EastEnders (1985)
EastEnders (1985)
The everyday lives of working-class residents of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough.

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6x01 1990-01-02

02 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Hazel lets herself into Colin's vacant and manages to convince Rod that they should squat there. Frank has spotted Vince moving gear into Carmel's old flat.

6x02 1990-01-04

04 January, 1990 7:30 pm
It's Diane's 16th birthday and her family are planning a surprise party for her. Pete meets Barbara for lunch in the Vic and finds she has invited Kathy and Laurie to join them. Rod and Hazel have spent their first night squatting in Colin's flat.

6x03 1990-01-09

09 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Kathy and Laurie share a few drinks at the flat and Kathy has doubts about him. Pat confides in Pauline over Diane. Frank turns up at the police station in a livid mood, telling the officers they aren't doing enough. Hazel offers to help Ian in the café.

6x04 1990-01-11

11 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Kathy and Laurie arrange a night together at Laurie's flat. Janine starts asking questions about Diane's whereabouts. Michelle breaks down in tears to Pauline saying that she feels lonely after Danny left.

6x05 1990-01-16

16 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Ricky stays at the car lot to keep out of Frank's way. Danny shows up to surprise Michelle. Laurie buys Kathy a ring.

6x06 1990-01-18

18 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Frank drives up North to meet with D.S. Pryde to identify the body of the teenage girl. Rod is uncooperative with Hazel. Dot prepares to talk to Mr. Papadopoulos about her and Pauline's pay difference.

6x07 1990-01-23

23 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Simon wanders around Bridge Street as he worries about who has overheard his conversation with Cindy. Frank continues his search for Diane. Julie worries about her business again as customers cancel on her.

6x08 1990-01-25

25 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Frank returns from finding out his legal rights regarding Diane. Danny is back and staying at Michelle's flat - and the Fowler's are not impressed. Ian tells Kathy that he and Cindy have decided on a name for the baby - Steven.

6x09 1990-01-30

30 January, 1990 7:30 pm
Ricky has to go to court today and Frank heads up to Manchester to find Paul for answers on his relationship with Diane. Kathy decides it is time to stand up to Laurie and have her say. Michelle reveals that she knows Ian is not Cindy's baby's father.

6x10 1990-02-01

01 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Danny must choose between Mandy and Michelle. Simon appears unsettled. Sharon thinks something is up. Hazel wants her and Rod to go travelling.

6x11 1990-02-06

06 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon has had enough of Simon's suspicious behaviour. Marge gets a proposition. Rod is feeling downbeat by Hazel leaving.

6x12 1990-02-08

08 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Danny heads off to see his wife to talk about monetary arrangements. Sharon encourages Simon to be Steven's godfather. Rod remains upset over Hazel's disappearance.

6x13 1990-02-13

13 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Kathy feels like an outcast from the Beales. Michelle makes a decision that does not please everyone. Pat is called in to Janine's school again.

6x14 1990-02-15

15 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Arthur tries talking to Michelle about her move but has little success in changing Michelle's mind. Janine causes more problems for Frank and Pat at home. Kathy wants Cindy, Ian and Steven to move into her flat with her.

6x15 1990-02-20

20 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy's parents arrive late to the christening after their car breaks down. Michelle and Sharon have a heart-to-heart as they sort through their things. Harry decides he is ready to move on from Albert Square.

6x16 1990-02-22

22 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Phil and Grant Mitchell arrive in the Square. The private investigator wants money from Frank, and Ethel has to identify a body.

6x17 1990-02-27

27 February, 1990 7:30 pm
Phil and Grant chat up Sharon in the Vic. Paul is shocked to find out that Diane has gone missing. Pete says goodbye to Barbara.

6x18 1990-03-01

01 March, 1990 7:30 pm
Michelle and Kathy instead prepare a fancy family meal for Ian's 21st. Frank keeps searching the streets of London looking for Diane. Pete is worried about the Mitchell brothers buying the Arches to use as a garage. Paul and Trevor leave Walford.

6x19 1990-03-06

06 March, 1990 7:30 pm
Pat goes behind Frank's back and organises the family to see a psychiatric social worker to try and sort out the problems with Janine. Grant and Phil fight over the same woman.

6x20 1990-03-08

08 March, 1990 7:30 pm
Grant has spent the night at Julie's. Arthur cannot decide what to get Pauline for her birthday. Frank goes cold on Pat.

6x21 1990-03-13

13 March, 1990 7:30 pm
Dot wins £10,000 on the Walford Gazette bingo. Frank sells Rod's African statues to Grant for £100, after being misinformed that they were worth on £50. Ian and Cindy get confirmation that they can rent Colin's flat.

6x22 1990-03-15

15 March, 1990 7:30 pm
Frank and Vince argue over the statues. Dot is deluged with begging letters. Julie ends up agreeing a sale on the salon lease to the Mitchell brothers, but for £8,000.

6x23 1990-03-20

20 March, 1990 7:30 pm
£10,000 richer, Dot is in for a less welcome surprise in the form of Nick Cotton.

6x24 1990-03-22

22 March, 1990 7:30 pm
There's chaos in Albert Square as the Mitchell boys decide the market must move - stall by stall. Meanwhile, in the Butcher household there's news at last from Diane.

6x25 1990-03-27

27 March, 1990 7:30 pm
In flashbacks to January 1990, Diane is seen living on the streets of London where she meets northerner Disa O'Brien and her friend Jackson.

6x26 1990-03-29

29 March, 1990 7:30 pm
More flashbacks reveal what Diane has been up to since she ran away, before she reunites with Frank.

6x27 1990-04-03

03 April, 1990 7:30 pm
The market traders' future seems to be in jeopardy. Kathy has an encounter with Nick in the launderette. Diane gets a visit from Matthew, the photographer she spent the week with whilst she was sleeping rough.

6x28 1990-04-05

05 April, 1990 7:30 pm
The nude statue of Diane left in the middle of the Square draws early morning crowds. Nick tries to convince Sharon he's a changed man. Mr Mostyn the private detective turns up looking for his payment for trying to track Diane down, but both Diane and Frank send him packing. Wicksy helps Cindy to decorate the flat.

6x29 1990-04-10

10 April, 1990 7:30 pm
Pete continues to worry about the future of the market. Diane keeps the head of her broken sculpture. Ashraf is surprised when Stella reappears wanting to see him.

6x30 1990-04-12

12 April, 1990 7:30 pm
The day has arrived when Shireen gets to meet Jabbar, the man her parents want her to marry. Nick offers to cook for Dot, saying that he learnt how to cook during his recent spell in prison. Frank chooses to give the license up on the Vic and tells Wicksy of his intention.

6x31 1990-04-17

17 April, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon is shocked when she finds a ring on Jackie's stall that looks just like Den's. Nick convinces Dot that she's not eating as well as she could be. Frank informs the brewery he wants to give up the Vic.

6x32 1990-04-19

19 April, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon and Michelle go to the canal to watch the police divers searching the canal for Den's body. Lesley Fisher turns up at the Vic to talk to Frank about ending his license with the brewery. She explains that area manager Reg Sparrow has been sacked, and she is his replacement. Nick prepares another meal for Dot, and she gets concerned that he has a different meal for himself.

6x33 1990-04-24

24 April, 1990 7:30 pm
Frank is determined to track down the man who made the nude statue of Diane, so attends the talk he's giving at Walford College and gives him a piece of his mind, much to the embarrassment of Diane who runs from the talk and locks Frank out of the house. Sharon goes to see a funeral director with Wicksy and buys a coffin for Den's burial.

6x34 1990-04-26

26 April, 1990 7:30 pm
Pauline and Arthur refuse to go to Den's funeral. Matthew Taylor, who's been hiding in the Square gardens, goes to visit Diane and asks her to model for him again. Pat suggests to Wicksy that he and Sharon should get married and take a loan out to acquire the license for the Vic.

6x35 1990-05-01

01 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy worries about Steven when he coughs a lot during the night. Residents wonder whether Sharon will attend the funeral. Nick is unnerved by the reappearance of Barnsey.

6x36 1990-05-03

03 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Diane agrees to see Matthew at the B&B alone. The market traders unite ready for a meeting at the community centre in the evening. Shireen refuses to wed Jabbar whilst Ashraf continues to see Stella.

6x37 1990-05-08

08 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy and Kathy prepare for their birthday celebrations. Jabbar and Shireen get along well after spending time alone together. Nick takes Dot a meal at the launderette.

6x38 1990-05-10

10 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Pete goes to the Vic with Kathy, whilst Ian and Cindy have Sharon, Simon and Michelle round for a dinner party.

6x39 1990-05-15

15 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon confronts Simon over the price of Cindy's dress. Dot starts feeling ill during her shift at the launderette. Shireen is thrilled when Ashraf tells her that Hanif has agreed to her and Jabbar's engagement.

6x40 1990-05-17

17 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon decides to go out with Cindy in the evening as she wants to get to know her better. Ashraf oversleeps and spends the night with Stella instead of returning home for his family. Frank and Pat get Simon to babysit Steven with Ian.

6x41 1990-05-22

22 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon remains angry at Simon despite his attempts to make up with her. April and Greg wonder where Jackie is when he fails to show up on the market. Pauline hands her notice in at the launderette.

6x42 1990-05-24

24 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Born-again Nick Cotton finds himself under investigation from Ethel Skinner - but Dot cannot decide if her son is truly a reformed character or the worst thing since Dr Crippen.

6x43 1990-05-29

29 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Pete learns the market is being relocated. Pauline is nervous for her first shift at her new job. Shireen and Jabbar successfully get engaged.

6x44 1990-05-31

31 May, 1990 7:30 pm
Nick carries on with life as though nothing has happened. Tensions continue to rise between Sharon and Simon as they prepare to go to the bank to apply for a loan. Ashraf phones Stella from a phone box to arrange a date night.

6x45 1990-06-05

05 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Arthur goes in search of Alice Dutton. Dot tells Charlie he disgusts her when he tries to make amends. Shireen is devastated to learn the wedding has been called off, but is not told the reason behind its cancellation.

6x46 1990-06-07

07 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Pauline returns home from a night shift at her new job. Charlie makes it his mission to prove Nick is poisoning Dot. Simon tells Cindy he wants to see her.

6x47 1990-06-12

12 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Pat gives Cindy a stern warning when she turns up at the Vic in search of Simon. Kathy, Pete and Big Ron visit Michelle at work so that they can rummage through the files to find out what is happening to Turpin Road.

6x48 1990-06-14

14 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon insists Wicksy is honest with her. Dot remains loyal to Nick. Ricky offers encouragement to Arthur and admits a secret to Sohail. Diane's friendship is put to the test.

6x49 1990-06-19

19 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Wicksy waits to hear from the brewery. Sharon sets off to find her real mother. Stuart Kendle wants to discuss the future of the market with Pete. Pat is concerned about Wicksy.

6x50 1990-06-21

21 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy learns of Sharon and Simon's break-up. Ricky starts working with Grant and Phil. Stuart tells Ian that he could benefit if he is on the council's side for the renovation of the market.

6x51 1990-06-26

26 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Sharon prepares for another meeting with her counsellor. Ian asks Grant and Phil about Stuart but does not get any information out of them. Janine wants to go to the playground but gets annoyed when Pat forces her to change from her dress into her trousers before she goes.

6x52 1990-06-28

28 June, 1990 7:30 pm
Pat decides to teach her family a lesson. Pete receives bad news from Michelle. Kathy is shocked when she overhears a private conversation. Sharon sets off to meet her biological mother.

6x53 1990-07-03

03 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Pete remains angry at Stuart's proposition. Kathy is furious to learn the truth about Steven. Sharon receives a shock.

6x54 1990-07-05

05 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Celestine moves into Albert Square with his family. The market stall holders stage a protest, whilst Sharon visits her birth mother in hospital.

6x55 1990-07-10

10 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy visits Sharon and notices she has been crying. A van tries to drive onto Turpin Road but is stopped when the market traders unite and block its path. Mo is confused when she misplaces her purse.

6x56 1990-07-12

12 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Eddie arrives on the Square ready to take over the Vic. Simon considers leaving. The stallholders protest as trucks drive in and out the construction site entrance on Turpin Road.

6x57 1990-07-17

17 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy tries to stop Simon from leaving but is unsuccessful. Frank books a holiday for his family. Michelle tries to get information about Stuart.

6x58 1990-07-19

19 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy goes to visit Wicksy with Steven as Pat, Frank and Janine depart for their weekend away to the Isle of Wight. Kathy and Michelle face the Mitchell brothers about Stuart Kendle and Billy Turner.

6x59 1990-07-24

24 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy decides she is going to go into the café and tell Ian straight up that Steven is not his. Tensions remain between Celestine and Clyde. Sam searches for Ricky and befriends Diane in the process.

6x60 1990-07-26

26 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Simon phones Cindy once again to see if she has left Ian. Jules offers a helping hand in the fixing of the ceiling at the B&B. Carol arrives on the Square to see Sharon. Diane and Ricky worry for Mo.

6x61 1990-07-31

31 July, 1990 7:30 pm
Diane and Ricky continue to fix the B&B before Frank and Pat return from the Isle of Wight. Grant and Phil prepare to get information about Stuart at the council building. Michelle reveals a secret to Sharon.

6x62 1990-08-02

02 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Jules starts writing his new book. Pat is confused by the dampness of the carpets. Simon tells Pat he has told Sharon he loves Cindy.

6x63 1990-08-07

07 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Ian ends up in hospital after a confrontation with Cindy. Grant and Phil learn that Eddie is a former policeman.

6x64 1990-08-09

09 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Ian's supportive family comes to his aid. Pete considers an offer from Phil. Michelle prepares to confront Stuart Kendle. Jules arranges a special dinner and mystery guest, who turns out to be next door neighbour Dot, who has brought a special homemade trifle with rum.

6x65 1990-08-14

14 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Michelle is determined to bring her corrupt boss Stuart Kendle to justice and save the Walford market stalls. Frank is intrigued that mum Mo plans to travel to Bexley Heath to see her brother Sydney, as he explains to Pat that he had actually died 10 years ago! Pat worries there is something seriously wrong with Mo, but Frank insists it is just her age.

6x66 1990-08-16

16 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy visits Ian at the hospital. Ricky confesses to Frank that Mo caused the bathroom to flood at the B&B. The market traders celebrate when they are given their licenses back.

6x67 1990-08-21

21 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Pat catches Cindy and Simon leaving Cindy's flat together. Sam secretly meets Ricky whilst he is working and hides when Grant starts to return.

6x68 1990-08-23

23 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Michelle prepares to meet with Mark. Frank prepares Mo for an appointment. Ricky goes out with Sam. Kathy is determined to save Ian's marriage.

6x69 1990-08-28

28 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Pat visits Mo at the community centre where Mo tells her the doctors are running more tests on her. Michelle realises Mark has something on his mind. Grant and Phil threaten Ricky over his kiss with Sam.

6x70 1990-08-30

30 August, 1990 7:30 pm
Pauline and Arthur prepare a surprise treat for Mark, but Michelle senses something is troubling him. Mo continues to do her daily rounds despite Pat's best efforts. Diane returns from holiday.

6x71 1990-09-04

04 September, 1990 7:30 pm
It's Martin's first day at school and Lloyd and Hattie go back too. Mo has an appointment and Simon leaves to see Cindy.

6x72 1990-09-06

06 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Pete talks to Ian and learns the truth about baby Steven. Frank finds Mo's behaviour difficult to accept but is cheered by Diane's decision about her future. Michelle is closer to locating Mark.

6x73 1990-09-11

11 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Mo's condition gets worse. Sam stands up to her brothers over Ricky. Ian arrives in Devon and is devastated to arrive at Cindy's parents' house to find her and Wicksy together and finally realises he is baby Steven's real father.

6x74 1990-09-13

13 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Mo tells Dot about her mood swings and snaps at Frank. After they go back to Mo's flat, she confides in Dot that she thinks she went too far with Diane. Sam flaunts Ricky in front of Grant and Phil. Ian confronts Cindy and Simon.

6x75 1990-09-18

18 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Ian takes the shotgun and leaves Cindy and Simon. Arthur and Pauline's 25th wedding anniversary approaches. Pete is angry when he finds out the truth about Steven.

6x76 1990-09-20

20 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Arthur plans a surprise for Pauline for their silver wedding anniversary. News of Wicksy and Cindy's return causes rifts between the Beales and the Butchers, as Pete is on the warpath and confronts Wicksy in the Vic. Mark returns to the Square.

6x77 1990-09-25

25 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Ian defaces photos of Cindy in his flat. Pat agrees to look after Steven whilst Cindy goes out and Simon works. Mo's forgetfulness becomes dangerous.

6x78 1990-09-27

27 September, 1990 7:30 pm
Cindy catches Mo letting go of Roly's lead whilst walking him. Ian starts repainting the living room of the flat. Michelle and Sharon go on a night out.

6x79 1990-10-02

02 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Lloyd steals Jules's bike so that he can do his paper round, which his family are unaware of. Ian has a haircut and dresses smartly in preparation for a visit to the solicitors. Dot helps out at the B&B in place of Mo.

6x80 1990-10-04

04 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Lloyd completes his paper round on foot. Frank and Pat wonder what they should do with Mo. Cindy thinks that she and Simon has outstayed their welcome at the B&B.

6x81 1990-10-09

09 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Clyde learns what Lloyd has been up to. Grant and Phil buy a property on the Square. Diane gets to know Mark better.

6x82 1990-10-11

11 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Lloyd is rushed into hospital after he is in a lot of pain. Cindy finds out that her father's shotgun has gone missing. Kathy is still annoyed with Eddie.

6x83 1990-10-16

16 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Mo cleans the steps outside the B&B with marmalade. Pauline arranges a job interview for Mark at Tates Paints. Sharon continues to pay back debts, leaving her more financially stable at the Vic than returning to her old flat.

6x84 1990-10-18

18 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Sam plans a van warming party in Ricky's new campervan, but wants it to be a surprise for him. Mark receives a backlash from Arthur for not delivering the parcel. Kathy and Sharon help Ian with his catering job.

6x85 1990-10-23

23 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Ricky works on his campervan so that he can take Sam on a road trip in the afternoon. Pat goes out and leaves Frank to look after Mo. Cindy receives a letter from the magistrate's court about Ian's rights to Steven. She confronts him about it.

6x86 1990-10-25

25 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Pete tries to cling onto his marriage with Kathy. Frank, Pat, Simon and Cindy head out for a meal.

6x87 1990-10-30

30 October, 1990 7:30 pm
Arthur tells Mark he is going to talk to the Mitchell brothers and see what they can do about getting him off the hook. Jules and John practice for their planned poker match in the evening. Ian checks if Sharon wants to be his partner in the new catering business he is setting up.

6x88 1990-11-01

01 November, 1990 7:30 pm
It's bonfire night in Albert Square, but Jules and John have a poker game on their mind. Sharon makes a decision about her mother.

6x89 1990-11-06

06 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Mo stares at photographs of her family in her bedroom. Jules learns that he has won chickens from the poker match. Michelle tells Mark she will confront the Mitchell brothers if he does not take action.

6x90 1990-11-08

08 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Eddie gives Clyde a trial at the Vic. Diane goes on a ride on Mark's motorbike. Sharon asks Grant if he has thought about buying her flat.

6x91 1990-11-13

13 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Eddie's past catches up with him when he gets arrested in the Square. Clyde also has a run-in with the police and Grant has an accident at the garage.

6x92 1990-11-15

15 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Eddie visits some previous colleagues, whilst Etta and Clyde clash.

6x93 1990-11-20

20 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Frank's sister Joan arrives in Walford, whilst Ian receives the blood test results.

6x94 1990-11-22

22 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Phil persuades Arthur to try new business methods. Pauline is sceptical of the results of baby Steven's blood test. Frank is preoccupied with something at Mo's flat.

6x95 1990-11-27

27 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Clyde is looking forward to seeing his son Kofi. Frank and Joan discuss what to do with Mo. Eddie keeps a close eye on the till at the Vic.

6x96 1990-11-29

29 November, 1990 7:30 pm
Frank continues to struggle with Mo. Clyde is offended by Eddie's accusations and Grant wants Sharon to lower the price on the flat.

6x97 1990-12-04

04 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Arthur enjoys his new business. As Frank misses Mo, suspicion remains solely on Clyde as the thief at the Vic.

6x98 1990-12-06

06 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Arthur is paranoid about Celestine affecting his unemployment benefits. Simon considers leaving the Square with Cindy and Steven following his firing.

6x99 1990-12-11

11 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Eddie invites Kathy out for another meal. Pauline disapproves of Mark spending time with Diane. Frank is determined to celebrate Christmas.

6x100 1990-12-13

13 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Diane decides she wants to help Disa and goes looking for her with Mark. Ian gets Simon up early to help him with the food for the event. Celestine and Etta look forward to Clyde and Kofi being together again.

6x101 1990-12-18

18 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Diane and Mark continue searching for Disa. Eddie asks Kathy to spend Christmas with him. Ian has another catering job for Simon.

6x102 20th December 1990

20 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Simon is furious when he learns that Frank and Pete wanted to pay him and Cindy to leave Walford. Clyde decides he cannot leave Kofi and Pearl behind so heads to the airport to get on the flight to Jamaica.

6x103 25th December 1990

25 December, 1990 7:30 pm
A special Christmas delivery holds a surprise for Diane. Ian is determined to drive Wicksy away - dead or alive.

6x104 27th December 1990

27 December, 1990 7:30 pm
Diane shares a secret with Mark and once again he finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Bombshells are dropped in the Butcher household when Wicksy tells Pat that he and Cindy are starting a new life with Cindy's parents in Devon and are leaving today.

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