EastEnders (1985)
EastEnders (1985)
The everyday lives of working-class residents of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough.

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11x01 1995-01-02

02 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant makes himself useless at the Vic, Pat juggles her responsibilities, and Steve's New Year optimism plummets when Della starts getting up to her old tricks. Bianca starts a new job. However, she seems to be more concerned with her appearance than with learning the ropes.

11x02 1995-01-03

03 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Pat is busy juggling work and family commitments and she is forced to entrust a responsible task to David. Della's behaviour drives Steve to the end of his tether. Della gets a shock when Steve reaches the end of his tether. David's obsession threatens to drag him under. And Ruth's good news makes Michelle feel inadequate.

11x03 1995-01-05

05 January, 1995 7:30 pm
An invitation to a wedding causes a ripple of excitement and confusion at the Jacksons', but Carol appears to be less enthusiastic about it than the rest of her family. Ricky gives Natalie a lesson in car mechanics and receives a favour in return. Pat's courage is tested at the Vic - will anyone come to her aid when things turn nasty? Nosy Nellie learns a few home truths when she makes an unpleasant discovery.

11x04 1995-01-09

09 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Secrets have always been a large part of the Square, and letting the cat out of the bag is an EastEnders tradition. Ever since Grant spilled the beans on Sharon and Phil to the whole of the Queen Vic, it's been all quiet on the revelations front, until Carol prepares to tell a few of her own home truths. Whatever she's got on her mind, rest assured the first few weeks of 1995 are going to be far from peaceful. Meanwhile, Binnie shows the jealous side of her nature and Nellie fishes for sympathy.

11x05 1995-01-10

10 January, 1995 7:30 pm
David wants to be a sugar daddy and Gita admits she can't be a supermum. Steve pretends to be an agony aunt: The relationship between Della and Binnie has hit a bit of a rough patch recently and Steve uses the strained situation between them to his advantage. Michelle is moping around the Square, feeling irritated at being the focal point of everybody's advice. So she decides to take her frustrations out on Grant.

11x06 1995-01-12

12 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Steve takes Della out and makes a serious error of judgement. David tells Pat that the deal with Barry Evans at Manor Wood Motors is about to go through. Natalie develops an interest in car maintenance. Ruth and Mark discuss getting a place of their own.

11x07 1995-01-16

16 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Nellie has a visit from the council, David tries to put Pat under pressure, and Della tries to put Steve straight.

11x08 1995-01-17

17 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Carol calls a family conference and decides that honesty is the best policy, Della comes clean to Binnie about her relationship with Steve, Debbie gets involved with Sanjay's gambling exploits and Pauline and Arthur discuss what to do about the 'Nellie situation'.

11x09 1995-01-19

19 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Celebrations are in order for the Fowler clan when Michelle has some good news to share. Kathy has a bad day in the café when everyone offers her help and advice. Ricky is furious when the Jackson kids prepare for a good time and Bianca and Robbie clash.

11x10 1995-01-23

23 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Pat finally succumbs to the attentions of car dealer Roy Evans. (but not completely) She takes with her a chaperone, and quite right too, you can't trust a car dealer as far as you can throw him. I mean, look at her own son! Sanjay learns that when it comes to Gita, honesty is certainly the best policy. Bianca plans the party of the century, Pauline gives Arthur an earful and Steve makes Della an offer she can't refuse.

11x11 1995-01-24

24 January, 1995 7:30 pm
With Alan and Carol out of the way at Carol's cousin's wedding, Bianca, Ricky and Natalie get ready to party, but wish they had been more selective with their guest list. Pat is still wary of Roy, but will she heed Kathy's advice? Debbie is surprised by Gita's frankness, while things get busier at the salon much to Della's delight.

11x12 1995-01-26

26 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Robbie and trusty hound Well'ard face up to the morning after, with news of the Jacksons' party doing the rounds of the Albert Square gossips. Steve gets a futuristic vision involving Kathy, Pat journeys into Roy's past and Arthur has an unpleasant ailment.

11x13 1995-01-30

30 January, 1995 7:30 pm
At last Michelle has a job, and deservedly so, after all her hard work. She's working for the council and boy, is she excited about her first day. And to round it all off, Geoff plans a surprise for her. Pat decides to keep Roy at arms length, while Bianca shoves Ricky further out of her life when she decides to go out on the town (without him). Binnie takes up an apprenticeship.

11x14 1995-01-31

31 January, 1995 7:30 pm
Natalie is left out in the cold by Bianca's new friend, whilst Ricky gets taken for a ride. Arthur thinks Geoff is taking advantage and Steve is promoting the all-night café.

11x15 1995-02-02

02 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Bianca and Tiffany cause a stir, while Natalie and Ricky have a night to remember when they share their feelings about how Bianca's been treating them. Binnie finds it hard to cope at the salon, but is determined to prove to Della that she can do the job. Mark gets a special birthday gift, and Roy confides in Kathy about his feelings for Pat.

11x16 1995-02-06

06 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Natalie's walking on air, Bianca's nursing a hangover and Ricky doesn't know where to turn. Steve hopes to impress Tiffany with his glamorous new venture.

11x17 1995-02-07

07 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Ricky gets in deeper than ever when he tries to get his love life in order. Pauline is feeling guilty about Nellie, so Arthur decides to take drastic measures, while Robbie's new career surprises Carol.

11x18 1995-02-09

09 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Nellie and Ethel eschew their bus passes and head to the Vic for a girls' night out. Geoff drinks Arthur under the table, and Pauline wonders why. Roy admires Pat's famous hot-pot.

11x19 1995-02-13

13 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Ricky finds himself caught between two women and agrees to make a choice between them, while Nigel prepares for Valentine's Day with a bulk purchase and a cast-iron idea for making money out of love. Nellie's poorly condition alarms the Fowlers and Debbie gives Sanjay some romantic encouragement.

11x20 1995-02-14

14 February, 1995 7:30 pm
It may be Valentine's Day, but Carol is annoyed with Alan, Ricky spreads his love too thin and Geoff's romantic dinner gets out of hand.

11x21 1995-02-16

16 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Ethel's 80th birthday celebrations at the Queen Vic cause some confusion but Pauline and Arthur use the occasion to make peace with Nellie. Pauline is mixed up about Michelle and Bianca catches Ricky in the act.

11x22 1995-02-20

20 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy and Phil are keen to spend more time with each other, but when she pays him a visit pushy Peggy is there, which is hardly likely to do wonders for anybody's love-life. Ricky is desperate to see Bianca, but when the little madam proves to be evasive, he seeks solace elsewhere. Nigel is devastated to discover that in the eyes of his daughter and her friends, he's not the man he though he was.

11x23 1995-02-21

21 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Ricky gives Natalie a nasty surprise, Grant advises Nigel on how to be a man and Pat gets a taste of the real Roy.

11x24 1995-02-23

23 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Natalie says goodbye to the Square, Arthur finds he must drive Nellie to her home, and Nigel stares violence in the face.

11x25 1995-02-27

27 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy and Phil are making plans for their reunion on his return to Walford but Peggy's intervention doesn't help. Michelle reveals some more of her past to Geoff. Poor Ricky gets laughed at by Mark when he reveals the complexities of his love life.

11x26 1995-02-28

28 February, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle wonders if honesty is the best policy, while Kathy decides to show everyone that she's prepared to stand by her man.

11x27 1995-03-02

02 March, 1995 7:30 pm
A night on the town with Tiffany proves to be memorable for Bianca, although her hopes of finding someone tall, dark and handsome don't turn out quite as she expected. Geoff turns up to see a rather hurt-and-confused Michelle to try and sort things out between them. Ian is frustrated as Steve's new business venture takes off. This time he's getting all hot and bothered trying to persuade Kathy that Steve's all-night café is affecting his business at the fish and chip shop.

11x28 1995-03-06

06 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Bianca is told a few home truths and Michelle thinks about life north of Walford.

11x29 1995-03-07

07 March, 1995 7:30 pm
When Michelle tells Pauline and Arthur her news she finds her parents' reactions are very different. Peggy decides to make the effort to get to know Kathy better, while Gita wrestles with her conscience over her relationship with Sanjay. As the reverberations of David's revelations shake both the Jackson and Butcher households, Bianca disappears, while her worried mother Carol finds comfort from an unexpected quarter. Arthur is upset at Michelle's news about moving to Scotland.

11x30 1995-03-09

09 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle and Arthur don't see eye to eye over Geoff's proposal. Michelle's news has hit Arthur hard, but his strong opposition only serves to push her in the other direction with her decision. It looks like Michelle may accept Geoff's proposition. Alan has had enough of David's interest in Bianca. He tries to negotiate some peace between Carol and Bianca, but what he learns leads him to deciding to deal with David in his own way. Peggy's assistance at the Queen Vic is not appreciated by Pat.

11x31 1995-03-13

13 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Steve comes under financial pressure from an unexpected quarter, while Nigel and Robbie have bunny trouble.

11x32 1995-03-14

14 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy gives Kathy a makeover, while Phil tests his catering skills. Bianca is feeling decidedly anti-social and Robbie tries to cheer her up by leaving Well'ard with her for company - but will the dog prove a deterrent to an unwelcome caller? Blossom gives Alan a piece of her mind with some strong words of advice which cause him to rethink his plans for the future, and Peggy begins her efforts at transforming Kathy into a new woman.

11x33 1995-03-16

16 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Ian gets some unwanted business advice from Steve, while Mark confronts his fears about Michelle. Alan tries to get Bianca to bury the hatchet with Carol. Peggy is getting in Pat's way at the Vic and the Kapoors hold a family celebration to mark Sharmilla's second birthday. Meanwhile, a mysterious late-night visitor arrives at Albert Square.

11x34 1995-03-20

20 March, 1995 7:30 pm
The arrival of a familiar face in the Square surprises the residents, while Carol and Bianca finally face the truth. Michelle is avoiding the issue.

11x35 1995-03-21

21 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy has a close encounter on the square, Gita makes Sanjay an offer he can't refuse and David tries to set the record straight.

11x36 1995-03-23

23 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy tries her hand at marriage guidance and Michelle has an answer for Geoff. Gita lays down the law.

11x37 1995-03-27

27 March, 1995 7:30 pm
While Geoff and Michelle celebrate their engagement, Peggy is determined to get Grant to talk to Sharon, and Bianca has a proposal for David.

11x38 1995-03-28

28 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant faces up to a future without Sharon, while Ruth decides she doesn't want a life without Mark. Nigel gets physical, with disastrous consequences.

11x39 1995-03-30

30 March, 1995 7:30 pm
Steve's dreams of a business empire begin to crumble. Sanjay finds himself with a score to settle, Della gets itchy feet and Peggy finds out a few family secrets.

11x40 1995-04-03

03 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Phil gets a late night summons from Peggy, Mark awaits a phone call from Scotland and there's a nasty surprise for Sharon.

11x41 1995-04-04

04 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Ruth returns with some news for Mark, while Sharon pays some surprise visits. Ricky tries to get Bianca a job.

11x42 1995-04-06

06 April, 1995 7:30 pm
The bedsits get a new owner and Robbie is delighted with Kathy's new assistant. Michelle is taken aback by her parents' reaction to a family announcement. Alan decides it's time to do something about David.

11x43 1995-04-10

10 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Alan finds himself doing women's work, while Mark lets the women work things out for themselves. Della and Binnie decide to get away from it all.

11x44 1995-04-11

11 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel gets promotion, Roy pushes the boat out, and Peggy turns on the charm.

11x45 1995-04-13

13 April, 1995 7:30 pm
"Stag night" for Mark in the Vic and Ruth in the Café. Ruth and Pauline find they have something in common, while Tiffany and Bianca find it's a man's world. Sharon is left out in the cold while the rest of the Square enjoy themselves. Mark and Arthur have an emotional talk, and Ruth makes an assurance to Pauline.

11x46 1995-04-17

17 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur's hopes of a warm Scottish welcome are somewhat dashed, while tempers run high when Mark meets Ruth's family.

11x47 1995-04-18

18 April, 1995 7:30 pm
The Aitkens are left shell-shocked after the night's revelations, and Mark and Ruth try to pick up the pieces.

11x48 1995-04-20

20 April, 1995 7:30 pm
It is Michelle, not the bride, who has difficulties in making it to Ruth and Mark's wedding on time. Arthur, the proud father of the groom, makes his speech at the reception with Pauline proudly by his side while Ruth finds that her "big day" is an occasion for sadness as well as happiness.

11x49 1995-04-24

24 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel has bad news for Arthur. Michelle finds life with a honeymoon couple isn't all roses. Grant and Sharon sort things out at the Vic, and Phil pays Ian a surprise visit.

11x50 1995-04-25

25 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy causes trouble for Della, while Sharon and Michelle's night out takes a nasty turn. Ricky finds himself with housing problems, and Bianca goes up in the world.

11x51 1995-04-27

27 April, 1995 7:30 pm
Binnie and Della make Mediterranean travel plans. Ian is made an offer he can't refuse. Roy tries to say it with flowers, but Pat's reaction takes him by surprise. Michelle decides to go into property.

11x52 1995-05-01

01 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant and Sharon have a brief encounter, Peggy's plans for the Vic suffer a major setback and Alan's pride takes a knock.

11x53 1995-05-02

02 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel unveils his secret weapon, while Sharon gives the Mitchell's more than they bargained for.

11x54 1995-05-04

04 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Ricky gets a surprise when Roy comes to see him at the Arches. Della and Binnie celebrate a deal they have just struck but it is brought to an abrupt halt when Steve finds out, while Bianca is driving David round the bend.

11x55 1995-05-08

08 May, 1995 7:30 pm
The residents of Albert Square celebrate the 50th anniversary of VE Day on Bank Holiday. Arthur intends to make sure it is a day for everybody, young and old alike, to remember. The market traders enter into the spirit of the occasion but, for Dr Legg and Ethel, it is a time to reminisce about old friends, family and neighbours in Walford during the War years. Meanwhile, Peggy discusses her future with "her boys", Ricky feels lonely and Nigel's day does not go to plan.

11x56 1995-05-09

09 May, 1995 7:30 pm
The new landlord at the bedsits starts to throw his weight around, and Ricky finds he could be homeless. Ian gets Cindy just what he's always wanted, and a win for Nigel's football team means another loss for Arthur.

11x57 1995-05-11

11 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Lydia gets a shock when Della and Binnie write her a reference and Robbie gets a dose of reality when Carol examines his job prospects. Kathy's birthday dinner takes an unexpected turn and Peggy starts planning ahead at the pub. Debbie has second thoughts about confiding in her boss, and David finds he has a house guest when he returns from giving Bianca a driving lesson.

11x58 1995-05-15

15 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Steve promises Della and Binnie a night to remember which turns out to be not quite what they had in mind. Sharon decides to live it up in the Vic. Nigel realises football can be a dirty game.

11x59 1995-05-16

16 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Della and Binnie bid farewell to Albert Square. Peggy makes Sharon an offer she can refuse. Arthur's day of glory arrives at last, but can he come up to scratch.

11x60 1995-05-18

18 May, 1995 7:30 pm
It's the longest night of David's life when he takes Bianca on a driving lesson. And Cindy goes looking for a diversion after a night from hell with Ian.

11x61 1995-05-22

22 May, 1995 7:30 pm
While Nigel is busy making last minute preparations for the final, Debbie gets unwanted attention at work. Cindy finds herself in a state of shock.

11x62 1995-05-23

23 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Debbie has work worries, Arthur gets his big chance and Grant has a suggestion for Sharon.

11x63 1995-05-25

25 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy makes plans for the Vic, Grant revives an old acquaintance, and Nigel thinks Debbie is acting strangely. Mark is forced to make some painful admissions.

11x64 1995-05-29

29 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy plans a family get-together at the Vic, saving Cindy from a close shave with David. Peggy wants to know who Grant's date was.

11x65 1995-05-30

30 May, 1995 7:30 pm
Debbie gets more than she bargained for when she works late again, while Alan finds it hard to be patient with Bianca.

11x66 1995-06-01

01 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Sharon and Grant plan another meeting - but Grant has more than business on his mind. Debbie thinks that she might be over-reacting to recent events. Cindy finds her past catching up and threatening to envelop her. Ian tries to get information about Phil from Ricky. David takes Bianca out for another driving lesson.

11x67 1995-06-05

05 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur enters the political arena, Dougan surprises Debbie, and Bianca and Alan still don't see eye to eye.

11x68 1995-06-06

06 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant and Sharon find themselves having to lie. Ian has a surprise for Cindy and David is hard-pressed to keep up with Bianca's demands.

11x69 1995-06-08

08 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Mark shares his troubles with Michelle and confesses his worries about Ruth. Bianca sits down and thinks hard about the meaning of fatherhood and is feeling unloved until she has a heart-to-heart with Alan. Debbie loses her temper and finally snaps at Dougan. Arthur has allotment fever and Ian finds that he is in the right place at the right time and discovers Phil's dark secret. Michelle catches Sharon in a compromising position. Grant finds that love involves having to say sorry.

11x70 1995-06-12

12 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel stands up for women's rights, while Grant discovers that the course of true love does not always run smoothly.

11x71 1995-06-13

13 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle catches Sharon in a compromising position. Ian discovers Phil's dark secret. Grant finds that love involves having to say sorry. Kathy advises Debbie and Arthur hears disturbing rumours.

11x72 1995-06-15

15 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy gets suspicious about Grant's nocturnal behaviour. Ruth and Mark get their wires crossed. Debbie and Nigel visit the bookies' head office to make their claims. Ian finds himself in big trouble with Phil.

11x73 1995-06-19

19 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Ian faces up to an angry Phil, while Cindy is flustered by a late-night call. Debbie receives an unwelcome visit from Dougan and Ruth tries to make up with Mark.

11x74 1995-06-20

20 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Sharon and Peggy tie up their business deal, and Grant wants to know where that leaves him. Mark and Ruth are forced to do some straight talking.

11x75 1995-06-22

22 June, 1995 7:30 pm
The police arrive with some devastating news for Nigel. Phil tries to sweet-talk Kathy, and Tiffany gets a job. Ricky's frank talk throws Bianca, Grant does some secret shopping, and Ian shares his dreams of empire building with a disinterested Cindy.

11x76 1995-06-26

26 June, 1995 7:30 pm
The Square is in a state of shock, and Sharon sees Grant in a new light. David would like to impress Bianca - but reckons without Carol's intervention.

11x77 1995-06-27

27 June, 1995 7:30 pm
Sharon keeps Grant hanging on, Peggy celebrates her new regime and David feels a stranger in his own home.

11x78 1995-06-29

29 June, 1995 7:30 pm
It's a sad day for the residents of Albert Square as they gather to mourn a death and Nigel is troubled when he meets a face from Debbie's past. Sharon makes Grant an offer he may have to refuse. In the Butcher household, David has reached crisis point and needs to find a sympathetic ear.

11x79 1995-07-03

03 July, 1995 7:30 pm
David finds Bianca too close for comfort, Peggy unveils her plans for the quiz night, and Grant sees a way to meet Sharon's demands.

11x80 1995-07-04

04 July, 1995 7:30 pm
When Pauline confronts Sharon about her plans, she finds out more than she bargained for. Grant looks for support for the quiz night, while Steve has difficulty finding takers for his holiday.

11x81 1995-07-06

06 July, 1995 7:30 pm
It's the first Quiz Night at the Queen Vic and events ensure that it will be a night for all to remember. Peggy is in the mood to celebrate now that the pub licence is now permanently hers and the Vic is crowded with familiar faces, all blissfully unaware of the evening's impending bombshell. Only Michelle and Pauline seems oblivious to the jollity around them. Grant makes Phil promise to stand by him no matter what happens, confirming Phil's worst fears. Midway through the quiz, a secret visitor arrives at the back door of the Vic, and after the winners have been announced, everyone is stunned by the sight of Grant and Sharon, hand in hand, taking to the stage. Sharon takes a last look at the world she grew up in, while Grant has a chat with Nigel but leaves Phil in the dark.

11x82 1995-07-10

10 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy tries to get an explanation from Grant, Nigel decides he needs legal advice and Pat returns from her holiday to find that everything has changed.

11x83 1995-07-11

11 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur discovers a novel fund raising idea for his Flowering Wilderness campaign, Cindy feels her world shrinking around her like cling-film but continues with her dangerous games, deciding to pay David a visit and Sanjay wonders if Gita will allow him to go to Spain with Steve. Pat and Roy make a public show of affection. Nigel struggles to cope with a sad anniversary and David hatches a plan for Bianca's 18th birthday. Grant is the life and soul of the Vic.

11x84 1995-07-13

13 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Carol and David disagree over Bianca's birthday party. Grant decides to make up for lost time, while a traumatised Cindy gives David an ultimatum. Arthur gets an enthusiastic response to his Great Snail Race.

11x85 1995-07-17

17 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Bianca gets ready for a night to remember to celebrate her birthday. Nigel tries to come to terms with Debbie's death and receives an unexpected offer from Arthur.

11x86 1995-07-18

18 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Competition is hotting up in the Great Snail Race, with Robbie entering a late runner. Kathy lays down the law with Phil, and Roy and Pat confront the past.

11x87 1995-07-20

20 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel and Clare go to court, but Liam has cleaned up his act and seems set to impress the judge. A desperate Steve manages to find two more takers for his holiday and needs only one more space to be filled. Arthur upsets Michelle with a tactless remark, while Sanjay encourages Mark to continue with his dodgy game.

11x88 1995-07-24

24 July, 1995 7:30 pm
David is in for a shock when he boards the plane to Spain, while Steve gets more than he bargained for when he decides to try his luck.

11x89 1995-07-25

25 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant tests his brother's loyalty, David begins a holiday romance and Ricky and Bianca prove how stubborn they can be.

11x90 1995-07-27

27 July, 1995 7:30 pm
The last night in Spain is a night to remember. Ricky and Bianca dive in head-first, Steve meets his match and Grant faces up to a few home truths. David finds himself listening to a sob story, offering sympathy and comfort.

11x91 1995-07-31

31 July, 1995 7:30 pm
Bianca hides the truth from Carol and Mark suppresses a guilty secret of his own. Grant and Phil spring a welcome surprise on Peggy.

11x92 1995-08-01

01 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Sam tries her hand behind the bar - and receives some unexpected attention from Ricky. David turns the tables on Grant and Phil, and Carol has a close shave with the truth. Pat's plan to get a new job is undermined by Roy, while Grant finds a way to boost his income.

11x93 1995-08-03

03 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy lays down the law to the family, but Pat's warnings to David go unheeded. Quiz Night is a tense occasion when Sam shows up, and Carol is in for a nasty shock of her own. Grant finds a way to boost his income.

11x94 1995-08-07

07 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Mark's gambling draws him deeper into debt, Alan finds new ways of dealing with David Wicks and Nigel has words with Liam.

11x95 1995-08-08

08 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Albert Square is out in force for Arthur's `Pubathon'. But although the Jacksons have some good news, the festivities turn sour when it appears that all Arthur's hard work may have been in vain.

11x96 1995-08-10

10 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Pat slams Barry and David's dodgy deals. Ruth wants to get to the bottom of Mark's problems. Neither Ricky nor David has the time for Bianca that she'd like. And Grant spares the time to wind up Kathy.

11x97 1995-08-14

14 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant pulls a fast one but doesn't cover his tracks as well as he thought. Mark is getting into deep water, while Cindy finds she's out of her depth.

11x98 1995-08-15

15 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Mark cannot face his debts - or Ruth. Kathy is worried by Grant, while Tiffany and Sam find they have more in common than they realised.

11x99 1995-08-17

17 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle decides to cheer up miserable Mark by taking him out for a night on the town, but later on Mark's bluff is called as he risks everything in a final rash bid. Pat gives David a lesson in parenthood, the police arrive for Grant and Ian pushes his luck with Steve.

11x100 1995-08-21

21 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant gets more than he bargained for when he crosses Tiffany's path, while Pat's plans for the future take an unexpected turn.

11x101 1995-08-22

22 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy is given some unsolicited advice by Peggy - whether she wants it or not, and Bianca feels her world is falling apart. Pat and Roy don't know if they can pick up the pieces after last night.

11x102 1995-08-24

24 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Carol and Peggy cross swords, Ricky has an announcement to make, and Kathy has a surprise visitor. Pauline and Arthur make holiday plans.

11x103 1995-08-28

28 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant and Phil's plot against David goes up in smoke, but Entertainment Night at the Vic goes with a bang. Arthur's attempt at public speaking throws Mark and Ruth off course.

11x104 1995-08-29

29 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur's speech raises more than a few hackles, Carol goes on the warpath, and Phil finds that the facts about Ted don't add up. The Square's residents summon up the spirit of the Blitz in the face of disaster.

11x105 1995-08-31

31 August, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle makes a breakthrough but doesn't escape an ear-bashing from Carol. Arthur licks his wounds, while Ian discovers Pauline won't let things lie. David and Ricky make a meal of things with Sam and Bianca, and Ted stays one step ahead of Phil.

11x106 1995-09-04

04 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel gets into hot water after agreeing to help Phil and Kathy move house, while Sam comes up with an unlikely present to bring her and David closer together.

11x107 1995-09-05

05 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant becomes out of tune with his surroundings when he and Phil try to move a piano, and David is taken for a ride by Cindy.

11x108 1995-09-07

07 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle gets a dressing down when she gets emotionally involved at work, Ted is forced into an unexpected admission at Phil and Kathy's dinner party, and Ian decides to call a truce with Arthur.

11x109 1995-09-11

11 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy plans a fresh start for Ted, and Ricky is offered a new place to live. Cindy gets more than she bargained for when she goes shopping.

11x110 1995-09-12

12 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Dr Legg has a busy day as a mystery bug sweeps through Albert Square. Phil gets an invitation from Grant but is worried about Kathy's reaction, and Robbie falls in love.

11x111 1995-09-14

14 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Ruth and Mark wait anxiously for news, while Bianca's family gather around her bedside - with some surprising results. Robbie's lust gets the better of him when he launches himself at the girl of his dreams. Michelle receives some distressing news at work.

11x112 1995-09-18

18 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle has a surprise at work, while Nigel braves out Debbie's inquest. Robbie looks forward to his first date.

11x113 1995-09-19

19 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel has an unexpected encounter while David can't resist the lure of the chippy. Tina tries to put as much distance as possible between her and Robbie.

11x114 1995-09-21

21 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Ricky lends Robbie a sympathetic ear, Gita and Sharmilla wave goodbye to Sanjay, and it seems as if the Jacksons are on the up. But there is more bad news for Michelle.

11x115 1995-09-25

25 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy is slowly facing up to her situation, but an evening with Pat awakens old memories. Michelle opens the door to an unexpected visitor - and an unexpected offer. Sam loses out to Cindy, while Ian picks up a few tips on telephone technique from David, and nearly blows his cover.

11x116 1995-09-26

26 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle is thrown off balance by a new proposal from an old flame. Pat goes green when Carol starts talking colour schemes. And David and Cindy are almost caught in the act.

11x117 1995-09-28

28 September, 1995 7:30 pm
Grant teaches Sam a lesson about her love life, while Kathy wants an opportunity to confide in Ted. David and Ian plan the perfect scam for Quiz Night but with Cindy's help, matters soon get out of hand. Ricky and Alan make a mockery of Pat and Carol's DIY plans.

11x118 1995-10-02

02 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Sam's plans for revenge on David go badly wrong, while Grant's behaviour is misinterpreted by Ruth with devastating consequences. Cindy and David embark on yet another dangerous liaison.

11x119 1995-10-03

03 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Passions rise as Michelle confronts Grant in the Vic and the past comes back to haunt them with surprising consequences. Meanwhile, in an attempt to ensure that her future with David is more than a pipe dream, Cindy gets him to face up to some home truths.

11x120 1995-10-05

05 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Cindy is forced to do some quick thinking, while Michelle has unfinished business with Grant. Arthur has a welcome surprise when he and Pauline return home. Kathy finds that letting Phil in on her little secret could prove harder than she'd imagined.

11x121 1995-10-09

09 October, 1995 7:30 pm
The past catches up with Ted. Pauline crosses swords with Michelle, while Roy is out for Barry's blood.

11x122 1995-10-10

10 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Cindy and David are playing with fire. Kathy is at breaking point. Michelle sees a way out.

11x123 1995-10-12

12 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Bianca gears up for her driving test and a dodgy scheme of David's goes awry. It's a day of surprises for Ian when he gets a shock in the chippy. Michelle has an unwanted visitor who throws her feelings into turmoil.

11x124 1995-10-16

16 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Kathy can't believe what she has learnt about Ted. Michelle gets a letter and finds her plans for the future thrown wide open.

11x125 1995-10-17

17 October, 1995 7:30 pm
How will Pauline and Arthur react to Michelle's decision? Kathy wants to see Ted, even if it is only to set the record straight.

11x126 1995-10-19

19 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur finds himself caught between the stubborn pairing of Pauline and Michelle, while Ted gains a home but loses an old friend. Roy diverts Pat from her decorating. Ian, still obsessed with the Queen Vic quiz night, aims to slaughter the opposition.

11x127 1995-10-23

23 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Robbie's quiet night in goes wrong. Michelle is forced to think twice about her plans, while Ian prepares for the pub quiz showdown.

11x128 1995-10-24

24 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur and Mark try to make peace in the Fowler family. Michelle arranges a meeting with an old adversary, while David feels fenced in by Cindy.

11x129 1995-10-26

26 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Michelle has some peacemaking with Pauline to attend to and some explaining to do to Grant. Michelle's choices will affect the rest of her life, while Arthur decides that Pauline is best left untold.

11x130 1995-10-30

30 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur finds that he and Mark share a secret, but Pauline is kept in the dark. Gita mixes business with pleasure, Bianca is in the right place at the right time, and Cindy is left out in the cold.

11x131 1995-10-31

31 October, 1995 7:30 pm
Martin gives Pauline the slip, sparking off a Halloween panic. Sam falls foul of Grant, Tiffany loses her job - and Nigel tries his hand at pulling pints.

11x132 1995-11-02

02 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Pauline sees her children in a different light, while Arthur receives some threatening post. Nigel can't bring himself to reveal the truth to Clare, and Ian pays Cindy an unwelcome compliment. Tiffany finds she is in a bargaining position with Grant.

11x133 1995-11-06

06 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel's meeting with his solicitor spells disaster. Grant makes a promise to Clare that he probably can't keep.

11x134 1995-11-07

07 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Phil tells Grant that he is going to become a father, and Arthur revels in a moment of glory as the Flowering Wilderness Campaign comes to a close.

11x135 1995-11-09

09 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur has to pass on some unwelcome news about Michelle to Pauline. Alan almost comes to blows with a newcomer to the Square. Robbie and Grant await the birth of Freida's puppies. Nigel puts on a brave face for Clare.

11x136 1995-11-13

13 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Pauline rounds on Arthur and Mark, Tiffany makes Ricky's life hell, and Nigel gets ready for court.

11x137 1995-11-14

14 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Nigel and Liam fight for custody of Clare, while Bianca puts Ricky on the spot.

11x138 1995-11-16

16 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Cindy demands some straight answers from David - and gets more than she bargained for. Kathy and Phil have an announcement to make, but it doesn't quite go according to plan. Mark's concern for Gita's booming business falls on deaf ears. And Nigel starts to plan the rest of his life.

11x139 1995-11-20

20 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy is delighted about Kathy's pregnancy, but Cindy dreads Ian finding out. Arthur receives congratulations all round as his Flowering Wilderness campaign nears completion.

11x140 1995-11-21

21 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Arthur and Willy battle with the authorities, Roy offers Pat a solution to both their problems, and Ted teaches Tony a lesson.

11x141 1995-11-23

23 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Pat has some important news for her family. Peggy's advice is driving Kathy up the wall. Felix is settling into the square. And Cindy gives David her parting shot.

11x142 1995-11-27

27 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Phil is left holding the babies, with a little help from Grant. Ricky is unsettled by Frank's belongings being moved out and Pat is thrown off balance by an unexpected letter. Meanwhile it's drinks all round as Ted and Roy celebrate their move into the Square.

11x143 1995-11-28

28 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Ricky leaves for Paris, Well'ard and Sonia share supper, and a troubled Pat goes walkabout. Arthur tries to burn away his worries on a bonfire.

11x144 1995-11-30

30 November, 1995 7:30 pm
Pat celebrates Roy's move by playing hostess with the mostest. Sarah stuns her father when she reveals how she has spent her afternoon. Arthur once again finds the odds stacked against him on a return visit to the police station. Robbie decides to expand his business empire. Phil makes Nigel an interesting offer.

11x145 1995-12-04

04 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Pauline returns from America to find husband Arthur absent and an unexpected visitor filling his place. As Gita agrees to take things further with Guppy, Robbie attempts to scratch his way to success, much to Sonia's interest.

11x146 1995-12-05

05 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Things begin to get worse for the Fowlers as a journalist rakes over Arthur's troubles. Robbie discovers the true meaning of Christmas, but misses out on the rewards of his finding, while Nigel's enthusiasm proves costly underneath the Arches. Tiffany is looking for a place to lay her sweet head.

11x147 1995-12-07

07 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Walford is transfixed by what the papers say. Mark tries to defend the family name, but it's a day of reckoning for Arthur. Robbie tries to recover his losses after a talking-to from Carol, and Nigel makes a quick career change.

11x148 1995-12-11

11 December, 1995 7:30 pm
A nasty shock awaits Ricky on his return from Paris, Cindy is back with a vengeance and Mark undertakes some private investigations. Pauline wonders if Arthur might be losing his grip.

11x149 1995-12-12

12 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Roy's in the festive mood, while Pat is haunted by the ghost of Christmas Past. Gita gets ready for her hot date and Mark is on a dangerous mission for justice.

11x150 1995-12-14

14 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Cindy's playing the perfect wife, at least on the surface. Pauline defends the Fowler name once more, but the family soon receives a shattering blow. Clare and Janine are sure that Felix has something to hide. Kathy wants to know how Pat is coping, while David is surprised by Carol's sensitivity.

11x151 1995-12-18

18 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Gita finds out Sanjay won't be home for Christmas, Pat allows Kathy to make a call and Pauline goes to court.

11x152 1995-12-19

19 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Pat can no longer ignore the inevitable and reluctantly receives a visitor. Clare drops in on Felix with disastrous results and Arthur isn't looking forward to Christmas. Felix's acceptance into the Square is by an unusual route. Willy and his mum watch the lottery.

11x153 1995-12-21

21 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Everyone is embarrassed by Felix's story. Pauline is persuaded to enjoy the Christmas spirit, while Gita's dinner date with Guppy leads to coffee afterwards. Cindy leaves David feeling frustrated, while Steve makes Mark's day.

11x154 1995-12-25 (1)

25 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Peggy's laid on an open day at the Vic. Arthur's having to "enjoy" the day behind bars, but Pauline puts on her bravest face and welcomes Willie to the family do. Cindy's delighted with her present from Ian, and Robbie hasn't done badly either. At the Butchers', things go as well as can be expected until there's a knock at the door.

11x155 1995-12-25 (2)

25 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Robbie gets caught eating turkey while Pat confronts ghosts from her past. Pauline gets a distressing call from Arthur in prison.

11x156 1995-12-26

26 December, 1995 7:30 pm
Yesterday's happenings at the Butchers have left the Square in turmoil -Roy leaves when his patience snaps, Ricky's furious and finds Sam's Shoulder to cry on, Phil's gone moody, David feels insecure, and Pat rushes to Pauline for consolation. Pauline does her best, then tears herself away and rushes off to visit Arthur. Kathy's organising a birthday party but she has other things on her mind. Pat tries to pick up the pieces but only succeeds in driving people away.

11x157 1995-12-28

28 December, 1995 7:30 pm
David, usually so cocky and full of his own cleverness, is down in the dumps and feeling sorry for himself. He's been rejected by girlfriend Cindy, doesn't know where he stands with his mother and is absolutely furious that Carol should be so happy. Pat has a heart-to-heart with the dejected Roy, and Ricky finally finds his man. Ricky is determined to get some answers about his father, and David finds himself acting as an unlikely go-between. Carol and Gita receive surprise visitors when Gita has a shock waiting on her doorstep. Robbie and Tony embark on a fishing adventure and Tiffany makes herself at home at Ricky and Bianca's.

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