EastEnders (1985)
EastEnders (1985)
The everyday lives of working-class residents of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough.

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15x01 1999-01-04

04 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Albert Square residents try to accept the loss of Tiffany, Frank cannot come to terms with his involvement in the accident that killed her. While Grant decides to stay behind closed doors with Courtney, Simon is determined to start the funeral arrangements and prevent Grant from taking over.

15x02 1999-01-05

05 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Tiff's family is struggling to cope with her death. While Terry decides to pay his daughter a final visit, Grant refuses to listen to any explanation from Frank.

15x03 1999-01-07

07 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Frank receives some unwelcome publicity and Steve receives an unwelcome visitor. Grant is adamant that Frank has blood on his hands.

15x04 1999-01-11

11 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant and Louise make an uneasy alliance in shared guilt on the day before Tiff's funeral. Meanwhile Roy helps Frank deal with his own anguish.

15x05 1999-01-12

12 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Emotions in the Square run high and threaten to disrupt Tiffany's funeral when Simon has his say. Sonia finds Tiff's letter which reveals some explosive information and Bianca wastes no time setting the fuse. Meanwhile, Ruth goes to see Dr Legg to confirm her test results.

15x06 1999-01-14

14 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Louise makes a painful decision and Steve finds a cool reception to his interest in Melanie. Josie is confused when Peggy takes on new bar-staff for the pub.

15x07 1999-01-18

18 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant's grim future looks a bit brighter when Ricky tells Bianca she must reveal evidence she holds. Lilly ventures onto a slippery slope and Mel warms to Steve.

15x08 1999-01-19

19 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Lilly gets a tongue lashing from Dot and Ricky persuades Bianca to do the right thing but she finds a way around. Meanwhile, Steve and Melanie are getting it on until Saskia puts her oar in. Ruth delays a decision looking to Mary for support.

15x09 1999-01-21

21 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Michael and Lisa feel an intimacy growing. Ricky lets the cat out and Grant prods Beppe to rash action. Steve finds himself in the middle with Mel and Saskia.

15x10 1999-01-25

25 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Beppe is called to accounts. Mary confronts Ruth and jumps to conclusions. Auntie Sonia has a dream come true.

15x11 1999-01-26

26 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Tensions mount during the inquest and Grant's temper gets the best of him. Ruth decides to keep her baby and make a new start without its father.

15x12 1999-01-28

28 January, 1999 7:30 pm
Terry has a surprise for Irene. Michael and Lisa find temptation hard to resist. Grant receives welcomed news.

15x13 1999-02-01

01 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant struggles with a difficult decision. Terry and Irene return to the Square with some shocking news for Sarah. Peggy gives Frank a jolt when she puts her plans for happiness on hold.

15x14 1999-02-02

02 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Mary pushes Ruth into telling her the truth when Mark's birthday plans go sour, but gets an unexpected answer. While Melanie is forced to hear the truth about Saskia and Steve, Michael decides to come clean with Susan about Lisa.

15x15 1999-02-04

04 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant and Peggy are reconciled when they make the trek to Peacehaven. Saskia snares Steve in her plot to push Melanie out and Michael breaks sad news to Lisa.

15x16 1999-02-08

08 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy sings Nina's praises to Irene. Nina is stunned by the sight of a man talking to Alex on the steps of Bridge House hospice. Grant overhears Nina phoning a friend for help. Alex tells Nina that the man she saw earlier is Jordy Ross - a recovering drug addict newly arrived in the hospice. Mark is nervous. He is waiting for the results of his check up. Ruth and Mary clash in the café. Mary urges Ruth to tell Mark about the pregnancy. Ruth warns Mary that it doesn't concern her. Mary confides in Conor her suspicion that Ruth is having an affair. Conor maintains an anxious silence.

15x17 1999-02-09

09 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Michael accepts the job in Leeds without telling Susan. Susan is unsure about the move and voices her concerns to Lisa. Grasping at straws, Michael tells Susan he is going to lose his job. He claims the Council brought Lisa in to replace him. Michael's lie backfires. Susan tells him they are going to stay and fight. Grant is askance to learn about Peggy's lunch date with Frank. He's supposed to be going to the Brewers' Association do. Grant is forced to apologise to Nina. Nina agrees to babysit on condition Grant reconsiders letting Terry see Courtney. Grant reluctantly promises to think about it. Downstairs, Irene notes Peggy and Grant's departures with interest.

15x18 1999-02-11

11 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Mary flees the Vic and barges her way into Ruth's flat. Ruth admits that Conor is the father of her unborn child. Ruth tells Mary she's returning to Scotland to raise the baby on her own. Mary spots a letter addressed to Mark and can't believe it. Ruth relents and agrees to tell Mark face-to-face. Grant throws Terry out of the Vic. Grant then turns on Peggy. He tells her "if Frank moves in here, I'm out. And that's the end of it". Peggy is exasperated and confides in Frank how upset she is. Frank resolves to act. He faces Grant down, telling him to get used to the idea.

15x19 1999-02-14

14 February, 1999 7:30 pm
It's Valentine's night and Walford is buzzing as Steve's club 'E20' launches. A queue of young clubbers forms before it opens - their ranks swelled by Dot, Lilly and Josie. Annie visits Steve. She's surprised he didn't report the break-in to the police. Annie warns him "If you do have someone out to get you, tonight's the night they'll show". Dot, Lilly and Josie are not amused to find themselves turned away. Distraught, Dot vows to report Steve to the "age discrimination tribunal"!

15x20 1999-02-15

15 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve comes round in a pool of blood, unsure what has happened. Matthew is in a panic. Steve clocks Saskia's inert body. He stops Matthew from calling the police, assuring him "I just want to speak to my solicitor… then I'll ring the police". Steve starts to drag the body behind the desk. In his panic Steve doesn't notice the security camera filming his every move. Matthew pleads that he tells the police. Steve prevents Matthew from leaving and works out what to do. Despite Matthew's protestations Steve reassures him they just have to hide the body. Steve frenziedly strips Saskia's body of identification before wrapping it in bin-bags. Matthew tells Steve he can't go along with it.

15x21 1999-02-16

16 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy suggests to Frank they marry in April but Frank is hesitant. He wants Peggy to settle her differences with Grant first. In the Vic Frank tries to placate Grant - he tells him that he belongs in the Vic as its his home. Grant counters by saying it was his home but Frank has changed that. Grant moves the last of his clothes out of the Vic, leaving Peggy distraught. Pauline senses tension between Conor and Mary and urges him to make amends. Pauline continues to interfere, telling Mary to apologise to Conor. Mary storms out, leaving Pauline wondering what's going on.

15x22 1999-02-18

18 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Breakfast is tense in the Hills' household. Nina leaves, unable to endure Sarah's insinuations that she stole her job at Bridge House. Irene tries to placate Sarah, who scoffs "it's a wonder she's not on probation herself. She's a prostitute, mum". Sarah soon realises Irene knew all along. Feeling betrayed Sarah storms out. Sarah confronts Nina and brands her a sinful hypocrite. When Sarah threatens to tell Alex, Nina calls her bluff: "if you really want Alex to know then go ahead. I think he'd be proud of me".

15x23 1999-02-22

22 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Conor tells Phil he and Mary are leaving for Scotland. When Phil expresses surprise, Conor admits he hasn't yet asked Mary if she wants to go. Mary rebuffs Conor's offer, pushing her ticket away. Mary tries to confide her anger in Mark but he doesn't want to know. Peggy is evasive with Frank. When he declares "life will be very sweet for Mr and Mrs Butcher", Peggy blanches. In the Vic Mark notices Peggy's anguish. She tells him about her cancer scare. As Frank arrives Peggy asks Mark to keep quiet. Mark urges her to confide in Frank - "he's strong Peggy. You can lean on him".

15x24 1999-02-23

23 February, 1999 7:30 pm
A mystery blonde woman arrives in the Square, looking for Steve Owen. Phil escorts her to the club. Wary, he asks if she's a friend of Steve's. She introduces herself as Claudia and explains that she's looking for her sister, Saskia. Claudia confronts Steve. When Steve stonewalls her, Claudia threatens to report Saskia missing. Steve's mind races.

15x25 1999-02-25

25 February, 1999 7:30 pm
Relations between Frank and Peggy are still strained. He tells Roy, "every time I open my mouth I seem to put my foot in it". Peggy visits Doctor Fonseca. He's sympathetic and arranges a biopsy for her. Still angry, Sarah spurns Alex. He tries to explain - he stopped her from going to Bridge House to keep her safe. Sarah is beseiged by doubts. She tells Alex she can't come to church anymore - "how can I believe in God when I can't believe in myself?" Alex tries to assuage Sarah's doubts. She flees when she sees Nina.

15x26 1999-03-01

01 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant desperately tries to placate Simon as he stands on the cliff edge cradling Courtney. At Tony's prompting, Grant tells Simon he can see Courtney as often as he likes. Simon hands Courtney over. Grant takes her and walks away impassively. Tony is left to console a devastated Simon. Grant expresses his relief to Phil. He tells him, "me and Courtney have been through enough. From now on I do what's best for her". Simon is distressed. He falls into a reverie, remembering Peacehaven. Tony leaves him, feeling more concerned than ever. Tony corners Doctor Fonseca in the café and persuades him to visit Simon at home. Simon rejects Doctor Fonseca's offer of counselling. Tony is left feeling helpless.

15x27 1999-03-02

02 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Simon is nervous before he starts his first day back on the stall. A phone call breaks him out of his torpor. Tony is dismayed when he learns Grant's off to Scotland. Grant assures Tony he'll give Simon visiting rights when he returns. Simon takes the news of Grant's departure well. He's buoyed because Louise is returning to Walford. Bianca is less impressed. DCI Mason questions Steve about Saskia's disappearance. Mason expresses surprise at Saskia's absence, suggesting, "she seems to have had a strong reason to stay put. That reason being you, Mr Owen". Mason plays Steve the threatening answer phone message he left Saskia. Steve acts out a façade of mock guilt. Affecting remorse, Steve suggests Saskia might have killed herself. Mason appears to buy Steve's performance. Matthew watches as Steve escorts DCI Mason to his car.

15x28 1999-03-04

04 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Simon nervously waits for Louise to arrive. Bianca is stern with Ricky. She had a sleepless night and tells Ricky she was listening out for Liam. Ricky is unconvinced. Ricky finds Bianca waiting for Louise to arrive. He warns her against confronting Louise. Simon intercepts Louise as she makes her way down Bridge Stree

15x29 1999-03-08

08 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Louise receives a scant welcome in Walford. She's hurt when Gianni snubs her in the Square. Louise confronts him in the café, pleading "I thought you were my friend". Gianni counters, "you led me on while you were at it with your son-in-law". Simon enters and presses Louise over why she left Walford. Louise braces herself to tell Simon the truth. Louise is saved from having to confess when Simon knocks into Robbie. She watches with concern as Simon pops another tranquilliser. Peggy anxiously awaits the results of her biopsy. Frank continues to fuss round her. Peggy is irked by his frequent exhortations to "look on the bright side". She's at the end of her tether.

15x30 1999-03-09

09 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy is terrified as she leaves for the hospital with Frank. Peggy's worst fear comes true. The consultant confirms the second growth is cancerous. The consultant recommends an operation. In response to Frank's hesitant questions he advises to remove the entire breast. Stupefied, Peggy turns on the consultant. She tells him she isn't having it. Sarah is forlorn. Her mood improves when Irene gives her money to buy new clothes. Sarah nervously asks Teresa to accompany her on a shopping spree. Teresa enthuses and asks Sarah to go clubbing with her. Sarah sheds her insecurities and agrees. Irene's moods are becoming more volatile. She confides in Rosa her fear she's entering the menopause. Rosa implores Irene to consider therapy, telling her "I know women whose lives have been transformed by HRT".

15x31 1999-03-11

11 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy takes Frank to one side. With purpose she tells him "I've made up my mind. I'm having the mastectomy". Frank cautiously asks what inspired her change of heart. Looking fondly on him, Peggy reassures Frank "I've got a lot to live for". Irene distractedly waits outside Doctor Fonseca's surgery. Irene tries to confide in Terry. Bemused, he asks what's the matter. Irene tells him straight - the menopause!

15x32 1999-03-15

15 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Simon is unconscious as the flames spread. Louise and Gianni race to the burning flat. Gianni breaks the door down and enters the smoke filled room. Louise closely follows. Terry and Irene are shaken from their sleep by the noise of the fire engines. Terry looks on anxiously as the firemen rescue Simon, Louise and Gianni. At the hospital Terry is stricken with concern. He laments, "I've already lost a daughter, if Simon was to…" before words fail him. Tony is unimpressed. He chides Terry - "and you care all of a sudden?" Louise comes round. She confesses to Gianni her affair with Grant and her belief that she's blown it with Simon. Simon regains consciousness. Terry tells Simon tha

15x33 1999-03-16

16 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene tells Terry that she's thinking of taking a few days leave to visit her Aunt Maureen. Terry suspects she's lying. Irene endures a panic attack outside Guiseppe's. Rosa suggests calling Doctor Fonseca. Irene snaps, "there's no point. You know what's happening to me". Irene resolves to go to the health spa. She implores Rosa to join her - "I can't face it on my own. Please come". Terry's suspicions are confirmed when Tony reveals Irene and Aunt Maureen hate each other. Terry gets the hotel number from Irene's bag and checks on her reservation.

15x34 1999-03-18

18 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Frank visits Peggy in hospital. To Frank's relief Peggy accepts his prior absence. Peggy seems strangely buoyant. When she remarks "give me a week and I'll be back behind that bar", Frank is convinced she's over-compensating. Frank confides his fear in Phil. Unimpressed, Phil snaps "she's a fighter. Some people are made of stronger stuff than others". Frank persists - "don't you think me and you should bury the hatchet? Peggy's the worry, me and you falling out isn't the issue here". Phil promises to think on it.

15x35 1999-03-22

22 March, 1999 7:30 pm
It is Peggy's birthday and Frank, Pat and Roy visit her in hospital. Frank is disappointed when Peggy tells him that she doesn't want his gift of a luxury cruise. She just wants to concentrate on getting better - "I want to live a lot…I need you to be there for me". Frank tells Roy his fear that the physical side of his relationship with Peggy is over. Roy is uncomfortable at this obvious reference to his impotence. The nurse is concerned that Peggy has been avoiding looking at her scar. Although she has been advised to look at her chest with a loved one to help her adjust, Peggy finds it too difficult. Peggy remains in denial.

15x36 1999-03-23

23 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene and Rosa return from their health weekend. They are both feeling the benefits. Luca's version of the events which led to the fight aren't exactly truthful. He tells Rosa that Tony picked a fight with him because he didn't want Luca going out with his sister, then insulted him with racist comments. Irene, meanwhile, has heard a different story of the events and is comforting Tony for protecting Sarah. Rosa visits Irene and Terry. They fall out. Luca bumps into Sarah in Beale's market - "well, if it isn't the little tease herself". Luca vindictively accuses Sarah of leading him on - "you should be kept indoors until you learn how to treat men". Sarah retaliates by kneeing him in the groin. Tony apologises to Sarah for fighting with Luca.

15x37 1999-03-25

25 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Martin asks Nicky to get a few bottles of booze from the restaurant for the party that night. Jeff catches Nicky stealing a bottle of wine. He agrees not to tell anyone. Peggy's wedding dress has arrived - she ordered it weeks ago. Josie assures her that she'll look great in it. Frank tries to comfort her but she tells him - "you'll marry me next week and you don't even know what I look like". Frank asks Roy to be his best man. Roy tells him he would be honoured. Mark visits Peggy. She asks him how he is. "Health wise everything seems to be fine for the moment", he replies. Peggy tells him that she can't even look at herself and neither can Frank. Mark advises her to take the lead, if Frank can see that she is coping maybe he will too. Peggy looks at her scar for the first time. Upset that the wedding dress is no longer suitable for her new body image, Peggy destroys it.

15x38 1999-03-29

29 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Martin's a wanted man. Matthew and Ian wait for him outside the Fowler's house. Matthew starts after Martin, shouting "I know it was you and I want my stuff back". Martin is rescued when Ian intervenes. Martin's relief turns to panic when Ian warns him, "I haven't finished with you yet". He forces Martin to admit he stole Phil's car radio. Ian persuades Phil not to press charges but warns Martin, "I'm on to you now. I'm going to be watching every step you take".

15x39 1999-03-30

30 March, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant returns to Walford. Peggy's joy gives way to anxiety as she watches him walk past the Vic. Grant is aghast to learn that Phil will give Peggy away at the wedding. He continues to maintain he won't go. Phil sharply tells Grant to forget about Frank and says that Peggy doesn't need this right now. Phil's anger forces Grant to reconsider. Roy's efforts to get intimate with Pat are doomed to failure. Incensed by Barry's constant interruptions before Frank's stag night, Roy takes Pat in his arms and kisses her passionately. Pat is incredulous. Roy looks at the Viagra with a mixture of fear and trepidation.

15x40 1999-04-01

01 April, 1999 7:30 pm
It's the day of Peggy and Frank's wedding. After a heavy stag night the groom's party are running late. Frank's old mate Jimmy acts as chauffeur. It's obvious he and Pat are old flames. Roy is unimpressed. Ricky's collected the wrong suit. It's several sizes too small for him! Exasperated, Frank silences Ricky by explaining "I cannot hang around while we search for the perfect cut of suit for you. You're going. Okay?". The men leave for the church.

15x41 1999-04-05

05 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Gianni returns to see Louise. He tries to console her but she pushes him away - "you've already had what you wanted. And that's all I'm good for. So you might as well go". Gianni persists, telling her "we're more than friends. I'd like to stay… if you'll let me". Louise is unsure. Gianni kisses her and she relents. Pat rejects Roy's romantic overtures. Pat confronts Roy. She forces him to admit he's taken Viagra. His jealousy roused, Roy asks Pat "If we don't sleep together then how can I mean as much to you as Frank?"

15x42 1999-04-06

06 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Gianni returns home after spending the night with Louise. He meets Beppe on the doorstep, who gently chides "what time do you call this? Who was she?" Gianni says nothing. Louise approaches Gianni in the restaurant. Beppe watches their conversation with interest. Suspicious, Beppe asks if he was with Louie. Gianni shrugs it off. Beppe is unconvinced.

15x43 1999-04-08

08 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Jeff is nervous as he enters Guiseppe's. His anxiety heightens when he learns that Rosa has called in sick. In her absence, Beppe and Gianni hatch a plot to sack Jeff. Rosa arrives later in the afternoon. It soon becomes clear she's avoiding Jeff. Jeff receives a booking for a table for ten. Beppe authorises it. Gianni is livid - the restaurant is already fully booked. Beppe seizes the opportunity to get rid of Jeff. Ian and Melanie's relationship is already under strain. Melanie is upset that Ian told Pat they were an item. She chides Ian and asks who else has he told. Ian is contrite and offers to take her

15x44 1999-04-12

12 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Martin's arrest has left Pauline distraught. She ignores him at breakfast, telling Mark "if he wants to make a career out of being a thief, he's on his own". Mark intervenes as Matthew corners Martin. Mark marches Martin to Beale's Market to apologise to Ian. Ian greets Martin's apology with contempt. He doesn't think Martin is sorry and insists he will press charges. Huw is disconsolate after Carrie criticises his self-portrait. He dumps the painting in a dustbin. Huw's bad mood continues. Lenny and Teresa resolve to set him up with Carrie. Huw reluctantly agrees to have a drink with Lenny. Huw is relieved when he finds Carrie waiting for him in the Vic. She apologises for criticising his work. They share a friendly kiss.

15x45 1999-04-13

13 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Rosa leaves Jeff's the following morning, having stayed the night. She moves away as he tries to kiss her goodbye. Rosa goes to confession. Troubled, she grieves for Guiseppe before telling the priest of her shame after her tryst with Jeff. Pat wakes to find Roy in the throes of a panic attack. She calls Doctor Fonseca. Barry enters as Roy collects himself. Anxious, Roy throws the Viagra to the back of a cupboard. Barry trawls the cupboards to find something to eat. He stumbles across the Viagra. Barry confronts Pat in the Vic. He insists, "my Dad's health is my business. What are you trying to do? Give him another heart attack?". Pat forcibly warns Barry not to get involved.

15x46 1999-04-15

15 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Tony prepares to leave Walford. Sarah dupes him into attending a surprise farewell party in the Vic. In contrast, a dejected Simon sits alone in the laundrette. Louise intrudes on the party and implores Tony to visit Simon. She asks, "do you really think it's right to leave without seeing him?". Rosa is evasive with Jeff in the restaurant. When he asks her what's wrong, she sternly warns him that this isn't the place. Jeff persists until Rosa tells him it was a mistake. Incredulous, Jeff exits without a word.

15x47 1999-04-19

19 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve enters the lads' house, looking for Matthew. Frustrated in his attempts to break in, he calls Matthew on his mobile phone. Inside Matthew stares into space, ignoring the ringing of the phone. A police car pulls up at the back of the lads' house. Matthew spots it and flees through the back door. Lenny is left to deal with the unwelcome visitors. Rosa tries to talk to Nicky as she prepares for her first day back at school. After Gianni intervenes a row breaks out. Nicky spots Jeff in the market and urges him to come back to work. Rosa is delighted to find Jeff blithely working away in the kitchen. Beppe intrudes as she squeezes his hand. Embarrassed, Jeff exits.

15x48 1999-04-20

20 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Gareth Wiley, a northerner who is staying at Bridge House, is desperate for money and people are after him. Gareth owes them £1000. He asks vicar Alex for help but Alex cannot get anyone to raise the money for him. Alex organises Gareth a train ticket back to Sheffield from St Pancras. Gareth needs the money, and knows the people after him will find him eventually. Lilly Mattock overhears the chat, and she later offers Gareth some help. She wants help to organise the party and will see Gareth all right. Gareth is pleased and relieved.

15x49 1999-04-21

21 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Desperate for money, Gareth has taken up Lilly's offer to do jobs for her and Dot to get ready for the party. He repairs their oven and helps move furniture for them. He does a morning's work. He wants paying for his efforts. He makes a few hints that he will pay a few debts then move on, hoping for money from Dot and Lilly. They give him a bag of fruit, cake, beer and sandwiches. Gareth panics, as he knows this is all he is getting from them. Dot offers him £10. Gareth feels insulted, as he owes £1000 to 2 people, and throws the bag of goodies on the floor. Dot orders him to leave, and Gareth storms out. Later on, Mick complains about the noise during the party, as he needs his sleep.

15x50 1999-04-26

26 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Lilly enters the First 'til Last with her arm in a sling. She questions Terry who reassures her that he hasn't told anyone about the accident. Wearied by people's concern, Lilly takes refuge in her memories. She ignores the doorbell when Alex pays her a visit. Lisa and Jeff wind Terry up, blaming Lilly's fall on his rubbish-strewn doorway. In his defence, Terry reveals the truth about Lilly's attack. Melanie is downcast after her row with Ian. Incensed by his asides Melanie chides Alex - "why don't you get a girlfriend of your own before you judge other people?" Ian bristles when he overhears Natalie trying to encourage Melanie to join the dating agency. Fearful, Ian admits to Melanie, "I panic. I don't know why you wanted to move in, let alone why you want to move out". The tender mood fades when Ian suggests Melanie is looking for security. Melanie protests, "I'm going out with you, Ian, not your children". Ian counters "we're a job lot".

15x51 1999-04-27

27 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Jeff and Pauline visit Lilly who opens the door to inform them "when somebody doesn't answer the door it usually means they don't want to be disturbed!" Lilly reluctantly grants them entrance. She confirms Jeff's suspicion that it was Gareth who attacked her. Pauline urges Lilly to accompany her to Salsa night. Lilly reluctantly accepts. Jeff volunteers to help Gianni cook the surprise meal for Rosa. Gianni rebuffs the offer - "watch my lips, Jeff. We don't need your help". Jeff asks Rosa if he can have ten minutes off to escort Lilly to the Salsa class. Rosa agrees, much to Gianni's chagrin. Gianni tells Beppe, "some one is going to have to put Jeff in his place one day". After Beppe urges him to calm down Gianni storms out of the restaurant.

15x52 1999-04-29

29 April, 1999 7:30 pm
Jeff is keeping a low profile after the row with the di Marco's. Rosa persuades him to come back to work. She is evasive when he asks her where they stand. Rosa forces Gianni to apologise to Jeff. He does so reluctantly. The détente is short lived. In Rosa's absence, Gianni warns Jeff - "if you think I'm letting a low life kitchen porter like you muscle in on my mother you are sadly mistaken". Rosa bursts in, having heard every word. She warns Gianni, "I will go out with whom I choose, when I choose, and how I choose". Chastened, Gianni offers Jeff and Rosa a sincere apology.

15x53 1999-05-03

03 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve asks Matthew about him going home with Teresa the other night. Matthew says he doesn't want anything heavy at the moment. Steve is amused and says "maybe we're not so different underneath after all". Teresa drops into E20 looking for Matthew but Steve tells her that he's not there. Steve then lets Matthew know that he should drop by the restaurant later to see her. Melanie goes round to see Ian and the kids. She had promised to go to the park with them, but Ian is angry that she's moved out. Steven still wants her to come though, so Ian relents. Unaware of the tension between them Steven asks Ian why Melanie doesn't live with them anymore. Ian just responds that she's got her own house now. Melanie bonds with Ian's kids as they have a picnic in the park.

15x54 1999-05-04

04 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Despite problems with her builders, Annie assures Steve that everything is going well at the new health club. Grant is stuck when Courtney becomes ill and there's no one to cover for him at the Vic. Phil tells him he's been taking advantage of 'family' and spreading himself thin. Annie contributes to Grant's workload by giving him a list of responsibilities for the health club.

15x55 1999-05-06

06 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Claudia's car breaks down leaving her and Steve stranded for hours - their nerves are frayed. Matthew is mad with worry and calls Steve on his mobile. Steve tries to calm him down. Claudia gives Steve a hard time about Saskia and questions him about her last movements. Steve sticks by his story that she was looking forward to moving away for a life in the north. Waiting to see the amnesiac, Steve and Claudia share a softer moment and she thanks him for accompanying her.

15x56 1999-05-10

10 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve and Claudia watch the amnesiac walk towards them. She pauses at the door and turns towards Steve - it isn't Saskia. Steve struggles to maintain his composure as the police assure him they will find her. Matthew is plagued by nightmares, reliving the murder repeatedly in his sleep. Teresa's suspicions are aroused when he calls out Saskia's name in the night. Steve visits an increasingly hysterical Matthew. Steve freezes as Teresa cuts in - "you wouldn't believe him last night. He woke me up, moaning some woman's name". Matthew approaches Claudia in the Square. They share a moment. Matthew returns to the lads' house and watches the CCTV video over and over, mesmerised. He hurriedly retrieves the tape when Teresa comes in, his panic rising.

15x57 1999-05-11

11 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie recovers herself and calls the police. Her cuts aren't as serious as she feared. Ian arrives at the shop. Seeing her distress he tells Melanie "nothing's worth this. Tomorrow, you and Jamie can start re-pricing everything". From her window, Lilly looks on anxiously as police cars make their way to Beale's Market. Matthew endures another restless night. To calm himself he hides the CCTV tape once more, this time in his hi-fi speakers. Matthew is distant when Teresa approaches him on the market. He's distracted by another passer-by who resembles Saskia. Matthew's loss of composure stirs Steve into action. He gently suggests to Teresa that she split with Matthew. Teresa responds warily. Steve looks on as Matthew and Teresa share a moment in the Vic. Teresa casts a defiant look at Steve as she exits with Matthew.

15x58 1999-05-13

13 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Gianni notices his sister has a cut face and he thinks Matthew did it. Teresa says he did it while asleep having a nightmare. Gianni later grabs Matthew by the throat and says he is on to him. Dot is worried about Lilly. Roy is worried about his doctors appointment. Annie asks the bank for more time. Barry and Natalie go to a restaurant for a meal.

15x59 1999-05-17

17 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Ricky and Bianca move into the Vic but Bianca makes it clear that she isn't happy. Bianca is feeling the strain now that she realises she's staying in Tiffany's old room and she has just returned from visiting Alan and Carol, who are going through a bad patch. To make matters worse she spies her arch enemy Natalie out of the window.

15x60 1999-05-18

18 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Lilly is still depressed after the attack. Josie won't let Dot see Doctor Fonseca. An argument ensues and eventually Doctor Fonseca emerges and tells Josie not to scare away his patients. Dot and Josie make up and decide to organise a meal to cheer Lilly up. Lilly is overjoyed with the surprise meal they have laid on for her - friendship does seem to be the best remedy. Robbie urges Ricky to tell Bianca that Natalie is in Walford for good before she finds out for herself. Peggy is trying hard to make Bianca feel at home at the Vic, but it still doesn't seem to be working. Ricky tells Bianca that Natalie is back but lies about when he found out. Bianca erupts with anger. If he's lying to her she'll leave him for sure.

15x61 1999-05-20

20 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Roy is disappointed he and Pat aren't going to counselling. Pat says why bother if they are all right in the first place. Frank catches some of the conversation as he serves their drinks. Frank shows Roy his holiday pictures and they talk about Roy's 'problem'. A heart to heart does Roy the world of good. He just wishes that he and Pat could talk more openly. Matthew tells his mum in Leeds that everything is all right, but he doesn't look convinced himself. Teresa tells Matthew that she doesn't want to see him anymore - he's screwed up and she's had enough. Matthew says he wants to explain about Saskia and why he lied. He says that if she drops by after work he'll tell her the truth.

15x62 1999-05-24

24 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Matthew implores Teresa to take him back but she doesn't want to know. Matthew flees as Gianni intervenes. Teresa watches as Matthew tries to avoid Steve in the market. Her suspicions are aroused. Steve enters Guiseppe's. Teresa bristles as he calmly jokes with Beppe and Gianni. Teresa enters the lads' house and demands Matthew tell her the truth. Natalie spends the night with Barry. Pat is incensed when she intrudes on them next morning. Pat gives Barry an ultimatum - "this is my house. If you want to see Natalie you go somewhere else, understand?" Barry is outraged. Barry pleads with Roy to intervene. Roy is sympathetic until Barry tactlessly continues "Pat's always worn the trousers in that house". Insulted, Roy exits angrily. Roy pleads Barry's case to Pat. She doesn't yield, reminding Roy, "if Natalie's here, Ricky and Bianca won't come within a mile. Then I'll never see my great grandson".

15x63 1999-05-25

25 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Teresa is listless and withdrawn. Beppe's concern for her increases. Matthew persistently tries to contact Teresa but she evades him. Gianni lets slip to Beppe that Matthew accidentally cut Teresa's lip. Matthew spies Teresa in the Square. He pleads with her to take him back until Beppe intervenes. Beppe warns Matthew to stay away. Lisa is late for work. Mark casually suggests she should look for a flat in Walford. Mark offers Lisa a room at the lads' house. She agrees to check it out. Lenny and Robbie are delighted. Mark is dismayed when Lenny jokes, "that's great. I was gonna suggest we get a cleaner. We won't have to bother now". Lisa agrees to

15x64 1999-05-27

27 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Lisa moves her things into the lads' house. She's mortified when Robbie retrieves a bra that's fallen out of her bag. Matthew snubs Lisa as she enters the house. Lisa approaches Matthew and suggests they call a truce. He takes some persuading but finally agrees to a fresh start. Alex resolves to talk to Lilly but Dot warns him that she hasn't yet come to terms with the mugging. Lilly rebuffs Alex's sympathy. Alex tries to persuade Lilly towards an attitude of forgiveness. His impassioned plea throws Lilly in turmoil. Li

15x65 1999-05-31 (1)

31 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Frank approaches Ricky to the run the Vic while he and Peggy enjoy a day out with Liam. Bianca is exasperated and refuses to muck in. Thirsty customers besiege Ricky behind the bar. Bianca reluctantly comes down to help out. Bianca looks on in anger as Ricky swaps niceties with Barry and Natalie. Bianca storms out. Steve hires staff for the gym without consulting Annie and Grant. Annie warns Steve not to interfere without consulting her. Grant helps out behind the bar in the Vic. Steve enters, and asks him whether he's working for Peggy or Annie. The animosity between them grows.

15x66 1999-05-31 (2)

31 May, 1999 7:30 pm
Expecting a night out, Melanie is dismayed when Ian arrives with fish and chips. She is defensive until Ian assures her he's there to talk about them. Ian appeals to Melanie to take him back. Melanie is firm - if he wants her back, he'll have to change. Ian persists. Melanie agrees to think about his offer. Ian smiles through his disappointment. Grant returns from the gym in a foul mood. He demands to see Courtney even though Phil has just put her to sleep. Grant clashes with Phil. He tells him, "I've had it up to here with people telling me what to do. My Courtney is not your Ben, got it?" Phil is chastened. Jamie makes a decision. He tells Phil, "I think Ian's seen Ben. Kathy and Ben came over to England. They didn't want you to know".

15x67 1999-06-01

01 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Phil tells Jamie not to go to work. He explains that he wants words with Ian without an audience. Concern grows for Courtney's welfare. Alex decides to intervene.

15x68 1999-06-03

03 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Carol and Sonia are finding it hard to settle at the lads' house. Melanie and Lisa resolve their differences. Bianca publicly denounces Natalie in the Vic.

15x69 1999-06-04

04 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Phil collects Grant from the police station after his release on bail. Grant voices his suspicion that Bianca grassed him up to Social Services. Phil struggles to contain his anger. The atmosphere is strained as the brothers drive back to Walford. Phil breaks the silence by asking Grant how many times he has been arrested. Grant exits the car without a word. Phil follows after him. Grant enters the nearest bar without a backward glance. Phil follows him in. Grant knocks back the whiskies, consumed by self pity. He begins to taunt Phil, calling him weak. Phil tries to placate Grant, who sneers "you want to show a bit of solidarity, take a drink". Grant pushes Phil away when he refuses. Phil closes his eyes in despair after he clocks their surroundings. They've stumbled into a gay bar.

15x70 1999-06-07

07 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca is gobsmacked when Grant snubs her in the Vic. Peggy tries to reassure Grant that Social Services won't take Courtney away. She's astonished when Grant counters "try telling that to Bianca Butcher. She'd like nothing better than to see me lose Courtney". Peggy approaches Bianca to find out the truth. Bianca can't mask her hurt when she realises what Peggy is implying. Frank placates Bianca, urging her to cut Peggy some slack. He resolves to find out who the real culprit was.

15x71 1999-06-08

08 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve is shaken when he buys his paper. The discovery of Saskia's corpse is front page news. Steve corners Matthew in the café. Matthew recoils from Steve's veiled threats. Matthew freezes as he listens to the Vic's regulars discuss the murder. Matthew bolts out when Frank remarks "they reckon they solve most murders in the first twenty-four hours". Matthew pleads with Teresa, "we've got to get out of Walford straight away". Teresa refuses to leave with him.

15x72 1999-06-10

10 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve is worried as the police search steps up and searches for Matthew. Lenny tells him Matthew stayed out all night. Rosa is worried when she can't find the week's takings. Gianni is angry that Teresa isn't up and soon realises she isn't there. Panic ensues when Steve arrives at the di Marco's looking for Matthew. Steve blanches when Beppe suggests calling the police. Roy endures a fraught session and Pat is horrified when he tells her that he's booked a joint session for them both. Grant is hostile during the social worker's visit about the welfare of Courtney, she questions Peggy - who defends Grant vigorously.

15x73 1999-06-11

11 June, 1999 7:30 pm
The di Marco's house is in a state of high tension. Nicky answers as Teresa calls home. Teresa hangs up before Rosa can intervene. Distraught, Rosa takes her anger out on Nicky. Nicky storms out. Steve offers to help Gianni with their search. Gianni begins to suspect that Steve is hiding something. Steve is shaken by a phone call. Claudia tells him she's coming to Walford. Steve's mind races as he consoles Claudia. He reluctantly agrees to accompany her to the police station to identify Saskia's body. Steve struggles to contain his anxiety in the waiting room of the police station. The poster of Saskia threatens to tip him over the edge.

15x74 1999-06-14

14 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan invites Carol and the kids to Southend for the weekend, to give them all a chance to get to know each other. Carol, impressed at his consideration, replies she'll think about it. Carol calls the family for a meeting. She tells Robbie and Sonia that she's got their old house back and can live together once more. Carol then tells them about Dan's offer of a weekend away in Southend. Sonia isn't pleased.

15x75 1999-06-15

15 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Roy has spent most of the night on the sofa, trying to make sense of the past. He tells Pat "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave me". She assures him she doesn't. Roy tells Pat that he has to tell Barry about the affair to clear his conscience. She advises him against it. Sonia continues to give Carol a hard time. She's not accepting Dan's holiday offer. Sonia tells Natalie that she refuses to accept that her mum and Alan have split up.

15x76 1999-06-17

17 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Pat tells Roy that she doesn't think Barry can handle the truth. She asks Roy if he is prepared to lose him. Barry tells Roy how special his relationship is with Natalie. Roy remarks, "honesty is the most important part of any relationship" but can't bring himself to confess his affair.

15x77 1999-06-21

21 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve and Gianni arrive in Nottingham in pursuit of Matthew and Teresa. They pull up at what they think is Teresa's friend Paul's house. Steve pauses before entering as a police car passes. Steve and Gianni are disappointed to find that Paul has moved out. The landlady gives them Paul's forwarding address. Relations are strained between Paul and Matthew. Paul's suspicions are aroused when he finds Steve's credit card. Paul confronts Matthew over the stolen credit card. Matthew pauses for thought as Paul warns him to stay away from Teresa. Teresa intervenes as the two men row. They react with stunned silence when Teresa lies that she's pregnant. Matthew flees the house. Teresa follows after him.

15x78 1999-06-22

22 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Carol doesn't notice the animosity between Bianca and Dan. Bianca bluffs when Carol asks her what she thinks of him. Ricky begins to suspect something is up when Bianca snatches Liam from Dan's arms as he cradles him. Dan and Bianca seize a chance to talk alone in the kitchen. She warns him - "you've got to get out of here". Ricky intrudes before Dan can respond. Unsure what he should do, Dan asks Carol if she loves him. Carol affirms that she does.

15x79 1999-06-24

24 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve pounces as Matthew enters the hotel room. Matthew goes down winded as Steve belts him in the stomach. Matthew protests his innocence and implores Steve to leave him alone. Steve refuses and orders him into his car. Matthew and Teresa traipse out of the lift with Steve behind them. Just as Teresa thinks he's given in Matthew launches himself at Steve, felling him with a headbutt. Steve gives chase. Matthew and Teresa evade him by bolting into a waiting cab. Steve rests, exhausted and defeated.

15x80 1999-06-28

28 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Beppe consoles Matthew and Teresa, coaching them for what lies ahead. Matthew and Teresa hurry to get the CCTV tape from Matthew's house, but the police are waiting for them. As the Square watches on, Matthew and Teresa are arrested on suspicion of murder. Gianni lunges at Matthew, convinced he's a murderer. Rosa collapses in tears.

15x81 1999-06-29

29 June, 1999 7:30 pm
Matthew is terrified. Under questioning, the more he tries to extricate himself, the more he arouses DI Steele's suspicions. DI Steele begins to doubt Matthew's supposed guilt. She takes Steve in for questioning. DI Steele tells Steve he had the motive and the opportunity to kill Saskia. Steve is shocked as Steele threatens to charge him with murder.

15x82 1999-07-01

01 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Lenny questions Matthew's innocence and Bianca tries to hide her feelings for Dan.

15x83 1999-07-05

05 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Teresa has her first visit to Matthew in prison. Irene tries to persuade Rosa to enter a local competition.

15x84 1999-07-06

06 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Sarah visits Matthew in prison and is shocked to hear that he wants everyone to stay away from him. Meanwhile, Gianni threatens Steve to leave Teresa alone. Pat joins forces with Natalie on the campaign to get Roy and Barry to speak to each other, but Barry refuses even to acknowledge his own father. Elsewhere, Bianca finally loses her temper with Janine, with unfortunate consequences.

15x85 1999-07-08

08 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca and Ricky flee after Grant's birthday turns sour, Pat tries to reconcile Roy and Barry. Meanwhile, Irene attempts to support Terry's bid for fame.

15x86 1999-07-12

12 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Teresa receives some painful news from Matthew. Natalie and Ricky go shopping and buy a surprise present for Bianca.

15x87 1999-07-13

13 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene and Rosa row over a room-changing competition. Phil and Grant witness Ricky and Teresa kissing. Bianca tells Dan that she will tell Carol about their past if he refuses.

15x88 1999-07-15

15 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan asks Carol an important question. Ricky and Carol plan a big surprise for Bianca which goes horribly wrong.

15x89 1999-07-19

19 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Frank consoles Ricky over in the Vic. Carol greets Bianca's apology coolly. Bianca flees as Dan enters. Bianca's torn when Dan asks her to meet him. Bianca confronts Ricky in the Arches. Bianca collapses in tears. Ricky doesn't know what to do.

15x90 1999-07-20

20 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Carol is rocked when Alan launches a divorce petition against her. Dan vows they'll fight him all the way. Bianca can't hide her alarm after Frank makes a startling observation. Dan steps up his efforts to see Bianca.

15x91 1999-07-22

22 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Dean confronts Nina in the Vic. She agrees a rendezvous to hand over the £250. A shocked Peggy agrees to give Nina the money. Nina hands over the money. Dean gives her more than she bargained for in return. Dot apprehends a young thief breaking into the surgery. With Fred's help, she performs a citizen's arrest. Pauline tips off the Walford Gazette about Dot's heroics. Dot basks in her newfound celebrity.

15x92 1999-07-26

26 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Ricky and Dan organise a snooker night with the Mitchells. Bianca's not impressed. Ricky exchanges harsh words with Grant over the green baize. He freezes when Grant tells him that Sam's back in Walford. While the men are away Bianca creates more trouble for Carol. Sam tells Peggy she's decided to come home for good. Peggy's delighted. At the other end of the bar, Dean continues to pressure Nina. Grant snubs Nina. She tries to apologise to him over their failed date but freezes as Dean appears. Grant walks off. Nina tells Dean to get lost. She soon wishes she hadn't!

15x93 1999-07-27

27 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Dot makes front page news. The police let Dot off with a warning. She hides her head in shame. Doctor Fonseca convinces Dot to go out and face the world. She soon wishes that she hadn't. Matthew's solicitor arrives in Walford to question witnesses to the murder. Sarah listens in as Terry makes his statement. She struggles to contain her anger as Terry drops Matthew in it.

15x94 1999-07-29

29 July, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan tells Ricky and Bianca he's found a flat for them to look at. Bianca's suspicions are immediately aroused. Ricky is forced to work late. He pushes an unwilling Bianca into checking out the flat without him. Dan acts in Ricky's absence. He anxiously waits in the flat for Bianca's arrival. Bianca arrives. Dan soon lets her know she's not alone. Takings are down in Guiseppe's. Gianni decides to do something about it. Gianni presents Rosa with a radical business plan. Rosa refuses to accept the truth of the situation. Rosa relents and glass

15x95 1999-08-02

02 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca is consumed with longing for Dan. She can't hide it any longer. Dan pressures Bianca into a secret assignation. She baulks at making out in the empty house. The secret lovers are living dangerously. Later, Dan struggles to stay cool as Carol asks some awkward questions. Guiseppe's gears up for the big launch, while Ian acts to save his trade. The delicatessen does a roaring first day's business. It's not enough for Teresa - she's looking further afield.

15x96 1999-08-03

03 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Natalie is defensive as Barry quizzes her about her family history. Barry's imagination gets the better of him. He invites Natalie's mum to dinner. He breaks the news to Natalie. She greets it with barely concealed fury. Jamie confronts Grant, asking him what he was up to with Billy. Grant pleads ignorance. Feeling betrayed, Jamie does a runner. He finds a surprise ally in Dot. Lisa finds Jamie spray painting down at the allotments. She tries to reach out to him but he doesn't want to know.

15x97 1999-08-05

05 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Natalie makes Barry pay for his mistake. She sleeps in the lounge after their furious row. Barry's apologies meet with scant sympathy from Natalie. Barry fears he's blown it for good. Natalie thinks things over in the café. Pat offers advice and a sympathetic ear. Barry cautiously approaches Natalie with chocolates. She can't help but take him back. Sarah is stunned when she discovers Michael left without saying goodbye. Irene feigns ignorance. Mark puts Sarah straight on the real reason behind Michael's departure. Sarah tears a strip off her mother. Terry's attempts to console Irene only make things worse.

15x98 1999-08-08

08 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie's suspicions are aroused when she sees Ian engrossed on his mobile phone. Melanie confronts him. Ian breaks off hurriedly before reminding her about dinner at Pauline's. Lisa asks Melanie out for a drink. Melanie accepts. Steve's brief arrives in Walford to question locals about the murder. She receives short shrift from Pat. The brief turns her attention to Melanie. She refuses Steve's request to visit him but unwittingly implicates herself in the murder case.

15x99 1999-08-09

09 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie nurses her hurt feelings, and her hangover. Jeff tries to console her but to no avail. After Ian snubs her, Melanie comes to a decision. She resolves to visit Steve. Sarah asks Gianni if she can delay starting work in order to visit Matthew. Gianni says no. Mark uses the visiting order instead. At work, Teresa makes Sarah's life hell. After dispatching her to clean the toilets, Teresa deliberately gives Sarah the wrong table numbers. Sarah is horrified when Terry and Irene arrive for lunch. Her first day ends in disaster.

15x100 1999-08-10

10 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie arrives in Devon in search of a cab but the streets are deserted. She gets no assistance in the local pub. Time passes. Mel has no option but to travel to Gina's. Gina fights to get Ian's attention. Her mum Bev's not impressed. Ian and Gina share a nightcap. Gina presses him about Melanie. Ian insists its over. Gina admits she still feels for Ian. He can't hide his surprise as she makes to kiss him. The doorbell disturbs them. Ian exits upstairs on Mel's arrival. Gina leaves Mel to sleep on the sofa. Ian hesitates on the stairs, watching Melanie alone in the dark. Melanie stirs. Ian retreats. Breakfast is strained. Gina looks daggers as Melanie enters, dressed to kill. Mel gets left behind as she struggles across the moors in her heels. Bev offers Mel a much-needed heart to heart. Gina urges Ian to get shot of Melanie. Ian takes some time alone.

15x101 1999-08-12

12 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie returns to Walford without Ian. Her hurt is plain for all to see. Mel's stunned when Ian calls round. She implores him to leave her alone but he persists. They go inside. Melanie and Ian enter the Vic to gasps of astonishment. They announce their engagement. The shine is taken off the celebrations when Mark gives Mel a dark, knowing look. Carol is anxious before her court hearing with Alan. Dan's mind is elsewhere. Ricky is chipper when Bianca agrees to view a house with him. Bianca's less keen. Dan and Bianca agree a rendezvous at Scott's flat.

15x102 1999-08-16

16 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca arrives in Manchester full of fear and trepidation. She's wide eyed and nervous as she's shown round the campus. Her spirits rise when she sees the college has a crèche. The interview goes well until the panel ask Bianca about her home life. Flustered, Bianca flees the interview in tears. Natalie is nervous as she prepares to visit her mum Andrea. Andrea smothers Natalie and flirts with Barry. Natalie struggles to hold her tongue. Things get worse with the arrival of her sister Susie. Sangria flows freely but Natalie begins to feel excluded.

15x103 1999-08-17

17 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Terry wakes to face the barrel of a shotgun. He nearly jumps out of his skin. The farmer demands an explanation. Terry explains he got lost. Satisfied with his story, the farmer escorts Terry back to the hotel. The hotel regulars collapse in hysterics on Terry's arrival. The farmer catches Irene's eye. The barmaid lends Terry a sympathetic ear. Irene intrudes and gets the wrong end of the stick. Andrea and Natalie fight like cat and dog over breakfast. Susie arrives for a barbecue. Natalie bears the brunt of everybody's jokes. Susie's barbs get nastier. Natalie snaps and throws her drink in Susie'

15x104 1999-08-19

19 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Things are tense between Barry and Natalie. She rebuffs his apologies. Jack confides in Natalie that he turned down the chance to play for a London football club. She's touched when he urges her to look to the future. Barry confronts Andrea and warns her never to upset Natalie again. He withdraws his invitation to visit. Natalie is enraged when she discovers that Barry has left the house with Jack. She storms out. Terry and Irene are surprised when the landlord delivers breakfast in bed. Irene's suspicions are aroused. Terry nervously admits that he walked the barmaid home. Irene gets her suitcase and starts to pack. Terry delivers an impassioned apology, urging Irene to give him another chance. Ir

15x105 1999-08-23

23 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca's spirits soar when she's offered a college place in Manchester. Ricky fails to share her enthusiasm. When he hears her good news, Dan urges Bianca to make a clean break and forget about him. Frank can't hide his dismay when Ricky confides that he wants to stay in Walford. Frank offers to make Ricky assistant manager of the Manchester car lot. Dan continues to give Bianca the cold shoulder. Enraged, Bianca warns Dan that their relationship's over when she says so and not before. Phil collides with Lisa in the café, spilling coffee down her front. Lisa laps up his flattering apology. Mark despairs. Phil buys Lisa a drink in the Vic. Grant makes a tactful retreat as he discovers he's not needed. Phil leaves for the bar. Grant puts in a good word for Phil b

15x106 1999-08-24

24 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca summons up the courage to confess to Ricky. She loses her nerve when Dan intervenes. Pat pleads with Bianca to think again. Bianca insists Carol and Ricky deserve to know the truth. Roy comes home and immediately senses something's wrong. Bianca flees. Roy demands an explanation. Pat tells him everything. Pauline and Jeff join forces to organise an engagement party for Ian and Mel. Pauline tries to enlist Mark's help but he doesn't want to know. Pauline can't work out why. Lisa invites Mel over to celebrate her engagement. The champagne toast sticks in Mark's throat. Mark exchanges some sharp words with Mel. She lets him know the marriage is going ahead with or without his blessing.

15x107 1999-08-26

26 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Bianca reels after Carol tells her she's keeping her baby. Bianca flees when Dan enters the room. Bianca confronts Dan. He insists he didn't know Carol was pregnant when he cheated on her. Bianca continues to provoke Dan. He calls her bluff, daring her to confess to Carol. With nothing left to lose, Bianca resolves to come clean to Ricky. Grant arrives at E20 intent on mayhem. Beppe and Gianni stand their ground. A scuffle breaks out. Grant rips Tiffany's card to shreds in provocation. Beppe maintains his composure. He gets one over on Grant when he calmly admits Tiffany didn't love him. Grant swears vengeance. Phil proposes a subtler strategy to get back at the di Marcos.

15x108 1999-08-30

30 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Beppe prepares to open E20. His former police colleague Gary offers to act as security. Phil plots Beppe's downfall. He briefs hired thugs Damien and Glen on what they've got to do. Damien and Glen cause mayhem at the club. Beppe keeps a watchful eye on them. Phil moves his plan forward with an anonymous phone call to the police. The Jacksons are stunned when Ricky and Bianca announce they're leaving for Manchester. Sonia can't hide her anger. Pat questions Bianca's intentions. Bianca assures her she's put the past behind her. Ricky and Bianca toast their future in E20. Bianca flees when Carol arrives with Dan. Ricky's doubts begin to surface.

15x109 1999-08-31

31 August, 1999 7:30 pm
Phil and Grant are alarmed when the drugs are returned to them in an anonymous package. Grant can't contain his rage. Nina questions Grant about the police raid on E20. Nina is dismayed when Grant denies everything. Phil plots a slow, sweet revenge on Beppe. Lilly mistakenly lets it slip to Lisa that Mark has AIDS. The atmosphere is strained between Mark and Lisa. She bites the bullet and asks him to tell her the truth. Mark explains his HIV status. Lisa listens and tells Mark she's there for him.

15x110 1999-09-02

02 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan watches as Ricky and Bianca pack the removal van. He struggles to contain his feelings. Dan pleads with Bianca to stay. He shows her his photo of their time together, trying to change her mind. An angry Bianca rips up the photo. She throws the pieces in the bin and storms out. Mark confronts Lilly. He warns her never to mention his HIV status to anyone else. Angry at her betraya

15x111 1999-09-05

05 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Carol numbly holds the picture of Dan with Bianca. Shocked, she demands to know the truth. Dan claims he had a fling with Bianca but insists that it's all in the past. Carol doesn't believe him; his absences and strange behaviour begin to make more sense. Dan panics. He tries to salvage their relationship with an extravagant pack of lies. He ends by swearing on the life of their unborn child that he's telling the truth. Distraught, Carol flees to the Vic to confront Bianca. Alone and distraught, Carol finds solace in a bottle of vodka. She begins downing pills. Bianca frantically enters the Vic, looking for Ricky. Robbie, Sonia and Peggy make it plain she's not welcome. Restless, Dan lets himself in the house. He finds Carol slumped on the bathroom floor. Carol comes to and vomits the pills up. Dan tries to console her, urging her to be strong for the baby. Carol resolves to terminate it.

15x112 1999-09-06

06 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Carol lies alone as gossip spreads around the Square. Try as she might Sonia can't console her. Bianca turns events over in her mind. Pat refuses to intervene with Ricky on her behalf. Bianca decides to visit Carol. Phil can't believe his ears when Dan resolves to visit Carol and patch things up. Bianca arrives to find the locks have been changed. Sonia tells her she's no longer a part of the family. Robbie panics when he can't get in the house. His shouting rouses Carol whose hurt is plain for all to see. Dan tries to gain entrance. Sonia screams abuse as he persists. Carol's anxiety heightens.

15x113 1999-09-07

07 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Ricky starts divorce proceedings against Bianca. Bianca tries to talk Carol out of an abortion. Meanwhile, Teresa hands out invites for her party.

15x114 1999-09-09

09 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Carol decides to tell Dan the truth, knowing that he will be enraged. Dan threatens Bianca, but Ricky has the final say.

15x115 1999-09-10

10 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan confesses his true feelings about Bianca to Phil. Bianca prepares to leave Albert Square, but both Ricky and Dan still want to win her back.

15x116 1999-09-13

13 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Teresa is upset because she thinks Beppe and Gianni have forgotten her birthday. Grant leaves flowers on the railings outside the Vic on what would have been Tiffany's birthday.

15x117 1999-09-14

14 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Lisa wakes up on Phil's sofa and is late for work. Sam is upset about what happened between Grant and Beppe. Teresa is trying to juggle work on the stall and in the restaurant.

15x118 1999-09-16

16 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Phil's life is in turmoil as past comes back to haunt him. Meanwhile, Matthew faces danger in prison.

15x119 1999-09-20

20 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Matthew goes into solitary after being beaten up. Kathy arrives back in the Square and there is a mysterious young man looking for the Hillses.

15x120 1999-09-21

21 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Love is in the air for Grant and Nina. Kathy's return puts a strain on Phil's new romance.

15x121 1999-09-23

23 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie hands Steve's jacket over to the police. Jackie coolly asks Melanie whether she'll testify in the murder trial. Melanie insists she doesn't want to get involved. Jackie visits Steve and tells him about her exchange with Melanie. Steve begins to lose his cool and nearly lets slip the truth about Valentine's night. Jamie visits Matthew and tells him about the jacket. Matthew's spirits soar - he's confident he won't be found guilty.

15x122 1999-09-27

27 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant gets up early and Kathy says at least they were careful and they should forget last night happened. Nina has written a letter to Grant and she goes out to post it and sees Grant leaving Kathy's doing up his shirt and tucking it into his trousers! Phil asks Grant what he was doing all night, and Beppe asks Nina the same. She says she was walking around thinking and found out whom Grant runs to for comfort - he just spent the night with Kathy. Grant tells Phil he found out Nina was a whore and was just walking around all night. Phil says he thought a lot about Kathy and he would like to get back together. Grant discourages him. He goes to see Kathy and she tells him she has now decided to go back to South Africa this week. Phil begs for more time. Lisa goes to see Phil and he tells her she's not welcome when he's with Ben, and she asks exactly where she stands. Phil says he needs time to himself.

15x123 1999-09-28

28 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Ian tells Melanie he isn't coming to court as it's to do with her and Steve. Peggy shows Frank another letter from the brewery about another offer which is a lot of money. Frank says they must be deadly serious. Peggy tells Grant that it wasn't fair to tell the entire Square about Nina and asks if he would like everyone to know his secrets.

15x124 1999-09-30

30 September, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie comes to get the keys and Ian asks her to come in and apologises to her. She says she only wants him, and they kiss and make up. Kathy says looks like she'll have to buy a new hat after all. Kathy sees Natalie who tells her that Barry wants to get married on New Year's Eve, then Natalie dashes off. Kathy frowns. Ian gets the wedding invite proofs, and phones to say they're okay and he will confirm later.

15x125 1999-10-04

04 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Sonia's all dressed up to go to school because Enrico's there and Carol says she looks lovely. She lies in wait until Enrico leaves Pauline's and pretends not to see him until he asks her if she'd like to walk to school together. Nicky and Kim go to a model try-out and Enrico tells Sonia that beauty is only skin deep and they carry on chatting and discover a shared love for jazz and playing the trumpet. Nicky is envious and tries to attract Enrico's attention.

15x126 1999-10-05

05 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant is asleep on the sofa in front of a large array of beer bottles. Phil offers him coffee and asks if everything is okay. Grant goes to see Phil later and says he's done something stupid - he borrowed money from loan sharks, and now they're more than doubling the repayments.

15x127 1999-10-07

07 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Kathy tells Pauline that she thinks Melanie is on a par with Cindy and then Jeff and Melanie come past and Pauline is very brusque with them. They go to the café and Carol is crying. She tells Sonia that Derek has phoned to say her nan is in hospital and it looks bad. Sonia says not to be upset because she's always been happy.

15x128 1999-10-08

08 October, 1999 7:30 pm
It's the morning of the verdict and Steve's lawyer tells him to give lots of apologetic looks for his dramatic outburst yesterday. Teresa gives her evidence that Steve threatened her and Matthew and hit her, but they managed to escape and run away and Matthew came back to confess to Beppe, who is an ex-policeman. Steve's barrister asks her exactly why Beppe is no longer a policeman and she admits it was for destroying evidence in a murder case. Matthew's barrister asks for new evidence to be admitted and he again questions the doctor who gave evidence saying that Steve could not have delivered the fatal blow to Saskia from that angle. He points out that the last trial that doctor gave evidence to convicted a man who was later released on appeal because his medical evidence was totally discredited.

15x129 1999-10-11

11 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve is at home with Jackie and she says he hasn't been out all weekend and it's obvious he's hiding. Michael goes to see Matthew's barrister, Mr Wolf, who says he's launching an appeal. Teresa asks Beppe how long Matthew will be in prison for his 7 years' sentence. Beppe says he could get out earlier but no-one knows how much. He tells Teresa not to go to Steve's as that could make things worse for Matthew. Steve finally goes out. Sam sees, and asks Beppe if Steve is stupid. She asks Beppe out tonight, but he says he can't with Steve hanging around - either Steve will empty the safe or a lynch mob will come and trash the place. Sam says she only asks once.

15x130 1999-10-12

12 October, 1999 7:30 pm
The Arches are still on fire and everyone goes to look. Phil goes in to find Jamie but is beaten back by the flames. Grant drags him away saying Jamie's dead. Then Beppe walks past, and says he saw him go into the café. They rush to find him and Jamie says he went out - the padlock was busted so went to get a new one. A smoky and dishevelled Phil hugs Jamie, who looks bewildered. Grant says it can't have been an accident and Phil suggests Milligan and Frater and Grant says they already "dealt with" them. Billy arrives at the Arches, and asks Grant what happened. He tells them that they're capable of this - they don't bother haggling, they just do it. Grant tells him, "We tried reason and now we get even."

15x131 1999-10-14

14 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Grant leaves Courtney with Peggy while he goes off somewhere, but he's still sulking and refusing to talk to Peggy. She tells him that it's the people that make the family - not bricks and mortar. Billy is walking along when the two mugs he thought were dropping off the drugs drive by and ask him if he wants to help them do another job. They tell him that Kim Brooks was called in to do the drugs job instead of them. Billy looks horrified and asks why the heavy mob were brought in. They say they don't know and drive off.

15x132 1999-10-18

18 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Nina asks Sam how Phil is and if there's any news on Grant. Beppe tells Sam he's been down the station all night. Sam asks why there's a policeman by Phil's bed. Peggy still waits at the hospital and is told that Phil may have complications, such as pneumonia, from all the water he inhaled.

15x133 1999-10-19

19 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Jackie admires Teresa's stall and Teresa is unhelpful. Jackie offers to take her for a coffee, but Teresa refuses to answer her. Teresa whinges at Robbie and tells him not to serve Steve or Jackie. Robbie agrees and Steve walks in.

15x134 1999-10-21

21 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Phil is questioned by the police who show him some mug shots and ask about a pump action sawn-off shotgun. Phil pleads concussion and says it's a total blank. The police say that's funny because that's what the other three said too. Later, Phil gets a visit from Milligan and Frater who ask for their money and threaten his family. Phil says he can't do anything while he's here and they say they will have a word with Kim - who is desperate to find out who did it to him. Billy arrives - his face is a mess - and asks him what happened. Phil asks him who Kim Brooks is and Billy says it was Kim who beat him up!

15x135 1999-10-25

25 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Barry and Natalie go off to an expensive shop to book a horse and carriage, flowers for the church and the wedding reception - they book a very expensive package. Natalie tries on a gorgeous dress. Meanwhile, back in the Square, Pat hears that Roy has promised to pay for the dress and transport. Pat says that will cost a fortune at the best of times and it'll cost an arm and a leg. Pat says "Remember Manor Wood." Roy looks worriedly at his bank statements! Pat persuades Roy to tell Barry and Natalie that he can't pay for it all after all. Natalie is horrified and can't believe they've paid the deposit and can't afford it now.

15x136 1999-10-26

26 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy is waiting at Phil's bedside when he wakes to interrogate him about what happened and why Grant has gone. She's even more nasty about it than the police were. Peggy nags away at Phil and says she's been worrying all these days. Phil says it's better for her if she doesn't know and Peggy insists that she never keeps things from them. Peggy goes on about "family" and Phil says Grant doesn't care about family - he messed up not only his chance, but also Phil's with Kathy as he slept with Kathy. Peggy is devastated and leaves, meeting Lisa on the way. Lisa tells Phil she really cares about him but she doesn't want to get hurt again, and he never gives anything away about how he feels. Phil says he has loads on his mind, but he does care, he just needs time to sort himself out.

15x137 1999-10-28

28 October, 1999 7:30 pm
Jackie is trapped but awake and starts screaming for help. Gianni is apparently unconscious. Back at the restaurant, Rosa looks around for Gianni and Jackie, as the place is deserted! Lisa goes to investigate the crashing noise and hears Jackie's screams - Jackie tells her that her leg is trapped. Martin is terrified when he hears that Lisa is going to call the police. Rosa sends Beppe off to look for them. Gianni wakes up and Jackie asks him if he's okay. Gianni moves a pole and some more bricks fall in on Jackie. Jackie says he's an idiot - he could have killed her!

15x138 1999-11-01

01 November, 1999 7:30 pm
After the roof of the Arches collapsed, it appears Steve rushed in to save Jackie and Gianni and was rather heroic. Melanie is impressed with Steve and says so on the bus to Brighton. Melanie and Sam chat - Melanie whinges about Ian, then calls Steve on Sam's mobile just to see if he's okay. Janine is a nuisance. Melanie watches Fred's behaviour and asks him directly if he is gay. He hopes that the rest of the Square will be as understanding as she is (especially Mick). Melanie tells Fred that her life lacks the presence of someone passionate, but worries she is being selfish. Fred advises her to "be selfish" for a change. Fred tries to fend off the attentions of various eager females, including Janine. Janine appears with the news that the Halloween Ball has been cancelled. Steve arrives and explains that it's because of the sound system. He is obviously delighted to see Melanie and she is equally delighted to see him.

15x139 1999-11-02

02 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Steve joins Melanie and Sam shopping and buys Melanie a pair of earrings. Sam drops Ian's name. There is news that the ball is going ahead after all and Steve is coming along too. Sam warns Melanie that she's playing with fire. Back in the Square, Nina encourages Beppe to surprise Sam and go to the ball.

15x140 1999-11-04

04 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Janine is successfully revived and Ricky feels guilty, but Fred assures him that he saved her life. Janine awakes feeling sick, but is grateful to Ricky for saving her. Melanie accuses Steve of just notching up another conquest. He asks her to run away with him, saying he'll wait for her at the station at 10.00am the next morning.

15x141 1999-11-08

08 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Gianni chases Martin to give him a telling off. Dot overhears and interferes. She warns Martin about Nick, and chats about Arthur. Dot asks Jeff if he could be in need of a second pair of hands sometimes, and maybe Martin. Dot adds that it would put him in Pauline's good books! Robbie complains in the café about how annoying Sonia is. Janine is smarmy to him.

15x142 1999-11-09

09 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Janine has been staying with Robbie and she's still there next morning. Robbie says she said she was going home and Janine says Frank is probably still mad with her. Sonia asks Robbie what's going on with Janine. Robbie says Janine was afraid Frank was going to hit her and he couldn't turn her away. Sonia isn't impressed. Janine says she only wants to hide for a day or two and then Frank will be so pleased to see her that she'll be his little princess again. Meanwhile, the police tell Frank that Janine will probably come back on her own. Sonia talks to Janine and tells her to sort it out, as it's none of their business and she can leave now. Janine tells Sonia some Italian phrases and then says there's no rush to leave.

15x143 1999-11-11

11 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene wants to go to the E20 60s night. Terry insists they stay in and watch a film. Troy encourages Irene to go. Sam tells Ricky she and Beppe are over - Ricky was the messenger and Beppe hit him, so he's got the message. Frank says they're like kids and Ricky deserves it - he needs his head examined for getting involved in his ex-wife's love life. Frank apologises immediately and says it's because of Janine's disappearance that he's in a bad mood.

15x144 1999-11-15

15 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Frank tells Janine there's a place at Walford High School, but she refuses to go. Janine tries to chat up Jamie. She says that he's not the only person who had a bad time of it, and she just knows that she would have liked someone to talk to when she had it rough. Jamie relents and asks what happened to her. She says her mother died and her father had a nervous breakdown and ran away, and is obviously hoping for Jamie's pity.

15x145 1999-11-16

16 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene wanders around in her dressing gown and looks troubled! Terry is off on an accountancy course today and Irene complains that he lost a lot of money last night. Irene panics and says he can't go and Troy says he will keep her company. Terry tells him to make himself useful. Irene turns up at the shop and nags Terry about not going on the course again. Terry complains and says he's off to the toilet. Irene asks what's wrong with the one in the shop, and Terry says bitterly "It hasn't got a pub attached." When Terry leaves for his course, Troy appears and asks Irene if she has been able to concentrate on work today, and grins.

15x146 1999-11-17

17 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Kim and Sonia have breakfast in the café and Sonia stuffs her face with a huge fry-up while Kim splashes a bit of vinegar on her hand and licks it. Jim is generously telling everyone he'll pay for their breakfast, then he's surprised when Robbie charges him for them. Robbie and Sonia both have a go at Jim for his gambling, saying that he was thrown out of his last place for it and it will be the same here. After school, Sonia stuffs her face with chips and Kim looks enviously on and then goes to the kitchen and eats a bit of paper. Jim watches her with surprise from the hallway, and asks her if she'd like a biscuit instead. She says she has toothache and she was trying to push paper into her tooth.

15x147 1999-11-18

18 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Jim asks Frank if they can have another poker game and Frank says maybe - if he can square it with Peggy. Irene tells Terry she cares about him, and he kisses her when Troy walks in having stayed on Katy's floor. When he's gone Troy says he can't stand seeing her kiss Terry. Troy insists that she meet him in the Vic tonight to prove her feelings for him. Terry says he's playing poker tonight, and is suspicious when Irene isn't annoyed about it. Troy's watch stops and he's late for work.

15x148 1999-11-22

22 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie is back and she avoids Ian and sees Steve in the Square. He asks her if she's worked out what she wants and he says he hopes she'll be happy. Jeff asks her if there's a message from her mother, and asks if it's all okay, as she seems reluctant to see Ian. Jeff says he had a falling out with Ian about the wedding, and he makes Jeff feel like a poor relation. Melanie says Ian can easily afford it - all Jeff has to do is be there.

15x149 1999-11-23

23 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie lies awake worrying. The kids ask her if she's their new mummy, and later Pat tells her that she'd better take care choosing a dress - she'll be looking at photos of herself in it for the next 50 years. Melanie looks distinctly unkeen at the daunting prospect.

15x150 1999-11-25

25 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Troy calls an estate agent and arranges to view a flat, pretending to be a doctor so that the estate agent won't accompany him on the viewing. Terry is pleased, and tells Irene who doesn't look as happy. Troy leaves her a note to meet him and she goes expecting to be told he's moving out, when in fact he has installed tacky candles and an inflatable mattress in the flat, and he plans an afternoon of passion! Terry wanders around looking for her when his tea doesn't appear on the table at the correct time, and she appears later saying she has a bad back and had to get some treatment!

15x151 1999-11-29

29 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Jamie asks Phil what he's doing about Christmas and suggests Lisa will be there too. Lisa says she assumes the Mitchells will go to the Vic. Phil says they won't and agrees with Jamie, so gives him money for decorations. Lisa asks again later, and Phil says he does mean it, and he wants her to be part of his life.

15x152 1999-11-30

30 November, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy wants to announce the sale of the Vic in the pub tonight and Frank is nervous about Janine's reaction. Peggy suggests a chat with her first. Frank is sceptical that this will make a difference!

15x153 1999-12-02

02 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Lucy is having a biopsy in the afternoon. Pat looks after Steven and Peter and tells Melanie she is doing a great job of propping Ian up. Terry complains to Irene about his red bank statement, and reads out several women's clothes shops. Irene shrugs and says she needed new shoes. Terry asks who she thinks she is. Nina offers to move out of Beppe's because Sam is there so often. Beppe says no and he will tell Sam to back off. Steve asks Melanie how Steven is, and she thanks him again.

15x154 1999-12-06

06 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Jamie answers the door and Phil is asleep on the sofa. Jamie tells Lisa Phil doesn't want to see anyone. She's upset, as she hasn't seen him all weekend. Later she sees him in Terry's shop with a bottle of whisky and she snaps at Terry asking why he serves him. Terry says he's a grown man. Lisa goes to see Phil and tries to stop him drinking, but he tells her to go away. Jamie comes home and Phil asks him what he told Lisa about Grant. Phil says, "If I find out you told her anything..." Jamie replies, "Or you'll what?"

15x155 1999-12-07

07 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene and Troy discuss their close shave, as the estate agent came into the flat, but luckily Troy had locked the door to the bedroom. Terry also has a go at Irene because the shop was closed early and he noticed on his way back from the pub. Irene asks Terry if he's done anything about buying the Vic. He says he thought she wasn't keen. Troy books a hotel for the night and Irene says she can't just go! However she later invents a hen night that she has to stay over for.

15x156 1999-12-08

08 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Pat complains that Andrea is shutting her out from the wedding arrangements. Roy hires a limo and tells Barry, but he tells Roy they have arranged a different theme. Pat tells Natalie who is furious and rushes home to find out what's happening and tells Barry she will see him later! She tells Andrea to make herself scarce that evening. They rehearse their vows, and just as they kiss Andrea comes back to ruin their evening.

15x157 1999-12-13

13 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Irene tells Troy that Pat saw them kissing, and Troy says he's sure Pat won't think of anything. Pat upsets Peggy by telling her that Kathy and Ben are coming for Christmas but since she's not talking to Phil he probably won't want to bring them to see her. Irene accosts Pat and says she will be straight with her and won't pretend about what she saw in the cab, so she just doesn't want it to get out. Pat says it's none of her business, but no-one will hear it from her, but if Irene plays around on her doorstep it will only be a matter of time before Terry finds out.

15x158 1999-12-14

14 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Ian has a hangover and Melanie makes him apologise, but then says she will come with him to get Lucy's test results. Lisa has seen a travel agent friend and arranged the hen party in Amsterdam for ten people. She tells Robbie he can have five of them for Barry's stag do. Andrea gets in there quickly to ensure she gets one of the tickets and Lisa is surprised but agrees. Robbie invites Ricky and asks Troy for tips on asking for drugs in bars in Amsterdam, then invites Troy. Troy refuses.

15x159 1999-12-15

15 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Janine gets out some eye drops and pretends to have been crying, then goes to Frank to wail that it wasn't her fault and she didn't want to but Jamie told her that she would if she loved him and also said he would make her first time really special.

15x160 1999-12-20

20 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Kathy is back again. Her first observation is of Melanie kissing Steve in the Square. Ben wanders off. Kathy finally notices and starts looking for him, and Steve brings him back. Steve mentions the stag do, and says it was eventful, as Natalie changed her mind about getting married. Kathy is extremely frosty to Melanie when she meets her, and when Melanie tells Ian about Natalie, Kathy mentions she heard it from one of the stags. Ian asks who, and Kathy describes a handsome man with piercing blue eyes and Ian shouts at Melanie that she didn't tell him Steve was there. Melanie points out that she wasn't responsible for inviting the men to Barry's stag do!

15x161 1999-12-21

21 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan mentions that Kathy came and Phil goes to see her but is offhand towards her. Ian begs Melanie to help out in the shop because they're busy at Christmas. She says no because she's working in the Vic. Ian sulks, but asks Kathy to do it instead, and she agrees just to make the point to Melanie that she is prepared to put herself out to help Ian.

15x162 1999-12-23

23 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Ricky has looked everywhere for Janine and Frank is worrying. Janine is hiding in Jamie's bed. Jamie says he has to go to work and if Frank finds her there he'll be dead. Frank is on his way to Jamie's to have a word. Roy suggests that Frank would only make matters worse in his current state, and Roy says he will go over to have a word to Jamie first. They are leaving Phil's and Janine sits on the steps and as Roy goes past she starts pretending to cry. At Frank's Peggy asks if anyone has ever talked to Janine about contraception. Frank gets huffy and asks if she is blaming him.

15x163 1999-12-24

24 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan picks up the post and there's a large envelope for Phil. Steve gets one Christmas card in total - from Jeff! Jackie asks him to come to the di Marcos with her. He refuses, saying he's booked into a nice hotel on the coast, with a swimming pool and jacuzzi. As he walks out, the phone rings and it's a message from his solicitor asking him to ring on a very important matter.

15x164 1999-12-25 (1)

25 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Rosa is working herself mad with the Christmas dinner to impress the Mitchells. Beppe and Gianni drop harmless jokes, which she doesn't find too amusing. They persuade her to take a rest, but it doesn't last long and Nicky is frustrated that they aren't celebrating for her birthday. Rosa promises to make it up to her.

15x165 1999-12-25 (2)

25 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Peggy runs out telling Frank she's been humiliated. Frank asks her what they are going to do - Ian thinks the place is his. Phil sits around at home and then suddenly realises that Jamie is having a terrible time, and asks him what he wants to do - they can do anything. Jamie asks if he can open his presents.

15x166 1999-12-27

27 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Dan lets himself into the Vic. Janine looks at him and tells him it will be good to have a real man about the place. Peggy says he has no right to be here, but Dan says he bought it fair and square. Peggy asks how much and he says five pounds and has paperwork to prove it! Dan explains he is now half owner of the Vic, and "We're all in this together and we should just try and get on with it." Ricky is furious that Frank "let him in" and storms out and tells Dan that he took his wife and he's trying to take his home. Dan says it's not about Ricky and tells Frank and Peggy he will be back at opening time. Lisa arrives and asks Phil if he was going to explain and he apologises about Christmas. He says he will make it up to her.

15x167 1999-12-28

28 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Melanie tells Jeff the wedding's off and that things just aren't right with her and Ian. Jeff is sympathetic. He goes to tell Pauline. Ian goes to tell Barry and Natalie that he has arranged the joint wedding. Natalie asks why he changed his mind. Barry tells Natalie to shut up and Ian makes the excuse that Lucy's test results are due today. So, they all agree.

15x168 1999-12-30

30 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Barry is baking his wedding cake and tells Natalie "there's nothing to it." Later he runs into the restaurant and asks Rosa if she has a piping bag he can borrow. She looks at his apron, covered in flour, and asks if he has had some sort of accident. He runs back home and then back again a few minutes later with a spoon and asks if it is a tablespoon. Rosa says no - it's a dessert spoon - and Barry despairs as all his measurements have been wrong!

15x169 1999-12-31 (1)

31 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Ian is panicking and Robbie asks him what time the cars are due. Ian tells him it's up to him to sort his cars out - he's got 3 chauffeur driven Bentleys. Robbie tells Barry, and suggests that he can get Roy to lend them a car. He goes over to Pat's and drinks several large whiskies. He also realises he hasn't got a ring! Roy tells Pat to take off hers and hands over both of them. Barry thanks him profusely. Barry is dressed in a white tail suit and top hat.

15x170 1999-12-31 (2)

31 December, 1999 7:30 pm
Janine appears back at the Vic and tells Dan she felt ill then rubs her body against him as he goes past. Then she tells him to come upstairs with her - she thought he liked young girls, Bianca was good enough. Dan cites Frank, and Janine says "try me."

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