about his behaviour, but he won't talk to him. George and his business associates have lunch at the restaurant. Gianni is annoyed at George being all over Rosa and wants to put him in his place, but Rosa tells him she can handle it. Gianni and Teresa argue - Gianni is trying to force Teresa to help out in the kitchen. Rosa comes in to keep the peace but Teresa spitefully tells Rosa about Gianni considering working for Annie. Rosa is furious that Gianni is even considering working for George's daughter. Gianni takes off his apron and throws it down.

14x142 1998-11-19

19 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Rosa tells Teresa that she's sure Gianni will change his mind once he's had the night to cool down. Gianni overhears and looks far from changing his mind. Annie calls in on the restaurant and Rosa gives her a flea in her ear about offering Gianni a job. Annie tells her Gianni is a grown man and can do what he wants. Gianni catches up with Annie in the café and is shocked when she tells him there's no job for him. George promises Annie that he'll have the money for the pool tables next month - Annie tells him to forget about it, she doesn't need his help. Rosa tells George that she tore up his cheque - she doesn't want to be a burden to him. George tells Rosa he's going away to Holland on business, but also because he can't keep away from her. Rosa breaks down and tells George she doesn't know how much more she can take - and it's time she pleased herself. She accepts George's proposal. George is thrilled.

14x143 1998-11-23

23 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Jeff has a new assignment today, as a security guard. The only problem is it's at Beale's Market and Melanie is none too pleased! Gianni gets ready for a job interview, but needs to borrow some money from Rosa so he can get there! Whilst Tiffany is at her first day's work, Grant prepares lunch for them both - only to be let down when Tiffany chooses Bianca's company over his to celebrate her success. Melanie and Jeff have a disastrous day's work - Melanie breaks a clock whilst insisting she doesn't need any help from Jeff. Then, as they argue, two lads come in to the shop and steal some things. Before Jeff can do anything they're off and when Ian finds out he has a go at Melanie - and sacks Jeff!

14x144 1998-11-24

24 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Rosa is advertising for a new waiter to replace Gianni. Simon has a bright idea and tries to persuade Tony to apply. He is not at all keen. Eventually Simon gets him to agree to an interview but, at the last minute, he stands Simon and Rosa up. Melanie tells Alex what she said to Jeff yesterday - he's not very impressed, especially as Jeff has disappeared. Beppe is worried about Tiffany. He tries to ask Frank how she is without raising his suspicions. But when he tries to talk to Tiffany she avoids him. Ian calls Louise into a meeting about security - ignoring Melanie as she is not in his good books. As their meeting ends a customer in t

14x145 1998-11-26

26 November, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca gets some spasms and Sonia calls the midwife out. She says she's fine - just her body preparing itself, she should relax. Bianca's idea of relaxing is to take Sonia shopping. Jeff returns feeling very chipper - he's decided there is more to life than work. When he sees the sign for a waiter at Guiseppe's he decides on a career change and Rosa is only too happy to help him. Tiffany and Louise have a heart to heart and Tiffany admits she led Beppe on and now regrets it. Louise's advise is to apologise to Beppe and then forget it all. But when Tiffany finds Beppe he's none too happy. Phil spots the two together. He immediately goes to tell Grant that Beppe has been "sniffing around again".

14x146 1998-11-30

30 November, 1998 7:30 pm
icky is staying at the squat and continually moaning about Bianca and how he won't make the first move. Phil gets so fed up with it he gives him £30 and tells him to go to the Vic. Nicky has forgotten to take the essay she promised for Martin to school so has to sneak back home to get it. But Rosa comes in unexpectedly, followed by George. They discuss when they are going to tell the family of their engagement and that Rosa is concerned for Gianni. George thinks, if Gianni knew he was his real dad it would help him. Nicky has heard it all!

14x147 1998-12-01

01 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Tiffany has been up all night with Courtney and wonders what she should do now. She finds Simon but can't bring herself to tell him the whole truth, just that she must leave and seeing Beppe gives her an idea. She asks Beppe for help - she needs to get away and at the moment her only chance is to go to Italy with him. Beppe is stunned but is persuaded and tells her to book the ticket and they'll meet at 3pm opposite the station. It's Jamie's first day at the Vic - and he's not too please about it.

14x148 1998-12-03

03 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Everyone is in shock as they realise how badly injured Tiffany is and Peggy calls for an ambulance. Tiffany finds it hard to breath and flinches whenever Grant comes near her. Peggy panics when they find out Courtney isn't in the Vic. Beppe is very anxious and holds Courtney not knowing what to do. When he hears the sirens he finds Gianni and tells him to look after Joe and makes his way to the Vic where a crowd has formed by the door. Beppe pushes his way in followed by Louise and Simon. The paramedics stabilise Tiffany's breathing and get her ready to go to hospital. Grant sees Beppe, takes Courtney from him and threatens him into staying away.

14x149 1998-12-07

07 December, 1998 7:30 pm
DCI Mason is doing the rounds in the Square. The first person to be interrogated is Grant, who tells him they were "just bickering" when Tiffany tripped and fell. Bianca has no trouble in telling Mason what she things of Grant; she tells him he'd hit Tiffany last Christmas and that this time Tiffany had found out Grant was having an affair. When Mason questions Peggy she begrudgingly tells him she saw nothing, but that Jamie may have done!

14x150 1998-12-08

08 December, 1998 7:30 pm
It's Louise's turn to be questioned by DCI Mason, but to his surprise, Louise doesn't say much against Grant, only that she hasn't known him long. Phil is trying to keep Jamie from the police, thinking he'll get Grant into more trouble. He won't let him go back to the Vic nor will he let him work at the Arches. Jamie is bored but when he unintentionally helps Matthew out on his music stall, Matthew offers him work over Christmas. This means Phil can't stop him being seen in the Square.

14x151 1998-12-10

10 December, 1998 7:30 pm
The Vic is deserted - the residents of Albert Square are boycotting the pub. Peggy is getting more and more worried and is not happy with Bianca. When she confronts her in the laundrette, Bianca says she feels sorry for Peggy trying to think the best of her son when he's not a decent human being. Jeff gets a nasty surprise when he turns up for work - only to be told by Rosa that the restaurant is shut for the time being and she doesn't know when it'll re-open.

14x152 1998-12-14

14 December, 1998 7:30 pm
It's the day after Grant and Beppe's fight at Tiffany's bedside and the Square is rife with gossip. The atmosphere against Grant worsens. After Bianca's accusations, everyone wants to know who Grant was having an affair with. Peggy advises Grant to keep a low profile for the time being and he must stop losing his temper or others won't believe that he didn't try to kill Tiffany. She asks him if the rumours of his affair are true and he admits to seeing someone before Tiffany and him got back together.

14x153 1998-12-15

15 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Marcus Christie, Grant's solicitor, turns up on the Square and advises Grant that it is not worth contesting the non-molestation order. Ricky tells Frank that he'd do anything to get Bianca back. Frank advises him that he needs to find a way to make Bianca feel secure and if getting this shop will do that for her then perhaps Ricky should concentrate on getting it for her. Today is the 1st anniversary of baby Natasha's death and Bianca and Ricky visit her grave. Ricky tells her that he wants them to get back together - to be a family. Bianca tells him that she wants the shop so she can give a good future to the baby.

14x154 1998-12-17

17 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Beppe tells Jamie that although his statement is not enough evidence to charge Grant, it will give the police a much stronger line of enquiry. In the meantime, nobody need know that Jamie has made a statement. However, little do they know that Dot has spotted Jamie getting out of the police car. Dot takes this as a sign that Jamie has been up to no good and takes pleasure in discussing this later with Peggy. Grant apologises to Phil for blowing up at Simon last night. Phil starts to doubt Grant's innocence. Grant asks if he thinks they can trust Jamie. Phil says yes.

14x155 1998-12-21

21 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Jamie tells Phil that he's leaving the Square - he's scared about what Grant will do to him now that he knows he went to the police. Beppe made him make the statement and now he wants to retract it. Phil tries to sort things out with Grant and Jamie but Grant's having nothing to do with it. Frank watches on and wonders what the problem is. Ian's tacky new sign for Beale's Market gets mixed reaction in the Square. Dot thinks it is blasphemous; most of the others just think it is very poor taste. The faulty lights cause a headache for Melanie.

14x156 1998-12-22

22 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Simon tells Louise that Tiffany is getting her memory back. She knows who Grant was having an affair with but she wouldn't say. Peggy warns Bianca not to put words into Tiffany's mouth and to let Tiffany decide for herself about what happened that evening. Peggy tells Phil that Grant reckons he's in the clear as the police have interviewed Tiffany but haven't been around to see him. Phil tells her it's not as simple as that - perhaps they're just gathering more evidence. Phil tells her about Jamie's statement. Peggy is worried. Phil tells Jamie that they'll go to the police tomorrow to retract his statement if they don't get hold of Beppe first.

14x157 1998-12-24

24 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Bianca tells Simon about Ricky stealing the trees for money for the deposit for the shop. Simon doesn't see a problem with this - half the stuff on the market is knocked off. She gives Ricky back the keys to the shop. Simon tells him that she's angry that Ricky lied to her. Teresa has told her about their scam. Ricky goes off to confront Teresa! Annie gives Rosa George's letter. George has left Rosa the restaurant and house. Jamie tells Beppe that he plans to retract his statement. Beppe threatened him and if Beppe doesn't find a way of getting rid of the statement he'll make an official complaint against him. Beppe tells Gianni that he wants him out of his flat and back in with their mum. Gianni and Rosa will never make it up if Gianni continues to live under his roof.

14x158 1998-12-25 (1)

25 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Grant and Courtney play with Courtney's presents. Peggy tries to make Grant promise to forget recent events, for today at least. Peggy tells Frank she's not sure she can get through Christmas - Frank tries to reassure her. Tiffany tells Beppe she can't accept the necklace he bought for her. Beppe tries to tell Tiffany his feelings for her, but Tiffany changes the subject, eager to get home and see Courtney. She tells Beppe she's unsure about making the statement about Grant. Tiffany rings Grant and tells him she wants to see Courtney straight away. Grant refuses, telling her it might be the last Christmas he gets to spend with Courtney. Peggy questions his decision, but Grant is adamant he's done the right thing. Tiffany, angry that Grant has refused to let her see her daughter, tells Beppe that she wants to go to the police station - "I wanna make that statement, and I wanna get my daughter back".

14x159 1998-12-25 (2)

25 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Grant wants to take Bianca to hospital, but Bianca tells him she's not going anywhere without Ricky. He tries to relax Bianca by making jokes about calling the baby Noel or Holly. Bianca breaks down saying that she never expected to have the baby so soon. Phil runs off to find Ricky. He finally finds him at the squat, with Teresa! They go to the Vic. Ricky tells Bianca she should be in hospital but Bianca tells him she had a scan and the baby's okay. Eventually the midwife arrives and takes over. Ricky questions where the ambulance has got to - the midwife tells him she doesn't know - but it's too late. A proud Ricky tells Frank, Peggy, Phil and Grant that he's a dad.

14x160 1998-12-28

28 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Grant, in his police cell, demands to be let out to make a phone call to his brief. Grant meets with Marcus, who tells him he's delayed the hearing until today so he could have time to prepare the case for bail. Phil greets Beppe outside the court, on his way to Grant's court case, and tells him to stay away but Beppe is adamant he's here to watch Grant go down. Marcus and the CPS put their cases to the judge who, after taking into account all the evidence, tells a shocked Grant that he is to be held in custody until his next hearing. Grant is led away as he desperately pleads that he didn't push Tiffany. Beppe looks on, pleased with the result.

14x161 1998-12-29

29 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Frank tells Ricky he's proud of him and lends him a car from the car lot to pick up Bianca and his baby from hospital. He also shows him a baby's bracelet that he's bought. Teresa greets Ricky and Bianca bringing their baby home and gives them a gift. Bianca is ungrateful. Bianca tells Ricky they've got to make a fresh start - for the baby and for them. She tells him to get his stuff from the squat and move back in. Tiffany visits Bianca and the baby. Bianca tells her they've decided to call the baby Liam. Bianca tells Tiffany that Beppe obviously loves her. Tiffany tells Bianca she and Beppe were never gonna happen and that she's made her New Year's resolution early this ye

14x162 1998-12-31

31 December, 1998 7:30 pm
Tiffany sits in Simon's flat writing a letter before telling Simon she's going out to tie up a few loose ends. She goes to visit Grant in prison. Giving him a picture of Courtney, she tells him that she and Courtney are leaving. Grant tries to stop Tiffany, pleading with her and saying he didn't push her down the stairs. Tiffany leans forward and tells him that even that they both know that no-one else will. Huw, Lenny, Barry and Robbie look at baby Liam in awe. They persuade Ricky to go down to the club with them tonight to celebrate.

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