EastEnders (1985)
EastEnders (1985)
The everyday lives of working-class residents of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough.

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2x01 1986-01-02

02 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Pauline, Arthur and Michelle are still in Southend-on-Sea, looking for Mark. Michelle finds him and meets his girlfriend, Ingrid, and her children, John and Melanie, who call Mark "daddy". The family reunite, and Pauline accepts that Mark has a new life but explains how she felt when he went missing, and he apologises; she says she will be there if he needs her. Following her mugging, Debbie receives flowers from DS Quick. Tony tells his daughter, Cassie, that her mother, Hannah, wants her to live with her and her partner, Neville; Cassie says she will think about it. Kathy urges her stepson Simon to contact his mother as he has not done so since he arrived in Albert Square. Ian tries to learn to dance from Kelvin when Sharon says she will take him to a disco.

2x02 1986-01-07

07 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Den gets an early call from David in Ilford. Angie thinks it was Jan but is even more irritated when she learns that Den is up to his eyebrows in some dodgy goods again.

2x03 1986-01-09

09 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie is at the Walford nick giving her statement about the car accident and they telephone Den since she says she took the car without permission. He lies and tell them that he gave her the car to use. Later Quick comes to the Vic and tells Den that as an accessory after the fact he'll be in trouble as well if he doesn't tell the truth. Den goes back to see the WPC and changes his story.

2x04 1986-01-14

14 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Den and Kathy go to court with Angie leaving Debbie to take care of the pub lunches and Simon and Lofty to manage the bar. Debbie goes a bit overboard trying to fancy up the plates which go unappreciated by Arthur, Pete and the others. The case is delayed and Den returns in the late.

2x05 1986-01-16

16 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Ali calls about the flat at 47B to arrange for a look. Sue is anxious to see it so it is agreed that they can see it the same day. Ali gets the key from Naima and they have a few embarrassing moments about what happened when Ali helped her move her things out. It seemed that they had sex in the empty flat.

2x06 1986-01-21

21 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Debbie spends the day getting a big dinner prepared for Roy and collecting for the ladies darts team publicity. As darts team secretary, she collects a pound from each member. Sue is still upset about the flat and tells her she isn't playing any more since Angie is a bad influence.

2x07 1986-01-23

23 January, 1986 7:30 pm
As Ali and Sue open the café before dawn, Beresford and Victor get out of their Merc and force their way in. Victor puts Ali's arm in a lock and Beresford calmly explains Mr Scanlon's scheme to provide the immigrants protection for £10 per week and tells them to think about it for 24 hours.

2x08 1986-01-28

28 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Andy is surprised when Debbie brings Naima home followed by DS Quick who is lugging a Zed bed for the front room. He is quite upset when Debbie informs him that in order to help with the finances since she quit her job, she decided to take in a lodger.

2x09 1986-01-30

30 January, 1986 7:30 pm
Beresford and Victor are waiting outside the café in Beresford's Mercedes when Ali and Sue open up. Victor goes in to collect the first weekly £10 protection money. Sue quickly gives him the money over Ali's protest. They then go to Tony's house and Beresford goes in. Tony laughs at his insurance scheme and hits him very hard in the stomach.

2x10 1986-02-04

04 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Den closes the bar early after Jan appears with the news that her dad died. As soon as Angie realises who the new arrival is she shoots upstairs and sits in the darkened kitchen. With all the tension at the pub, Simon goes home with Lofty to spend the night while John Fisher sleeps on the sofa upstairs at the pub.

2x11 1986-02-06

06 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Sharon comes downstairs to the bar and just stares at Jan who tries to explain how her situation with Den happened. Sharon doesn't say anything but listens rather sympathetically. When Jan decides it's time for her to leave she asks where she could freshen up. Sharon says upstairs and Jan smiles saying not "up there" (where Angie was). She asks about "down here" and Sharon motions toward the corner saying "but the water's cold".

2x12 1986-02-11

11 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Lou tells Ethel that she gave Simon Albert's watch. Pauline overhears and is upset with Lou for giving the watch to Simon. Pauline claims it should have been given to her as she was the first born. Lou is taken back by this objection and says nothing.

2x13 1986-02-13

13 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Some thugs show up in the Square looking for Simon. Angie hits up Dot for her sleeping pills to add to her collection. The café and shop are vandalised with red paint and most everyone including the postman pitch in to help clean up.

2x14 1986-02-18

18 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie plumbs the depths of despair when Den tells her he's moving out. Wicksy's true motive for returning to the Square comes to light when he tries to con Pete into giving him a loan.

2x15 1986-02-20

20 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Ethel puts posters around the square trying to find her missing little Willie. Angie sends her off early from her cleaning at the pub so she can look for him.

2x16 1986-02-25

25 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Den returns early morning in a cab as Angie covers for him telling Sharon he is walking Roly. Sharon is in a bad mood and nasty to both of them. John Fisher comes by early on his day off to pick up the rest of his gear. He has been worried about Angie since the night before and probably wants to see that she is OK.

2x17 1986-02-27

27 February, 1986 7:30 pm
Tony takes his laundry to the launderette and Dot tells him all about her date the night before with "a darky" who wined and dined her. Tony confronts her that he saw her in the "Burger Barn" last night on her own. He tells her to give up the dating stories before everyone finds out the truth and laughs at her. She says they do anyway but gets him to promise not to tell anyone.

2x18 1986-03-04

04 March, 1986 7:30 pm

2x19 1986-03-06

06 March, 1986 7:30 pm
Sharon tells Angie that she knows about the overdose. Andy helps Mary with her reading. Debbie accepts a date with DS Quick to go to a jazz club. Dot receives a visitor.

2x20 1986-03-11

11 March, 1986 7:30 pm
Pete and Pauline suspect everyone has forgotten their birthday. Doctor Legg makes Angie promise if she feels suicidal again to call him. Ian is accepted into catering college.

2x21 1986-03-13

13 March, 1986 7:30 pm

2x22 1986-03-18

18 March, 1986 7:30 pm

2x23 1986-03-20

20 March, 1986 7:30 pm

2x24 1986-03-25

25 March, 1986 7:30 pm
Sue is annoyed when Ali pawns some jewellery to pay the rent, saying they will never be able to buy it back. Pete cancels the "hellogram" advert so Kelvin says they should give it up. Ethel and Dot make costumes for the carnival but they both make mistakes

2x25 1986-03-27

27 March, 1986 7:30 pm

2x26 1986-04-01

01 April, 1986 7:30 pm

2x27 1986-04-03

03 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Hannah and Cassie stayed the night at Tony's after Hannah's boyfriend hit Cassie once again and Tony gave him a smack. Den and Angie find Sharon reading a book Naima gave to her about meaningful relationships; they find it very amusing.

2x28 1986-04-08

08 April, 1986 7:30 pm

2x29 1986-04-10

10 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Sue starts to lose her rag with everyone treating the café like a doss house. Pete tells Arthur about Michelle asking Lofty to marry her and it doesn't go down well.

2x30 1986-04-15

15 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Arthur tells Michelle that Lofty has no prospects but Pauline agrees to stand by Michelle's decision to marry him. Mary is back to her punk look and tells Andy she was never interested in him. Ethel reads Dot's fortune.

2x31 1986-04-17

17 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Dot's in a state and hot on the trail of Ethel, who's been telling her fortune. Pauline chooses a new carpet but Lou doesn’t like the final choice. Lofty starts reading palms and takes all the business from Ethel.

2x32 1986-04-22

22 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie returns home and wants to know where Den is. Lofty asks Arthur for Michelle’s hand in marriage. Mary apologies to Andy for taking his rejection badly. Den returns home and after a chat with Angie he goes back to Jan, which makes Angie hit the bottle again.

2x33 1986-04-24

24 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Lofty tells Michelle he is planning to become a traffic warden. Mary's propositioned on the street. Arthur is in demand for all kinds of jobs. Den turns into a Victorian parent when he finds Sharon and Ian necking on the sofa. Nick appears in Dot's life again.

2x34 1986-04-29

29 April, 1986 7:30 pm
Nick tells Dot that Charlie is not coming back. Simon sees Andy and Angie kissing in the morning and finds Andy's watch. Sue tells Ali she thinks she is pregnant.

2x35 1986-05-01

01 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie tells Kathy about her affair with Andy - she doesn't take it well. Ali and Sue invite Mehmet and Guizin to the Vic to celebrate the pregnancy. An unknown person breaks into Ethel's.

2x36 1986-05-06

06 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Naima is visited by Mr Gill from The Firm, who takes cash from her till. Mr Gill then goes to the Vic looking for Den but he is not there. DS Quick asks Nick for help finding information on a bank raid. Den catches Angie and Andy together.

2x37 1986-05-08

08 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Nick steals cash from Dot. Den attacks Andy over his affair with Angie. Kathy and Angie make amends. Michelle tells Lou that she feels smothered by Lofty.

2x38 1986-05-13

13 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Sharon is worried about the stranger in her home, while Den is nervous about all the police in Albert Square. Doctor Legg worries about Pauline when she forgets things and he tells Arthur she should speak to Lou's social worker. Andy tells Mary about a job in the hospital canteen but Dot thinks they are talking about prostitution.

2x39 1986-05-15

15 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Kathy and Pete have a go at Den about the effect his affair with Jan is having on Sharon. Kelvin visits Ian and they get into Pete's rum. Tony, Ali, Sue, Naima and Mehmet have a meeting trying to decide what to do about the thugs demanding "insurance" money.

2x40 1986-05-20

20 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Tony receives a letter from Cassie's school saying she is bullying another girl. After Sharon tells Den she is fed up of him and the Vic, Simon gives Den some home truths. Pauline calls a family meeting. Ethel is mugged for her handbag.

2x41 1986-05-22

22 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Ethel gives Den her husband's war medal because she thinks he is a hero. Tony is confused when Hannah says she wants to buy the flat above his. Simon worries the Vic is too dangerous and considers leaving.

2x42 1986-05-27

27 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Michelle goes into labour but Pauline is nowhere to be seen. Angie panics as she discovers Sharon is missing. Meanwhile, Mary has her first day's kitchen work in the hospital canteen.

2x43 1986-05-29

29 May, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie and Den report Sharon missing to WPC Howard. DS Quick tells Debbie he needs an answer to his proposal but Debbie says she needs a long time to think as it is too soon in their relationship and she has to consider Andy.

2x44 1986-06-03

03 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Tony tells Hannah they should stop their divorce before it is finalised. Michelle sits an exam in hospital. Debbie tells Andy they need to talk when he asks if she is marrying DS Quick.

2x45 1986-06-05

05 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Andy gives Angie a leaflet on alcoholism but she tells Sharon she does not need it. Mehmet agrees not to sell Ozcabs to his and Ali's father. Arthur tells Lofty about a potential job with Ozcabs, which Mary also applies for.

2x46 1986-06-10

10 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Michelle brings Vicki home and Arthur is annoyed when Lofty takes charge of hosting visitors, leading to an argument. Den offers Ali and Mehmet a car for £700. Kelvin, Sharon and Simon decide to form a band. Dot tells Sharon that she has given up on God already.

2x47 1986-06-12

12 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Pat arrives in Walford to a mixed reception. Pete and Kathy have a fight with her in the pub, while Wicksy is worried that she's purely out to cause trouble around Albert Square.

2x48 1986-06-17

17 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Pat is intent on causing trouble for her ex-husband, Pete. So she tells Pauline exactly what she thinks of him, but Pauline loyal as ever and in defence of her brother, slaps Pat.

2x49 1986-06-19

19 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Den tells Pete he thinks Pat was lying about Wicksy not being Pete's son. During a band meeting upstairs in the Vic, Harry proposes that The Banned gets an additional member.

2x50 1986-06-24

24 June, 1986 7:30 pm
DS Quick is bitter when he sees Andy and Debbie kissing in the street. Arthur worries about paying for the wedding. Pete tells Simon he wants to make up for all the years he did not see him and be a proper father.

2x51 1986-06-26

26 June, 1986 7:30 pm
Ian offers to make Lofty and Michelle's wedding cake for free and asks Naima for a part-time job in the shop. Lofty asks Simon to be his best man and Michelle asks Sharon to be her bridesmaid. The band agree to vote on whether Eddie should be allowed to join. Mehmet asks Mary out for a drink.

2x52 1986-07-01

01 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Kelvin and Harry confront ds Quick in the pub, claiming he is using the burglary as an excuse to hound groups he dislikes. Mehmet apologises to Mary and she accepts. Pauline and Kathy go to their first creative expression class and tell Pete and Arthur they drew a nude male model, which outrages them both.

2x53 1986-07-03

03 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Wicksy asks Naima to think about getting a flat with him. Michelle and Lofty go to visit Lofty's auntie. Lou and Doctor Legg reminisce about the old days in the surgery. Tessa tries to persuade Kelvin that she has some part in The Banned. Sue finds out that she's not pregnant.

2x54 1986-07-08

08 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Ali feels he has failed at fatherhood and is depressed, later getting drunk and asked to leave the Vic. Simon asks Naima to borrow money from her parents to lend him for the band, but she refuses. Kathy worries that Den will buy Sharon a bridesmaid's dress that will outshine Michelle's wedding dress.

2x55 1986-07-10

10 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Doctor Legg compensates Ethel and Lofty for the burglary. DS Quick tells people he has quit and has a new job in security. Arthur accuses Pauline of having an affair with her art teacher.

2x56 1986-07-15

15 July, 1986 7:30 pm
The band contemplate what kind of music to play. Cassie steals Pauline's fruit for her still life practice. Mehmet has no alibi for when Doctor Legg's car was taken and admits to Ali he was with a friend who is an illegal immigrant and does not want his name mentioned.

2x57 1986-07-17

17 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Pete books a holiday but Ian says the band need him so Simon convinces Kathy to let Ian stay behind. Naima is fed up of living with Debbie and Andy. Pauline is angry at Arthur's assumptions. Mehmet tells Mary he needs conversation that he does not get from his wife.

2x58 1986-07-22

22 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Sue wants to talk to Ali about IVF but he refuses to. Mark returns with his Welsh friend, Owen. Naima reveals the new name for her shop - First Til Last. Andy says he will not see much of Debbie when she starts her new hours in the shop. Michelle asks Lofty to tell Den they do not want his money for the dresses.

2x59 1986-07-24

24 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Ian and Kelvin spend time with Mark and Owen. Den wants revenge on whoever poisoned Roly, and Debbie later realises it is her fault from putting down rat poison in the shop. Arthur is forced to look after the café after Ali and Sue leave without warning and Ali later refuses to pay Arthur for his time.

2x60 1986-07-29

29 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Jan invites Den to New York. Ali asks Arthur to work the cab office's night shift. The band members decide on the name Dog Market. Naima confronts Den and refuses to pay because he should not let Roly roam free.

2x61 1986-07-31

31 July, 1986 7:30 pm
Andy gets down on one knee and proposes to Debbie, who accepts. Ethel faints and causes quite a stir. Arthur really starts to struggle money wise. Dot breaks down in Andy's arms claiming she wishes she was dead! Cassie steals cannabis from Owen.

2x62 1986-08-05

05 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Pauline is furious with Mark and Owen. Hannah tries to reason with Naima on what to do with Cassie. Mary flirts with Mehmet. Arthur and Hannah have a row in the café but Sue soon puts them both right. Den, Ali, Arthur, Mehmet and Mustapha have a game of poker in the Vic.

2x63 1986-08-07

07 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Tony and Hannah consider sending Cassie to boarding school. Arthur thinks Tony will never employ him again. Andy is hailed a hero. Sharon tells Michelle they are drifting apart. Simon warns Mary that Mehmet is using her. Kathy and Pete's passports have expired, putting their holiday in jeopardy. Lou is worried about Dot's health.

2x64 1986-08-12

12 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Sharon wants to leave private school. Cassie visits Michelle but tells her parents she was with Kelvin, however, Hannah realises the truth. Andy gives Debbie an engagement ring and tells her they will marry in November. Pete and Kathy leave for their holiday.

2x65 1986-08-14

14 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Hannah is adamant that Cassie is going to private school. Arthur upsets Dot after she offends him. Harry and Simon bicker, leading to the gig being cancelled. Andy saves a little boy, but with deadly consequences.

2x66 1986-08-19

19 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Debbie gets some devastating news from the police. Arthur asks to call a truce with the Carpenters.

2x67 1986-08-21

21 August, 1986 7:30 pm
A reporter arrives to get information about Andy, puts words into Arthur's mouth, twists what Ethel says, angers Den and enters Debbie's home uninvited. Later Andy is front page news but the article is full of inaccuracies. Mr Barry, the driver who struck Andy, visits Debbie. Arthur convinces Michelle to have a church wedding.

2x68 1986-08-26

26 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Debbie leaves for Andy's funeral and Colin moves into Albert Square. While the band perform "Venus", their amplifier causes a power cut in the Vic so Den throws them out, telling them they are banned. Lofty finds an old toy train and thinks it could be worth some money.

2x69 1986-08-28

28 August, 1986 7:30 pm
Everyone's thoughts are with Andy on the day of his funeral. Sharon and Angie go on holiday to Florida. The band agree to change their name to The Banned and enter a competition, for which Simon will write a song.

2x70 1986-09-02

02 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Sue sees Michelle without Vicki and assumes that she cannot cope. Pauline decides to enter the Vic's "glamorous granny" competition. Den employs Tom as a potman and offers to hold Michelle and Lofty's wedding reception for free.

2x71 1986-09-04

04 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Dot tells Doctor Legg she was caught shoplifting and has been arrested. Mehmet tells Ali he will win their bet over Mary.

2x72 1986-09-09

09 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Den considers ending his marriage to Angie but Willmott-Brown mentions that he thinks the landlady is the person who brings in the punters.

2x73 1986-09-11

11 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Den tells Jan he wants to divorce Angie. After a rehearsal, Harry declares that Simon is no longer needed - they argue and Simon quits, taking his song with him.

2x74 1986-09-16

16 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Arthur sneaks off for the day, missing the day at the cemetery on the 21st anniversary of Albert's death. Lou is not pleased. Simon writes a new song, Every Loser Wins, and plays it to himself on the Vic piano during afternoon closing.

2x75 1986-09-18

18 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Sharon ends her relationship with Ian and is annoyed when he says she is not mature enough for him. Arthur announces that he has paid for Michelle and Lofty's wedding in full as well as a honeymoon. He then admits to Pauline he used the Christmas Club money.

2x76 1986-09-23

23 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Pauline tells Arthur he could go to prison. Michelle and Lofty have their hen and stag parties. Debbie considers selling her house and Kelvin is looking for an employer to sponsor his degree.

2x77 1986-09-25

25 September, 1986 7:30 pm
It is the day of Michelle and Lofty's wedding.

2x78 1986-09-30

30 September, 1986 7:30 pm
Michelle tells Arthur she cannot go through with the wedding so he takes her home. Simon tries to cheer up Lofty when they get home but he wants to be left alone and breaks down in tears. Angie tells Kathy about Den wanting another pub and Kathy tries to help Angie cut down on alcohol.

2x79 1986-10-02

02 October, 1986 7:30 pm
When Kathy wants to cash-in her Christmas Club money to fund the jumper stall Arthur and Pauline begin to realise the extent of the trouble they are in. Debbie puts her house up for sale. Tom wins first prize in the allotment competition using Arthur's leeks. Ethel slips on the stairs of the Queen Vic carrying an avocado pear in a vinaigrette sauce.

2x80 1986-10-07

07 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie gets test results from Doctor Legg. Michelle and Lofty finally talk. Mary agrees to have sex with Mehmet but cannot find a babysitter. Kathy discovers a market stall is available. Willmott-Brown sees Debbie and is attracted to her.

2x81 1986-10-09

09 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Den spends a frustrated morning trying to get Angie on her own to discuss Jan's ultimatum. Mary overhears Ali and Mehmet discussing their bet that Mehmet could pull Mary. Kelvin and Sharon cook up a scheme.

2x82 1986-10-14

14 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie meets Jan at an art gallery to discuss Den's moodiness and Jan tells her about the two week ultimatum she's given him. The Banned discuss what clothes to wear for the video they're making with Pete the next day,

2x83 1986-10-16

16 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Den is ready to walk out on Angie and leave everything behind, including his successful like as a publican, but then some devastating news from his wife turns their love-hate relationship on its head.

2x84 1986-10-21

21 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Kathy explains to Pete why she'd like to become a Samaritan. Arthur is slowly falling into depression. Pat turns up in the Square after her husband gave her a beating and threw her out and she's come to get what is hers - money.

2x85 1986-10-23

23 October, 1986 7:30 pm
It's finally The Banned's big competition night.

2x86 1986-10-28

28 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Lou warns Pat to leave Pete alone, and accuses her of a past affair with Pete's brother Kenny. At a post-mortem for The Banned in the community centre Ian and Kelvin become suspicious that Harry doesn't seem bothered that their performance was sabotaged.

2x87 1986-10-30

30 October, 1986 7:30 pm
Kelvin and Eddie have a standoff with Harry in the community centre. Colin invites Debbie round for dinner, and comforts her when she begins crying about losing Andy.

2x88 1986-11-04

04 November, 1986 7:30 pm
Pat starts working at the Queen Vic. Sharon goes to the job centre to find work and considers going on a Youth Training Scheme. Willmott-Brown expresses interest in moving to the Square after handing his notice in to the brewery with plans to open a pub of his own. The pressure mounts on Arthur as more and more people start asking for their Christmas Club money.

2x89 1986-11-06

06 November, 1986 7:30 pm
Arthur tells everyone he is withdrawing the Christmas club money that day. Pete accuses Pat of lying that Simon is not his son. Sue and Ali meet a social worker about fostering.

2x90 1986-11-11

11 November, 1986 7:30 pm
DS West investigates the burglary. Pete says that Pauline told him that Simon is Kenny's son but he does not want Simon to be told. Kathy is interviewed by Mrs McCabe for the Samaritans.

2x91 1986-11-13

13 November, 1986 7:30 pm
DS West questions Arthur at the police station. Pete tries to make things up with Simon, Sharon meets Jan to make sure she will not be seeing Den again.

2x92 1986-11-18

18 November, 1986 7:30 pm
Den and Angie arrive in Venice for their second honeymoon. Colin makes morning coffee for his overnight guest, Barry. Lofty returns and meets with Michelle.

2x93 1986-11-20

20 November, 1986 7:30 pm
Den seeks out Jan in Venice. Back in Walford, Lofty and Dot visit Ethel in hospital.

2x94 1986-11-25

25 November, 1986 7:30 pm
Den and Angie take a trip on the Orient Express. Ethel returns to Albert Square. The Fowlers have disappeared and no one knows where they have gone.

2x95 1986-11-27

27 November, 1986 7:30 pm
Michelle has moved in with Lofty. Colin tells Barry he likes him as a casual friend. Den and Angie return home and Den visits Jan to tell her the truth about Angie.

2x96 1986-12-02

02 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Pete breaks with family tradition and plans to spend Christmas Day at the Vic with Den. Pat decides to stay in Albert Square and asks Doctor Legg to rent Ethel's flat.

2x97 1986-12-04

04 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Pete and Arthur have a fight. Charlie flirts with Pat. Ethel is upset that her room has gone. Den tells Angie she will get a big Christmas surprise and tells Colin he is divorcing Angie. Kelvin tells Hannah that he loves Carmel and wants her to move in with him.

2x98 1986-12-09

09 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Arthur's depression gets the better of him, while Michelle and Lofty head off on their honeymoon.

2x99 1986-12-11

11 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Naima's conniving cousin arrives in Albert Square. Mehmet meets Pat with a view to employing her without saying what the job is and he tells Ali it is to do with security. Colin gets annoyed by Barry's presence while he is trying to work.

2x100 1986-12-16

16 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Mehmet introduces Pat to his dashing friend while Wicksy conspires to throw a spanner in the works.

2x101 1986-12-18

18 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Hannah disapproves of Kelvin's relationship with Carmel. Barry continues to annoy Colin in the flat so Colin asks him to move out. Pat and Mehmet make a plan.

2x102 1986-12-23

23 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Dot learns of Charlie's intentions to leave her before Christmas. Kelvin informs his parents of his intention to move out - permanently. A severely depressed Arthur locks himself in the allotment shed until Pete forces him out. Ali and Sue are turned down for fostering.

2x103 1986-12-25 (1)

25 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Christmas Day at the Vic has unexpected consequences for Angie after Den gives her an important letter. Pauline begins to suspect the identity of Vicky's father, while Christmas cracks Arthur up.

2x104 1986-12-25 (2)

25 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie is left reeling about the divorce. Pete and Lou make amends. Arthur breaks down.

2x105 1986-12-30

30 December, 1986 7:30 pm
Angie and Sharon stay at Kathy and Pete's. Kathy tells Pauline to see Doctor Legg about Arthur. Mary gets a tip from Pat on how to get her dinner paid for.

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